Seokjin (Jin) ~ hypothermia

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As the clocks strikes 03:34 AM Jin opens his eyes, feeling like he was on fire. His whole body felt hot, he threw the two blanket off him letting them fall on the ground. It was in the middle of winter, so it cold outside.

He was turning and turning, drinking water that was standing on the nightstand beside him. But nothing seem to work, he still felt like he was on fire. He stepped out of his bed, feeling the cold ground. For a moment he thinks about laying down on the ground that is feeling just the way he likes right now.

"no." he whispers toward himself. With that he walk toward the bathroom turning on the shower as cold as possible. Taking of his clothes before getting in, feeling the cold water run over his body is felt so good.

His body was starting to feel a little better, the feeling of being on fire was slowly fading away. The water started to feel as a normal temperature and finally he could rest. His body started to feel normal. But as soon as he turns it of and the cold water stopped running over his body it felt on fire again.

Jin noticed that his body started to turn red, but all he could feel was the burning feeling all over his body. It was even starting to get in his body, first it was jus his skin but now it feels like it was in his veins. With that he turned on the shower again, not ready to leave. Standing there for maybe more than a hour he started to sit down, not wanting to get out of the shower because it just felt to good.

Now that his body was finally calming down, the sleep was taking over. Slowly closing his eyes, head slowly falling down before he entered the world of dreams while the cold water didn't stopped running.

As the water was still running at 05:43, just two minutes before the alarm clock of Namjoon would ring, Jin didn't move anymore his breathing was slow just like his heart beat.

Two minutes passed as Namjoon alarm went off, making him growl because it was again too early.
But getting out of his bed he heard the sound of the shower and a alarm clock that wasn't his, again he growling. Probably Jin was late and didn't turn of the alarm before getting in the shower, so Namjoon got out of bed walking up to the room of Jin to turn off the alarm. Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon shared one big bathroom with a separated toilet while the other 4 boys shared two smaller bathroom with a toilet and shower in the same room.

"Seokjin-hyung?" Namjoon knocked on the door as he has been waiting for 5 minutes. There was no answer.
"Jin?" Namjoon calls again this time a little louder. Still no sound beside the running shower.
"Please open up, we also need to be ready, not only you and you handsome face!" Namjoon says this time playing a little in the early morning. But even after that there was no answer, on this moment Namjoon knew something was wrong.

Trying to open the door but with no success, the door was locked form the inside.
"Yoongi?!" Namjoon calls as he walks in the room of Yoongi waking the young man just 5 minutes before his alarm clock was going off.
"Joonie." Yoongi says soft walking up.
"Where is that one key to open any door in the house?" Namjoon ask, looking at Yoongi who is still to tired to even think straight. It is quiet for a moment before Yoongi sits up.
"Isn't it in the drawer in the kitchen?" Yoongi says looking at Namjoon, Namjoon looks confused, with that Yoongi gets out and walk downstairs with Namjoon on his heels. Walking fast, almost running down the stairs.

Opening the drawer and seeing the key, taking it and giving it to Namjoon with that before Yoongi knows what is going on Namjoon runs back upstairs opening the door. Without thinking Yoongi runs after him knowing that something is wrong.

Opening the bathroom door, the two boys see Jin sitting under the shower, not showing any sign of life.

"Turn of the shower." Yoongi says as Namjoon, with that Namjoon feels the cold water.
"it is ice cold." He says, taking a towel while Yoongi is trying to wake up Seokjin.

"Jin-Hyung wake up." His voice is soft, not wanting to panic more members in the house. His hand is on the pols of Jin feeling if there is a heartbeat.

"His breathing is slow, just like his heartbeat. His skin is ice and ice cold. We need to warm him up." Taking the towel form Namjoon to wrap it around Jin.
"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Jeongguk is looking over there shoulder, not really sure what is going on but waking up from all the noise.
"I don't think we need to, but we need to get him warm again. My guess is that his bodytempeture is around 25°C, it has to go up to 37°C. To do that we have to dry him off, getting him in bed with a woollen blanked. If he doesn't wake up or gets colder we need to get him to the hospital." Namjoon says.

"Why was he under the cold shower anyway?" Jeongguk asks looking at his two hyungs while they are carrying Seokjin. Both not knowing what to say they give Jeongguk the find some warm clothes for Jin.

Getting him ready and in bed, making sure he is warm enough they breath.

"I will stay here for today, staying with Jin-Hyung, you go dance practice." Namjoon says to Yoongi and Jeongguk who are not happy with that choice but know that they don't have a say.

"Make sure that if he doesn't wake up in 2 hours that you call us and a ambulance." Yoongi says leaving the room with Jungkook getting ready for practice. Downstairs Yoongi explains what has happened while Namjoon is on the phone with the directors.
"Just make sure he is going to be ok." The says before hanging up. The boys leave for practice, Namjoon is getting ready in some fresh clothes and taking a book and sitting in a chair n the room of Jin.
After waiting for what feels like a million years, Jin starts to move, slow and making a sound.
"RM?" he says soft. Jin body is feeling ok again, not hot not too cold.
"How are you feeling?" Namjoon looks up from the book.
"Cold." Jin answer. "But better than before, I felt like I was on fire."
"It that why you where in the cold shower?" Jin nods.
"It felt so good."
"Please don't do that again, you scared us man. You didn't even react anymore. You where ice cold."
"I am sorry. It just needed it, I think I got tired. Next time I stay awake."
"Thank you." Namjoon says looking at his oldest hyung.
"Just get a little warmer and get some sleep." Namjoon says again before going back to his book. 

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