late night hospital visit

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Anna: *was cuddled up with grace as the other couples do the same with their other half* so, tell us! whats the boys name? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: his name is is Elliot B stewart! *smiles as she looks at her mum, waiting to see if she notices what Jessica and tommy did with their baby's name and why it would be so special to San and jessica*

Santana: wait... does B have anything to do with your mama? *tries not to cry and seem like such a big softy*

Jessica: yep! *smiles proudly* do you like it?

Santana: of course i do, Munchkin! *smiles as she tears up a little* your mama would be so proud! not to mention that she has now one upped me by having her name in your childs name. *smlies as she playfully rolls her eyes*

Jessica: yeah i know! just aswell she isnt here to get her ass kicked by the gnome she married *smiles cheekily because she knows how Santana feels about Britt giving her that nickname because of their hight differences*

Santana: *raises her 3 middle fingers up where jessica can see them clearly* read. between. the. lines. *looks at Jessica seriously then laughs as everyone else does*

Jessica: wow! 60 years of age and you are still as immature as you were when i first met you. *laughs as does Santana*

Santana: you all love me... *smiles* i keep it real and im hilarious! *everyone laughs at Santana's confidence*

anna: not sure if i ever told you guys this but i always wished my mum was a little more laid back and cool like you and Britt *smiles as San*

Santana: thats so sweet dasrling! have always been a part of this family and have been the best unbiological daughter me and Britt could ever wish for.*never did get to meet anna's mum because from what she hear from other parents, anna's mum wasnt a nice woman and just spend most of her time drinking and using drugs. which san still cant comprehend because anna is such an amazingly sweet and caring girl. nothing like her monster of a mother*

Anna: *tears up from Santana always being so caring towards her* you guys are the best family i could ever ask for too! *smiles as she looks around the room at everyone*

*just when things were starting to go so well for the young parents, that all changes when Jessica and Tommy are up at early hours of the morning trying to figure out why Elliot was crying so much no matter what they did to try and help him feel comfortable*

Jessica: *was so overwhelmed that she couldnt help but get upset and feel guilty for not knowing how to calm her baby boy even after an hour and a half* what do we do? *she looks up at tommy through her tear filled eyes as she gently rocks her baby on the rocking chair in her room*

tommy: *kneels down infront of jessica and looks in her eyes with a sympathetic look* i dont know honey! would you like to take him to the doctors to see if they can figure something out?

Jessica: i think that would be best because i really have no idea what else to do at this point! we've changed him... ive tried to feed him... we've given him his dummy... hes just not settling with anything! *looks down at Elliot as he continues to sob into Jessica's chest*

Tommy: ok! give him here and you can go do what you need to do then ill meet you down stairs. *takes elliot and the baby bag before going down to the front door*

*5 minutes later! *jessica comes down the stairs with her hair in a messy bun and a hoodie and tracky bottoms on*

Jessica: *slips her shoes on then stands up facing tommy* you ready?

Tommy: yep! lets go! *opens the door for jessica then follows her out and into the car after strapping Elliot into his car seat*

*4:25am! they arrive at the hospital and carry a still hysterical baby boy into the entrance and runs into a nurse that heard the commotions as soon as the doors opened so she didnt hesitate to see whats wrong*

Nurse: hello! my name is daisy! what seems to be the problem here? *looks at the couple then down at the crying boy in jessica's arms*

Jessica: i-i really dont know! weve tried  everything we can to stop him from crying but hes just not settling and we didnt know what else to do so we just cam here hoping someone whould have some answers for us *she rushes out in a panicked tone*

nurse daisy: alright! come with me and we will do an examination! *smiles sympathetically to the couple then leads them to a private room so they could have some privacy while the doctors and nurses try to see whats wrong with elliot*

*one painfully long hour later! elliot had cried himself to sleep just as they were finished up with the examination so daisy carries him back to jessica and Tommy. who were sat all cuddled up on a little sofa that was in their private room.*

Tommy: *watches as Jessica gets handed their sleeping baby boy then Tommy hears someone walk in the room so doesnt even hesitate to ask whats going on* what is it doc? *looks over at the doctor that is looking through a bunch of papers on his clipboard he was holding as he walked into the room*

Doctor: hello! my name is tony and im one of the people that have been working on trying to get some answers for you both. *smiles as he politely shakes Tommy and jessica's hand*

Jessica: *is being careful not to make any sudden moves since elliot is finally settled* whats wrong with him? *is still breathing a little uneasy from her own tears*

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