Chase De Leo

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Attempting to do at least one a night, if I'm feeling up to it. Maybe more. Possibly one more tonight if I don't pass out first lol. Maybe I'll be done before I get home.


"Chase get out of my fucking bed." You yelled as your best friend groaned, hungover from the night before. You let him crash at your apartment while you were pulling an all nighter at the library. "I'm fucking tired and probably just bombed my math final. Let me take a nap in peace." He rolled over, not listening to you.

"God, why couldn't I be the asshole in this relationship and made you go home last night?"

"Because you love me." He grinned, pulling your comforter over his shoulders. You rolled your eyes, taking the pillow from under his head and went to the couch. It was comfortable, but not as comfortable as your bed.

You turned on netflix, letting Bates Motel play in the background as you got sleep for the first time in over 24 hours. When you woke up, you were back in your bed with an arm around your waist. You looked over to see Chase still sleeping off the hangover, reeking of alcohol.

You got up and went back out to the couch, not able to fall back asleep. You blamed him. When you heard your shower turn on, you quietly got in bed almost trying to force yourself asleep.

"It would be easier to fall asleep if you stayed in one place." The hockey player laughed as he tried to find a pair of sweats that would fit him. You were notorious for stealing boyfriends' clothes, but what girl isn't?

"It would be easier if you didn't fucking talk while I'm trying to get a little shut eye before studying some more."

"What do you have to study?"

"History in the 60's now let me sleep."

"Easy. People did acid, the Beatles came to the promiseland, JFK was shot and people protested Vietnam." He laughed as he pulled on your Winterhawks sweatshirt.

"It's not that easy. But that's not the point. How did I get into my bed the first time?"

"I carried you in here, that's how." He shrugged, unplugging his phone from the charger.

"Yeah, but why?" You questioned, wondering why he was still in your room instead of going back to his own place.

"This is why." He crawled onto the bed, straddling your hips. He pinned down your hands as he kissed you.

It took a minute to kiss back and you weren't the one who was going break it. He looked down at you, smiling.

"Chase, this is great and all but will you please just let me sleep and we can pick up this tomorrow after my finals?"

"Of course. But I'm cooking you dinner so you don't waste precious study or sleep time." He pecked your cheek before leaving you alone. You couldn't help but smile. You never thought your crush would be anything more than what it was.

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