BTS ~ Car accident

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Rain was slowly dripping at the side of the window car, Jimin was following one drop with his finger till it was out of his reach, taking a different one to follow again.

"When I was younger I would believe I was in a movie, then I was someone who had a really tough day and the rain was my emotion, but most of the time I came back from a amazing day." Jungkook says looking at Jimin.

"I always though I was the only weird one to follow the drips." Jin says from behind the wheel.
"I think everyone thinks like that." Yoongi says from the passenger seat.

"I always wanted to hang out of the window to catch the raindrop, but my grandma always told me not to." Taehyung says, looking at the night sky. It started to rain a little harder.
"Jin Hyung if I need to take over you have to say it ok, you have been driving for the past 3 hours." Yoongi says looking at his hyung next to him.

"We only have a hour left before we are at the dorm, I will be fine."
"I really hope the hour will fly by, because I really need to go." Hobi says smiling soft at the others.
"We can take a little break, the other staff is far behind us anyways. I haven't seen them in quit some time." Jin says
"No no, I will be fine. Just get us back at our dorm." Hoseok says looking at Jin through the mirror.

It started to rain harder and harder, it was almost impossible to see trough the rain now, the wipers where going as fast as they could but it wasn't working.

"I am so sorry guys, but I really need to stop at the side of the road, I can't drive like this." Jin says, nobody answers. It was just fine with them, they trusted their huyng.

And with that he slowly slowed down at the side of the road, not turning of the car of the lights.

"You can get out, that side of the car is covered a little bit because of the tree." JIn says looking at Hoseok. Hoseok looks outside and than looks back at Jin, is this what he wants? He knows that he really need to go but is it worth it.

"I really don't know how long this rain is going to be this bad." Jin says than, Hoseok looks again outside and then nods, it couldn't get worse anyway...

He opens the door and steps out of the car on the semi dry side, just little drops are now falling on him but it he can live with it. As he is almost ready finish his bisness bright light blinds him, he looks at the headlight of an other car as they are coming closer and closer.

A yell is heard, it only takes him a second to realise it is his own yell that is escaping his body before there is a loud bang and then everything become dark.

As Namjoon is trying to open his eyes he notices a sharp pain in his forehead. With his hand he goes towards the pain and looks at the blood on his fingertops from his for head. He can only open one eye, the other doesn't want to open properly.

"Tae?" His voice is hoarse as he speaks to the person sitting next to him. Taehyung head is on Namjoon legs and he sees the glass from the window in his hand that is over his face. He slowly shake Taehyung when he tries to call the other members. His voice is way to soft and doesn't reach the other end of the car. Jin is also slowly waking up, looking around the airbag is in front of him. it protected him form most of the damage. He looks at his side where Yoongi is also sitting with the airbag in front of him.

"Yooni?" He ask as he tries to move his hand towards his brother. Trying to wake him up, he feels the tingling in his arm while he moves it. Yoongi is slowly opening his eyes at looks at Jin and smiles soft.

"This wasn't on our schedule." He than says with a soft chuckle.
"You ok?" Jin ask, Yoongi just nods, not really sure if anyone is ok right now. The car that bump into than is still on the side of them. Yoongi side.

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