Tyler Seguin

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For Claryssa172


You were in a funk for a while. Tyler became more and more concerned when you would skip class and games.

"I'm fine." You would tell him.

"You don't seem fine."

But you would just shrug it off. You couldn't talk to him about what was really going on. He was a new boyfriend and they usually run from problems like yours.

"You should really tell him now rather than later." Your therapist told you.

"It's amazing that I'm with him. Telling him would make him leave."

"Just give it a thought."

So you did. After a week, you sat him down. "Ty, I'm bipolar. I'm in a major depressive episode."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He seemed hurt that you didn't.

"I - I thought you would leave me."

"My last girlfriend had borderline personality disorder. You can't really control those things."

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