Jeongguk (Jungkook) ~ Wrong bite

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Request by @Jin_ling_14

Jungkook is standing by the window looking outside seeing the leaves fall from the tree, the autumn air is softly coming through the open window and soft voices are talking, some are screaming.

"LOOK!" one of the voices call pointing to the window were Jungkook is looking from, he smiles as waves before taking steps back.

"ARMY is amazing, did you see how many we are going to meet?" Jungkook says excited looking at the others and smiling at the thought of the fanmeeting that is going down in a hour.

"Yeah, they have been standing there for like 5 hours already." Jimin says.
"I really love ARMY, but I would really appreciated if they would just come around a hour, it is cold outside, standing out there is just cold and they can get sick." Taehyung says.
"I know, but it is not up to us. We can only advice." Namjoon says giving everyone the little lunch they had ordered.

They all sit down to eat and talk about how amazing it is to have a fandom that makes them feel this rich.

"I am glad we do these things for free." Jin says. "a lot of people are given a chance instead of not having enough money."
"Yeah, I think our angercy really goes to far with the prices." Yoongi says. "The last time we had a concert the cheapest tickets were around 200.000 won. I am ashamed of that"

The others nod, Jungkook looks at the others, the taste of his meal is a bit weird.
"Do you also taste something weird?" Jungkook asks, making the others look up weird at him.
"What you mean? I love this food." Jimin says taking another bite.
"it smells good, maybe they used different spices, I won't worry to much." Jin says smeling the food.
"it smells good, but it taste weird." Jungkook says looking at his food.
"Letme taste." Taehyung says taking a bit of Jungkook food.
"Yeah, it does taste a little weird." Taehyung says not really sure how to explain it. "it still isn't bad though."

"I know." Jungkook says taking another bite.
"You wanna switch?" Taehyung asks, wanting to switch their food, but Jungkook shakes his head.
"I will be fine." Jungkook says smiling thankfully at his youngest hyung before continue to eat the meal.

Everyone is finished, except for Jungkook who still has a quarter left.
"You full? You are normally the one eating it all." Hoseok asks looking worried.
"Yeah, just don't like the taste anymore."
"Take the rest of mine, I stuffed anyway." Hoseok says, showing that he still had something left. Jungkook nods thanksfully and takes the food as he eat it.
"This taste so much better." Jungkook smiles hugging his friend for giving him the left over.

Just than Taehyung stands up and runs towards the toilet, everyone can hear how he pukes out all of his food. He comes out of the bathroom and looks a bit pale.

"What happened?" Hoseok asks worried looking at the younger who is just as confused.
"I don't know. It just happened." Taehyung says.
"Feeling sick?" Yoongi asks feeling Taehyung forehead that he softly shakes.
"It felt like I eat something wrong." Taehyung says soft. "It felt like something kept on being in my throat."

Jungkook recognized that feeling the moment Taehyung said it, he didn't have the reaction to puke though. He just got a weird feeling bu he can life with it.
"Are you sure you can do the fanmeet?" Namjoon asks worried, but Taehyung nods as he takes a sip of water.

"are you sure?" Jin asks, Taehyung nods again. "Anyone feeling sick?" Jin looks around looking at Everyone but everyone shakes their heads no.
"Good, if you feel bad let me know." Yoongi says looking at Taehyung who just nods.
"let's go." Hoseok says, everyone is hybing each other up as they walk down to the confressroom that is setup just for them to have a fansign.

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