Maknea line x Hyung line ~ our time to take care now

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This is a request from @BTSFanFirl2507 hope you enjoy!

Hoseok opens his eyes as he heard the soft sound of someone trying hide a cough in the pillow, maybe it was his hyung instinct that grow the moment he got 4 little brothers the day he became part of BTS.

Maybe it was just the sound of recognition as he had recovered from it a day or two ago, so he sit up in his bed to see Jimin with his face buried in the pillow, trying to nube the noise that is leaving his body. All just so that he doesn't bother Hoseok, at least it is the thought that counts.

"Jiminsi." Hoseok speaks soft as he tries to get the attention of the younger but the coughing is just a little to loud and Jimin is not busy with hearing the sound around him as he is totally focused on making as les noise a possible.

Hoseok steps out of his bed and softly walks over to Jimin, it would only be a matter of time before the next one of the group got the fever. When living with seven grown up people it is always easy to get a fever another had a day earlier.

As Hoseok comes closer, he noticed the blanket on the ground and the sweat on Jimins back. He takes a seat at the side of the bed and puts a hand on Jimin head as he slowly stroke his wet sweaty hair and hope it will calm down the boy, but nothing seems really promising as the boy keeps on coughing like a sea lion.

"I..kuch...sorry." Jimin can barely speak s the couching doesn't stop.
'It's fine, I was already waking up anyways." Hoseok says not sure what the time is and not wanting the boy to feel guilty about waking him up. So for the first time since he woke up he looks at the ditgial clock in the room to see that it is only 8.46 am on the Sunday morning.

It is the first day in weeks that the boys have absolutely nothing to do and that they could just stay in bed.

"It really sucks that you are sick today Jiminsi." Hoseok says as he feels Jimin burning forehead indicating that the boy has a fever.

"I'll am fine!" Jimin says as he tries to sit up now that his coughing finally stops but the world spins as he does that move.
"Yeah, I am sure you are." Hoseok says not believing one single word.
"What do we need to do today?" Jimin asks as he leans back against Hoseok, feeling the comfort of the older one makes him at ease.
"Nothing, we don't have to do one single thing. We are free." Hoseok says.
"You're lying, we are never free." Jimin says looking for his phone as in there all the meeting are in his schedule.

"No, Mini, we are free today and with that I am going to make you some soup so you can just lay here."
"I don't wanna lay here." Jimin says, sounding like a 5 year old on the moment.
"Fine, lets go to the living room. the others will wake up soon too. We can turn on the tv and you can just relax while I make soup and breakfast for the others." Hoseok says as he helps Jimin to get out of bed.
"But first take a shower, you will feel much better."
"I doubt that." Jimin says as he sways on his legs as he walks towards the bathroom. Hoseok turns on the shower.

"If you need anything just call for me or the other members." Hoseok says leaving Jimin alone so he can shower. Jimin nods thankfully and takes a few deep breaths before taking his clothes of and stepping right under the warm shower, letting the water go over his body. Even though he doesn't want to admit it, he does feel a little bit better.

But the moment of relaxing and calming down under the shower was not for long, the door wasn't locket, as the rule is easy. Never lock the door when you feel sick, members always need to get to you...

The door opens and went with full force against the wall, Jimin couldn't even let go of a sound of letting the person know he was there and he loves his moment alone, as the person was now puking all over the floor not making it to the toilet in time.

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