Nathan Beaulieu

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Had a super shitty day. Like, being hopeless sucks.

But this was inspired by The Maine's 24 Floors.

Slowly getting through my list.

Fun fact: his birthday is a day after mine.


You were standing on the edge of a hotel roof, looking down at the cars. You were thinking about jumping. You had thought about it a lot, lately. More so than ever.

You thought about how people wouldn't miss you, but you didn't know anything at this point. You were just a sad 19 year old girl that felt like she was on a road going nowhere but down. You didn't care about life or anyone in it anymore. You hit rock bottom.

But the good thing about hitting rock bottom was you have no where to go but up.

"What are you doing up here?" A male's voice startled you and your foot moved closer to the edge. He reached out and pulled you down before you could fall.

"Don't fucking touch me." You backed away from him, crossing your arms and holding them close.

"Were you going to jump."


"It's not worth it." He said. You laughed.

"You don't know shit."

"Maybe not about you, but I do know what it's like to have a friend take their own life. Or talk someone down from the ledge. Just take a breath."

You did as he said, realizing that you were holding in air unintentionally. You tried taking a few more deep breaths, remembering what the hospital staff had told you last time you were this far.

"You probably can't even drink here yet, your life has only started. I have a curfew but I feel like this is more important. Come on, let's go back to my room and you can talk about how you're feeling?" He held out his hand but you were hesitant to take it. You don't have to, I just don't want your family to hurt like I have."

You sat there, wondering if you should talk about it. Chances were you weren't going to see him ever again. If you survived the night, you were going to leave this town and never look back.


"Okay." You said quietly, following him to his room. He ordered you room service and you slowly spilled your feelings to him. He was understanding and caring, staying up with you even though he had an early morning.

"Nathan, thank you for listening but I should be going."

"Can I have your number? So I can check up on you, help with whatever you need."

You smiled for the first time in days, "Yeah. Of course."

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