Picking up (Part 2 of the mission to kidnap)

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 "Tae?" A soft tired voice says, opening the door of Taehyungs bedroom. Taehyung looks up straight at his soulmate.

"Jiminie." Taehyung says. "You should be sleeping."
"So should you." Jimin fires back.
"How are you feeling?" Taehyung asks, while letting Jimin know that he can come in a sit on his bed.
"Like my body has been hit by a bus. I mean everything feels so heavy, I couldn't get out of bed." Jimin answers.
"Why are you out of your bed?"
"I don't know, but I really needed a hug." And with that Jimin lead in Taehyungs arms, feeling the warm feeling of friendship, soulmates.
"Your all sweaty." Jimin says letting go of Taehyung.
"I am sorry." Taehyung says looking down.
"Hey are you oke?" Jimin ask soft looking in Taehyungs eyes.
"I just can't forget want happened and why I wasn't sleeping."
"I wish I could answer that."
"Also I can't get the voices out of my head, but I can't exactly remember what they were saing."
"Yeah, I am 100% sure that there where people outside with you while I was looking for the guards."

With that being said Jimin felt fear in his whole body, he is putting the pieces togheter.
"kidnappers?" He than says, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung eyes grow big, up until now he didn't think about that. He just though about his brothers the whole time, and how he was feeling not what had happened but not why it had happened.

"I don't know." Taehyung says, feeling a bit scared now. Again everything is flashing before his eyes. The voices ringing in his head.
"You ok?" Jimin ask.
"You wanna sleep here with me?" Taehyung says back ignoring his best friend, Jimin nods while both boys are laying down again. Within second Jimin is fast asleep, with Jimin at his side. Knowing he is semi ok, Taehyung closes his eyes falling back in the darkness we call sleep.

Jin as always was the first one awake, as his body was still recovering form the drug his whole body felt heavy. But that was not standing in the way of getting out of bed. Normally he would have walked down in his pyjama and made breakfast. Today he stared with taking a hot shower, hoping it would make him feel better. With it did for a little bit.

Looking at himself in the mirror in front of him, he looks at his face. Today is seems puffy and his eyes are not like they used to be. Thinking about last night, he couldn't remember much. Just a lot of alcohol, he couldn't remember how he ended up in his bed. Opening the refrigerator and looking for something to eat.

After taking everything out what he needed he started to cook, it didn't take long before Yoongi entered the kitchen to, looking confused and tired.
"I had way to much alcohol yesterday." Yoongi low voice breaks the silence. Jin looking up at bandmate.
"I never felt this way." Jin says.
"Tell me about it!" Namjoon enters the room and walk toward a chair, since he is one of the members that can't cook he sits down.

"I remember medics." Yoongi says, not really sure. "I don't know if I was dreaming or not."
"No, I remember that really hazy" Namjoom looks at Yoongi.
Before the boys can continue to talk and suspect the manager walks in, looking at them with a soft smile.
"I am glad you are awake, how are you all feeling?" Sejin asks looking at the boys who are looking confused at the man. He isn't someone that just comes in, he never is here in the morning.

"Did we mis a meeting?" Namjoon asks looking more confused while taking his phone out to look at his agenda.
"No you didn't, you don't remember what happened yesterday?" but before the boys can answer that "yeah I though so."

"I tell you about it, but where is Taehyung?" Looking at the boys waiting for his answer.
"Not awake yet, but that is normal for him." Jin says while looking at his food that is in the pan.

"No I am awake!" Taehyung calls running down the stairs almost tripping over his own feed.
"Great, did you eat?" Sejin asks. Taehyung just nod, he didn't he was late but his manager didn't needed to know that.
"Good, the car is waiting outside." As the words are being said Taehyung thanks the manager before walking to the car.

"That is really early for starting practice Hyung." Yoongi says looking at his manager not sure what just happened.
"let me explain when all the boys are here, so I only have to tell it once."

Not wainting to wait, Namjoon wakes up the other sleeping boys, settling in the kitchen while eating their food. Sejin is telling them everything he knows about last night.

"Tae told me about the strangers." Jimin says after Sejin was done telling the story.
"Yeah, I don't know much about that." Sejin says.
"Tae didn't sleep well last night, he was turning, talking, he was calling for help and then saying something about that everyone should have been out, then asking why it didn't work." Jimin says, the other boys looking confused at their mate.
"Like I said I don't know what he heard. When he called I didn't recognise him at all, he is normally so Tae but last night he really panicked. With I understand after seeing you guys."

"Where is he now?" Junggeok asks looking around.
"At the police station, they need his statement."
"Are people really trying to kidnap us?" Hoseok ask looking at his brothers around him.
"I don't know, but they have the camera footage, the police would tell us when they knew more."

After a lot of talking, trying to understand what happened Taehyung is back form giving his statement, walking in he is not alone. A tall man is behind him.
"Hello." He first says looking around at all of the boys.
"I heard you guys had quiet the scare, let me start by introducing myself. I am detective Lan and will be here through the entire time." He take a moment to breath before going on.

"Let me follow with the thing we know, you have been drugged through two different bottle with liqueur. That is also why Mr. Kim wasn't drugged, after hearing his story and looking at the footage, we can conclude that the guard have been knockout one hour before you started to feel weak. We also saw 3 people outside with you when you all where sleeping and Mr. Kim was inside. They run as soon as Mr Kim came outside. It seems like they wanted to take you."

It is quiet, no one is saying a word.
"Do we know why?" Namjoon is the first to break though the silence.
"I am afraid not." Detective Lan says.
"Are they coming back?" Hoseak ask, fear growing in his eyes.
"Probably, but we will have officers that will be with you all the time."

After talking and talking the day went by pretty fast, and even with everything that is happening there is still a comeback they needed to work on. Thinking about what happened wasn't helping at all, so they decided that after taking this day of, that tomorrow they are going back to their bizzy schedules.

"Are you really sure, you guys will be up for this by tomorrow, Army will understand if you take a few days of to give your body a pause." Sejin looks at the boys not sure, if he wants to agree with the band.
"Yeah, we need to keep going. It's ok, to be honest my body feels as good as new again." Yoongi says starting to jump up and down making the others laugh.

"Then I will see you guys tomorrow with dance practice." With that Sejin left the dorm leaving the seven bos with 4 guard and 2 police cars with each having 2 officers in the car. Feeling a little bit saver the boys continue the night routines ending with the overtaking darkness.

With the kidnappers.

"So between 7 and 8 the police officers will change guard. That is also the time the boys step in the car and leave for dance practice." The deep voice says, it belong to a tall man.
"I will be in the car that the boys are getting into. I will make sure that the tempura is hot enough so they will take the bottles of water with the sleeping drugs in it." This voice also belong to a man.
"Good, from that we know what to do." The last voice says, this one is a woman, a tall, slim, woman. 

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