BTS ~ She's back (part 5 of the mission to kidnapped.)

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Bright light was the first thing Yoongi saw when he tried to open his eyes, he closed them again, it was to much. He felt a pain in his arm and felt blood on his forehead, trying to open his eyes again he slowly looks around.

The plane is split in two, Namjoon body, that was next to him, is now hanging on one side of it almost falling down.
"Joon?" Yoongi voice cracks by saying his friend name, but Namjoon doesn't responds. His body is not moving, not one inch.

Looking around Yoongi sees Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung sitting, there is blood all over and not one of them is awake. Slowly turning his head to the back he sees a few staff members and Jin and Jungkook. Both of them still unconscious, he sees that a staff member is waking up.

Yoongi looks at himself, seeing that his seatbelt is still on but broken. He is lucky, Namjoons belt seems to be broken.

With all the strength Yoongi has in his body that is in pain all over, he stand up. Feeling dizzy and the pain in his arm didn't leave but he ignores it. Slowly walking towards Namjoon, checking if he has a pulse.

He waits for a minute before finally breathing out, Namjoon is alive, his pulse is weak and he has lost a lot of blood. Looking at Namjoon, there is glass in his face and body, leaving it to bleed. He should be happy that he is not impaled to the plane.

Yoongi knows that he doesn't have the power to get him down or help him further. So with that he leaves his friend hanging and walking over to the staff member that is waking up next to Jungkook.

"Min Yoongi, are you ok?" The staff ask him.
"Could be better, but we have to check the others." Yoongi says, the staff smiles at him and start to check on his collage first.

But sadly that staff member doesn't have pulse anymore... A tears slides from his cheek as he checks on Jin.

For a single moment the staff members fears the worst, but Jin and Jungkook both have a strong pulse and there isn't a lot of blood with them.

"They seem fine, we just have to wait till they wake up." The staff says as Yoongi is trying to wake up Hoseok. The three are still holding hands, Yoongi would smile to see his friends, his little brothers, like they are happily sleeping, but now he knows that is not true.

"Hobi?" Yoongi is shaking his friend softly, trying to wake him up.

"Jin-Hyung?" it is not the voice of Hoseok who is speaking it is Taehyung.
"No no, Tae-tae, it me." Yoongi says soft as he looks at Taehyung who is slowly opening his eyes but closes them again because he can feel the blood dripping in his right eye.

"Here use this." Yoongi says as he grabs a t-shirt that is laying around. Taehyung take it and put it on his head trying to stop the bleeding.

"What happened?" Hoseok voices cracks soft.
"You don't remember?" Yoongi ask soft. "We had a plane crash, but it wouldn't take long before anyone notices"
"Let's hope so." Jin speaks as he walks towards Yoongi.
"How is everyone?" Jin asks.
"Namjoon is hanging there, I need your help to get him of there." Yoongi says. Jin nods, together with Yoongi he walks towards Namjoon looking at his body.
"is he impaled?" Hoseok asks in fear.
"No no, thank god no." Jin says in relieve.

Just as Jin and yoongi want to lift Namjoon the pain in Yoongi arm is getting worse.
"auww, noo." He says as he let go of Namjoon.
"whats wrong?" Jungkook says looking confused at everyone.
"I hurt my arm." Yoongi says.
"Let me help." Jungkook says as he somewhat pushes Yoongi away.

Jungkook and Jin lift Namjoon and lay him down.
"We have to get the glass out." Jungkook says.
"No don't." Jin says. "we have to let it in, if it is in a vein, he could bleed out in seconds."

"Jimin?" Taehyung ask soft as he tries to wake up his best friend, with no luck.

"I knew we shouldn't have got on the plane." Taehyung says angry as he slams his hand on the glass beside him. "auw!"

"Taehyung just take it easy, things like this happen." Jin tries to calm Taehyung down.
"Jimin has a pulse, we just have to wait till he wakes up." Jungkook says.

"How is everyone? Yoongi seems to have hit his head and hurt his arm. I am fine if I say so myself, my face is still beautiful." Jin says, trying to make other laugh, it works.
"Yeah, nobody can mess with perfection." Jungkook says making Jin smile. "I have a headache and my ankle hurt a little bit but other than that I feel fine."

"Taehyung has a cut in his head, it seems pretty deep, and now he also has some glass in his hand." Yoongi says rolling his eyes as he speaks the last part of the sentence.
"Hoseok how are you?" Taehyung asks soft afraid of the answer.
"I feel fine, I remember Jimin putting his body in front of me to calm me down." Hoseok says feeling guilty.
"Jimin would have done that for everyone."Jin says looking at Hoseok.

A soft groan is being hurt, they look towards Namjoon as his eyes slowly open. He want to sit up, his hand trying to help him up. But Yoongi is faster and pulls him down.

"Joon, you have glass all over your body, it is better if you just lay." He says soft as his smiles at his friend.
"oh." Is all Namjoon says looking confused.
"Jimin?" Hoseok ask soft as another groan is heard.
"Hobi?" Jimin soft voice says.
"Yes, how are you?"
"my whole body hurt."
"it's from the impact. just take it easy."
"The pilot, didn't survive, the co-pilot is alive. Two other staff members are doing fine." The staff member form earlier says making everyone look up.
"two dead." Yoongi says sad and soft not really for other to hear.

Just as Jimin want to say something, someone is walking toward the plane, climing in it, the heels making some noise.

The sound of the heels make Taehyung look up, it knows that sound, he knew something was wrong.

"Hello my old friends." She says, making every member look up at the woman.
"You!" Taehyung says trying to get up, wanting to tackle her, but Jungkook is stronger and hold him back.

"Yeah yeah, the maknea stopping him. It's ok, he wasn't getting any closer anyway." She says as she shows a gun, making the members take a step back.

"it's is going to be really easy, the seven of you will help each other walk towards my car. The other stay here. They get a working phone and the moment we leave this island, your staff can call for help. If they don't wait, one of you will die, I don't need the seven of you anyways."

With that it is dead silence.
"He shouldn't be moved." Yoongi says looking at Namjoon, the woman walks closer. Namjoon face is pale, he is slowly losing conscious.
"Ok leave him here, like I said I don't need all of you, he isn't going to make it anyway." The woman says as she kicks him in the stomach making some glass move and Namjoon screams in pain.

"I am not going to leave him." Taehyung says angry, as he walks towards the woman.
"Fine, you can stay too!" The woman says as she point the gun towards Taehyung, a moment later a shot is hurt, Taehyung is falling down.

"You were a pain in the ass to begin with! Now let's go!" the woman says to the others.
but nobody moves.
"You can all end up like that friend over there." She says looking at Taehyung who is grasping for air.
"Say your goodbye now."

"Taehyung, you will be fine, I am not going to leave." Jimin says as he kneels down, ignoring all the pain.
"Jimin go, save yourself, I will find you again." Taehyung whispers soft. "We will get help, we will find you, take my watch, it has a tracker."

Taehyung is whispers so soft that only Jimin is hearing him, slowly taking of Taehyung watch as he stands up in tears. Jimin knows that this could be the last time they would ever see each other

"I love you Taehyung, I love you to Namjoon." Jimin says, as the rest of the members follew the woman, helping each other trying to survive this crazy life. 

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