Jared McCann

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"I hate leaving you." Your husband said as he packed up a bag for the longest road trip of the season. "It's like I'm leaving my favorite part of me here in Pittsburgh."

"Yeah, the best part of you." You laughed as you cuddled into his side. You knew you would be distracting him but that was okay.

You watched the game the next night and he played terrible. You didn't know what to say to him when he called after. 

"I left the best part of me on the east coast." He admitted in a defeated tone.

"Hey, stop that. You have three more games to play. You need to get your head out of your ass and play like I know you can, Jared. I love you. Get some rest and call me in the morning."

"Thank you. I love you too."

The next game he performed much better. He scored a goal and you could tell how happy he was by the way he celebrated. You almost started crying when you saw. After the game it was the same message as it always was on road trips,

Call you later. I love you

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