Johnny Gaudreau

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For Princess_Madrigal

This was terrible I apologize omg.


You and your boyfriend had plans for the day, but that was changed when you woke up with a sore throat and a cough.

"I just want to lay in bed."

"Then we will lay in bed and watch netflix today. Maybe you can take a bath later too." Johnny offered instead of being upset.

He was good at that. Very understanding when you needed a day off from the world.

"I'm going to go grab some soup for lunch and then I'll be back." He kissed your cheek and left you alone to start Friday Night Lights.

The two of you ate lunch in bed and he gave you some cold medicine to start fighting it now before it got too bad.

"You're the best, Johnny. I love you."

"Anything for my girl." He kissed your forehead and went back to eating. "But I did have some serious plans for dinner, so take a nap because we can't ditch out on those."

Later that night, he had you dress up even though you didn't want to but you chose a comfortable dress and a pair of flats to go where he was planning.

It was a picnic at your favorite park, there were lights everywhere. That's when he did it. "Will you marry me?"

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