Jimin ~ Fight

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This is a request from ZwombiZ and @Yhehxh1 (check also this account for sickfic!) hope you and others love this chapter as much as I loved writing it!

"JIMIN! Can you just do that it right! This is the 10th time you are doing it wrong we have so much more to do!" Jin says angry as again the song starts over so the boys could start form the beginning.
"I am sorry, it is a really hard part." Jimin says a little sad as he notices the frustration by everyone in the practice room.
"It ok, you can do it." Taehyung says soft as he walks past Jimin and smiles softly at his soulmate.
"Jimin you do remember the steps right?" Hoseok asks looking at the dancer who normally doesn't have a problem with the choreo.
"Yeah I know the step, there just hard." Jimin told the other dancer who smiles at him but in his eyes Jimin could see the frustration. "I will do better."

With that the music starts again making the group start from the beginning of the song and again when Jimin solo part comes he misses the step again. He continues maybe nobody saw, but of course they saw and with Hoseok as a bandmate mistakes never go unnoticed.

"How do you keep messing up! We are all tired Jimin please!" Jin complains once again.
"Jimin do it like this..." J-Hope starts making the moves slower than in the dance.
"I know the moves hyung." Jimin says soft as he feels like he is letting everyone down.
"Maybe we should finish it tomorrow? We all could use some rest anyways." Taehyung says hoping that the others will agree.
"We will do it 1 more time..." J-Hope says as the others complain but know the drill... it wasn't weird for them to start over and over again when moves went wrong, they always wanted to make is perfect so they keep practicing till it was.

But with a solo part you always could feel the tension in the room, the pressure to do it right and normally Jimin wasn't struggling like this but he can't help it.

Nobody know how times they had to start over as the music plays again and the boys start..

But as soon the Jimin solo part start he messes up again, not on the right beat or the wrong move. He can throw himself out of the window by now but he wasn't the only one.

"JIMIN!" Jin was again the one speaking up but ou could feel everyone frustration.
"I am sorry!" Jimin yells this time as he can feel the tears are welling up in his eyes.
"Yah!" Hoseok yells by now.
"I don't even understand why you keep struggling like you do." Jin says, as the others just look at him.
"It is just hard."
"Just do it better!"
"Maybe just do it yourself! If you can think you can do better than me be my guest! Let's just all wait for you!" Jimin says angry he is so done with Jin complains.
"FINE!" Jin shouts.
"Jiminsie, behave." Namjoon says now speaking up for the oldest.
"Jiminsie." Is the only thing Jungkook can say before Jimin burst out.
"Why should I behave! He is the one getting angry!" Jimin yells out.
"He is still older than you, show some respect" Yoongi says calm.
"Yeah so! That means that he can be like that towards me but I can't say anything to him! Do you even know how hard that part is? Do you even realize how hard I am trying!"
"No Jimin that is not what we said." Yoongi says.
"No? isn't it? I am always polite and I always behave and be there when needed. I am struggling ok! I cant help it. You guys aren't perfect either! It is not the first time we have to do it over and over again! Most of the time it is because of you anyways!" Jimin yells looking at Jin, his eyes filled with anger and tears.
"Jimin-hyung please calm down. There is no need to be angry. It can happen we are all frustrated." Jungkook says.
"Calm down? You are not the one who gets complaint do you? No you never get those, you're the baby. Everyone is just saying it's ok it can happen when you mess up!" Jimin is to angry to ever realize what he is saying. Jungkooks looks down at the ground as feels his heart sink to the ground from the comment.
"Jimin that is just to far. He doesn't deserve it." Namjoon says, still in his calm voice but you can hear the frustration of the fight getting to him.
"WHY DO I DESERVE THOSE COMMENTS THAN?" Jimin voice is trembling. "You will always pick Jungkook over me anyways."
"Jiminsie." Taehyung tries as he comes closer to Jimin to try to calm him down.
"NO! Just don't!" Jimin says as he pushes Taehyung back making him trip over his own feet as he lands on the ground.
"Ouch.." Taehyung says soft sitting up on the ground.
"JIMIN! That is just wrong. You can be angry but we don't react like this!" Jin says angry as he looks at Taehyung who looks in shock.
"I am sorry Tae." Jimin says soft as he start walking out of the room angry. His heart is almost jumping out of his chest. He is so angry, he can feel the blood boiling in his body making him feel even worse because he hate this feeling.
"You can't act like this and than walk off!" Hoseok yells. "We are not finished with dancing!"
"I AM! AND I WILL WALK OUT!" Jimin fires back as he disappears out of sight of the boys.
"FINE YOU CAN FIND YOUR OWN WAY HOME!" Jin yells out of his anger.

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