Michal Cajkovsky

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For sloveniareader95


"What are we doing?" You asked your best friend as he gathered up blankets.

"Just come with me, you'll enjoy it."

He parked down by the beach and put all of the blankets and pillows in the bed of his truck. It was dark without the light pollution, but you could see all the stars.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." Michal grabbed your hand and the two of you started down to the shore. It was quiet. Neither of you were talking, just listening to the waves. It gave you a sense of peace even though your heart was racing from holding his hand.

"Is there a reason you took me here tonight?"

"You're getting worn out. You needed this." He told you, "And I have something to say."

You looked at him with wide eyes, unsure of what was going on. "Go ahead."

"I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid it would ruin our friendship but I need to say it. I love you and I have for a while now." You stopped and looked at him.

"I love you too."

"Let's go back to the truck, there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight." You smiled at how thoughtful he was. You weren't sure what was going to happen next, but you were excited.

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