BTS drugged (Part 1 of the mission to kidnap)

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The sun was slowing starting to disappear, making way for the moon the shine. The BTS boys just arrived at their dorm after celebrating their festa, a lot of AMRY's had send present, form drawings till champagne.
"How about we just celebrate a little more in the backyard with just the seven of us?" Jeongguk says looking at his hyungs.
"Yeah why not!" Hoseok says, his face is already a bit red form the alcohol he had before, but the thing is he didn't care.
"Yeah!" Joenggunk says after taking one of the many bottles champagne and running with it to the backyard.
"Aih! Be care for glass and running Jungkook!" Jin calls behind him after watching the maknae run without seeing the danger it self.
"I get the glasses." Namjoon calls as everyone is walking to the backyard.
"Let me help Namjoon-hyung." Jimin says just as Namjoon let a glass slip through his fingers. For Jimin he saw it all in slow motion. The thin glass touching the cold ground and making it break in little pieces.

"Danm." Namjoon says looking at the glass around him.
"Are you hurt?" A soft voice ask from behind, Jimin and Namjoon turn around to see Taehyung looking at them, he came to get some soda and a glass for him, because as we all no he doesn't like alcohol to much.
"No, the glass just slipped through my fingers." Namjoon says walking toward the broom to collect the pieces.
"let me do that hyung, just don't break anything else." Jimin says taking over the broom. Namjoon and Taehyung walk outside to the other boys with Jimin not far behind them. Sitting down it is just silence for a moment before the start talking. Jin opening the bottle of champagne and filling six glasses with it, knowing that Taehyung isn't drinking any of the alcohol.

All of the boys raise their glasses. "I just wanne take this moment to say something that I am not saying enough. I am thankfull that I am in BTS with all of you. I still remember the first time I met all of you and never could have dreamed we came this far. Let's do tis for years and years to come." Jin says while standing.

"geonbae" they all says, letting the glasses touch, before taking a the first gulp.
"If we are talking about the first time we saw each other, Tae I couldn't believe that you where a real person." Yoongi says looking over at Taehyung. "You are simply unique."
"thank you." Taehyung say bending forward to bow, making the others smile. The champagne bottle is getting empty and more bottle follow. While drinking at talking six out of the seven members are getting tired. The night started to go un, talking, laughing, just enjoying their free time.
"I don't feel so good." Hoseok says looking at the other boys, but as he looks at them his eyes are glassy, like he can't focus. His breathing is going faster and he starts to lose feeling in his body.
"What do you feel?" Jin ask, his voice is soft like tiredness is taking over, eyes slowly starting to close. "I don't think I feel fine."
"Weak. I drunk way to much." He says. "I think I really need to lay down." Slowing standing up but fails and falls back in the seat as his legs are giving in.
"Let me help." Jimin says, standing up, but the movement made him feel dizzy, his knees can't carry his own weight. "I can't stand, like my boding is protesting." Falling back in his seat, just missing Yoongi who was sitting next to him. Looking at Yoongi, he had fallen asleep, his breath is slow not like his normal breath.

Panic is going around, never in their lives they felt something like this, like losing control over their bodies, feeling tired, sick and weak. Sure they had difficult and long days, but never like this in the end and definitely not more than two person that are not feeling well.

"This can't be just the impact of the alcohol." Namjoon says, thinking out loud.
"Hyungs? Kookie? Do you want me to take you to bed?" Taehyung says looking at his brothers but not sure what to do.
Looking around, Taehyung start to panic, slowly everyone around him is falling asleep. Taehyung is shaking Jin. Saying his name over and over again.
"Jin-hyung, wake up, I don't know what to do." Tears start to run down his face. Trying other members wasn't working. Looking around, the crew, the directors, no one. They all went home tonight just like every night.
"Guards!" They were always here, but you just never saw them.
Taehyung started to run around looking for one of the two guards they had this night. But they were nowhere to be found, the panic started to became more and more. He couldn't control his breathing, he couldn't think straight, he couldn't think at all. That when he heard noises and voices.
"There only six, where is number seven?" A deep voices says.
"Inside maybe?" an lighter voices speaks.
"Lets find him." The deep voices says again.
"Help someone!" Taehyung shouted as he runs back outside to the members, not thinking clear and not listening to the voices.
"He is still awake?! How is that even possible." The deep voice says.
"I don't know, we have to go. Maybe he called someone already. We can't take the risk. We have to go." The other speak, and with that just as Taehyung runs outside he sees 3 people running away in the darkness of the night.

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