TJ Oshie

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"You don't want to be with me, TJ."

"You don't know that."

You weren't fighting, it was more of a conversation where you pleaded that he would let you go. You didn't want to hurt him. He didn't know it yet, but that's what was going to happen. That's always what would happen. Things would be going great.

Then I'll leave.

I pack up my things while they're at work. Or I guess, it would probably when Teej is on a road trip. A long one, because that would be easier on me. I would have more time. I'd leave him a note and that's all.

"I do know that. I know how I am, you don't. You barely know anything about me."

"That's because you won't let me in. I've tried and tried, but you won't budge." He was defeated. His voice wasn't much more than a whisper.

You stared outside, watching the neighbor kids play. With the way the mood is inside the house, you would have expected rain and lightening. But it was sunny out, a great day to lay out by the pool. A great day to be outside with the dogs and your boyfriend.

"It makes it easier to leave people," you mumbled, "This is why I didn't want to be with you in the first place." Your mind flashed back to the first argument you had. He wouldn't take no for an answer, but you didn't want to be in a relationship. Not with him, not with anyone. "I only hurt people."

"If you're going to hurt someone, why can't it be me?" He wondered.

"You are too good for that. I'm done hurting people who don't deserve it." A tear started falling from the corner of your eye, but you didn't try to wipe it away. "I'm not going to hurt anyone anymore."

"If you are, then damn. I hope it's me." He kissed your forehead before pressing his to where his lips just were.

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