Hoseok (J-Hope) ~ Wrong jump

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Tonight they would have another big show, the whole station would be filled and tickets are sold out.

"Isn't this a amazing place." Jimin says running over the stages.
"Yeah it is!" Taehyung runs behind him just like Jungkook leaving the hyung line.

"You would think that one day they would run out of energy." Yoongi says
"I don't think they ever going to run out of that energy." Namjoon says.
"They will always be bouncing balls." Hoseok says looking at the maknea line jumping and running around.
"Guys we have to practice, come back." Seokjin yells at the boy. "Those kids."

Making the hyungs line laugh soft before starting to practice, it was only dance, they should save their voices for tonight.

Not even half way through practice a loud scream, filled with pain and horror makes everyone look up. Just a minute before the scream Hoseok jump of a box, making him land on a weak spot on the stages. The floor broke under the sudden change of weight on it.

"It's stuck I can't get it out." With that Hoseok eyes roll back, Yoongi is the closed making him catch Hoseok before his head meets the ground.

"There is blood." Taehyung says as he looks closer, Hoseok foot seems to be stuck in the hole in the stage, the scarp edges have made cuts in Hoseok skin.

"Good for him that he passed out, he hates seeing this." Jimin says.
"Let give us some space." A man says to the boys, only Yoongi staying with Hoseok as he is holding his head.
"We need the saw." The second man says.
"you are not going to take his food." Jungkook says angry ready to show the staff members that he is going to fight them on that.
"They are not going to saw his foot, they need to make room to get it out safely." Namjoon says, taking Jungkook with collar holding him back.
"Oh." Jungkook says sitting down in a chair.

The staff saws a bigger hole, now the foot of Hoseok is freed from the stages, but there are still pieces in his skin.
"He needs to go to the hospital, he needs stiches and every little piece of wood needs to get out of his skin." The staff member say too the manager.
"I drive, Taehyung help me carrie him. You will go with me to the hospital. The rest of you, help the staff find more of these weak spots before continue the dance practice. We will be back before the show start. If not make sure you explain to Army what has happened and that we are on our way." Seijn, the manager says. Together with Taehyung he carries Hoseok to the car. And starts to drive to the hospital that is only 30 minutes away.

Taehyung carries Hoseok inside, while the manager is already talking to a doctor saying that is really important he get's help right away.

"V?" a voice ask, Taehyung looks down seeing Hoseok wake up.
"Hobi" Taehyung says smiling.
"My feet hurt." Hoseok says.
"I know, but I am here and you are going to be fine." Taehyung says, Hoseok looks at Taehyung noticing that Taehyung is carrying him like a bride.
"You can put me down if you want." Hoseok says, Taehyung cheeks turn a little red as he nods and slowly sets Hoseok on his own feet but not letting go. He can't stand on his feet without hurting in more.

"Come with me please" The manager nods letting Tae and Hobi know to follow him. It doesn't go fast but they end up in a tiny room where Hoseok can sit down.

"can you put our foot up for me?" The doctor says looking at Hoseok who nods and put his food up looking at his foot for the first time. Seeing all the blood and the pieces that are still left in.
He looks at Taehyung who notices that his Hobi is getting pale. Almost as white as snow.

"You are going to be ok, just don't look at it. It isn't seem that bad." Taehyung says making Hoseok, manager and the doctor laugh.
"Tae it is; it isn't as bad as it seems." The manager says, Taehyung gets a bit embarrassed but he is glad that he has made his Hobi smile.

"I am going to use some anaesthesia, then I remove the pieces and will stiches you up." The doctor says giving Hoseok the chills.
"Just do it, don't tell me. I think I am going to be sick." Hoseok says looking at Taehyung who doesn't know how to act, normally his hyungs are there to help out he is the one who is always just in the way.

"Don't be sick, you are going to be fine. I am here." Taehyung says looking at Hoseok.
"Do you remember that time one time kookie got hurt on his feed and you did so great?" Taehyung start telling. "You were amazing handling the situation."

"I didn't do that much." Hoseok says.
"You help me get through, I was terrified." Taehyung says. "So let me help, just tell me how."
"Just talk about something, you have great stories."
"Fine" with that Taehyung starts to tell a story, while time is passing by the two talk and talk while the doctor is fixing up Hoseok and the manager is calling the others while telling that Hoseok is going to be ok but will not be able to dance and that hopefully they are going to make it on time.

After two and half a hour Hoseok is finally ready to leave the hospital giving them exactly two hours to get back eat something and get ready for the show.

"Thank you." Hoseok sas to the doctor leaving the hospital in a wheelchair.
"It sucks so bad." Hoseok says when they are out of the door, taers are starting to come out his eyes. "I can't even dance and that is my strong side."

"Hobi, you can't dance with is sad for Army because seeing you is awesome but you have more than one strong side." Taehyung says while pushing Hoseok. "You are a amazing rapper and fun person to be around even on stage. You have this beautiful energy around you that give us the power to dance even better now."

Hoseok smiles at Taehyung.
"Thanks.. For everything today. I would have passed out if I was with someone else, you are the only one who can distract me like I needed today."
"Yeah that is one strong side of me." Taehyung says, helping Hoseok in the car. Driving back the other boys help Hoseok out of the car to the diner table behind stage.
"Now we can alle eat!" Jimin says, everyone starts digging in. After eating Taehyung was tired, it was one hour before the show and with that he las down on the couch, closing his eyes just for a second. Making the Hyung line laugh.
"At that energy has to come form something right." Namjoon says looking at Taehyung that was sleeping.
"Without his energy I probably wouldn't be sitting here now." Hoseok says smiling at Taehyung. "If didn't distract me with all his stories, jumping around and his energy I would have been feeling so weak and tired form passing out." The others smiled, knowing what Hoseok was talking about.
"He is my alien." Jimin says looking at his Hyungs, before getting ready for the concert. 

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