Chapter One Hundred & Six: Curse Of The Screaming Skull

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Luna's Pov

Me, the trio, Alexis and Nick were in the common area looking through the box of Halloween decorations to decorate the academy

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Me, the trio, Alexis and Nick were in the common area looking through the box of Halloween decorations to decorate the academy.

While we were looking through the box we heard footsteps and turned around to see Leo walking towards us.

"Hey, Leo, where you been?" Chase asked.

"I just finished watching a 24-hour horror movie marathon. I was so scared, I chewed through all my fingernails" Leo smiled.

We all gave him weird looks.

"But on the bright side, I had a big bowl of popcorn, so they were delightfully tasty" Leo said.

We all gave him weird looks once again, me and Alexis trying not to gag.

"Guys, how is our first Halloween at the academy going to be spooky when all we have is this pathetic little box of Halloween decorations?" Bree asked.

I sighed dreamily, remembering some childhood memories of dad taking me out for trick or treat during Halloween.

Dad would take me every night and he would either buy me whatever costume I wanted.

Or he would call in a friend of his and have them make me a cool costume.

Ah, good times.

"And, uh, what is this disgusting slime in the trick-or-treat bowl?" Alexis asked, taking out a bowl filled with disgusting orange stuff.

"Oh, that's not slime. That's last year's pumpkin" Adam said.

Alexis gagged and handed the bowl to Adam.

"You know, I'm surprised it didn't keep" Adam said.

He sniffs it before gagging in disgust.

"Ew!" Bree gagged.

I took the bowl out of his hands and placed it on top of the console.

"Hey guys" Bob smiled, walking towards us.

We all looked at each other before glancing back at him.

"Bob, what are you doing here?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. All the other students are out with Mr. Davenport on a field trip to the Davenport birthplace and museum" Chase said.

I shivered and shook my head.

Dad took me there when I was 13.

Lets just say, I can't unsee what I saw.

"Gosh darn it, I can't believe I'm missing that" Bob deadpanned, not looking guilty at all, and he said it in a slightly sarcastic way.

Hmm, looks like I've been rubbing off on him.

I'm so proud.

"Really, Bob?" Bree asked, giving him a slight smirk.

"Oh, come on. Part of the tour is him re-enacting his birth" Bob said, looking annoyed yet weirded out.

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