Tyler Seguin

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I make really bad decisions when it comes to guys. It's great.


It had been a week since Tyler broke up with you. After seven days of sitting at home with your dog and a few bottles of wine, your friends drug you out to have fun. Of course, the pregaming started at your house with quite a few shots before going out. They got you this off the shoulder tee that said "Not with stupid anymore".

You stumbled into the club, girls at your sides. It had been a while since you went out with just your friends. Most of the time it was just you, Tyler, and his teammates. Of course, the girlfriends were fun to be around but they weren't your best friends.

"Broke up with the boyfriend?" The bartender laughed as you ordered drinks.

"He broke up with me." You shrugged, "His loss."

You grabbed your drinks and started to the dance floor. Finding guys to dance with and make out with wasn't hard. Eventually, you met up with your friends again.

"Pop a bottle for the girl with no boyfriend," you sang along with your friends, "Drink it all we don't care we just order more in."

You were hanging onto some guy when your eyes met Ty's. You smirked and took another sip of your drink. Before you knew it, he was breaking the two of you apart.

"Get off my girlfriend."

"Not your girlfriend. You made it clear you didn't want to be with me."

"Listen, can we talk somewhere else?" You sighed, not wanting him to ruin your night. You were having fun until he showed up. "I just want to apologize."


The two of you went outside and he started telling you how he made a mistake. You wanted to roll your eyes and walk away, but you couldn't. You wanted to be with him and you weren't going to lie to yourself about that.

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