Seokjin (Jin) ~ When the doctor is wrong...

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This request from @Itzehel2007

It was a wonderful stary winter night, the sky was dark blue and the stars did seen to shine a little brighter than the night before. At least this was the case for most of the members, they were having a little camping trip. Just to escape the pressure of their busy idol life, they never could have expected what they got and they never could have wished for it, they are so grateful for what they have. But like every job, it comes with responsibility and pressure.

To escape it to boys had a little weekend away every once in a while, without camera's but with the security. Two members would plan the trip so it would always be a surprise for the other 5 members.

This time it was Jungkook and Yoongi's turn to organise the trip and they planned on a little camping get away. It was on a little farm not very far from the city and the clear sky and the different surrounding was making all the difference for the seven young man.

There was a little fire burning in front of them giving them enough light to see each other. There was one camper and 1 bigger tent, both places could have 4 members inside. So Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin slept in the tent while the other four members could sleep in the camper.

Jin was really happy with that choice, every since the last couple of days he hasn't been feeling al to good. He went to the doctor, yesterday but they just told him he was fine and it was probably a stomach bug, the flu or he had eaten something wrong.

If Jin was being honest, it didn't real feel like any of that. It reminded him of when Namjoon wasn't feeling well (a/n: see chapter Namjoon ~ appendix). That is also why he went to the doctor and now that the doctor was telling him it was nothing to be worried about, he didn't feel any better.

But yeah, what could this been other than the stomach bug or a little flu. The members knew about it, Jin didn't hide the fact what he was feeling and he didn't want to lie to the members about how he was feeling on a trip like this. The members just made sure Jin got everything he needs and tried to help him feel better in every way that he could.

So now that they are sitting around the camp fire, it was a little shock for them that Jin was still shivering.
"Here hyung." Jungkook says walking towards the oldest and giving him a blacked to cover up his body with so he didn't have to be alone in the camper. Jin smiled as he took it and wrapped it around his tender body. It just didn't seem to make that big of a difference.
"Hyung, are you sure that the doctor said it was nothing?" Namjoon asks a little worried. "If it is the flu you really got it this time."
"Yeah, the doctor said it wasn't the appendix, that was what I first thought. But I do believe it must be the flu." Jin says, feeling little cramps in his abdomen.
"Yeah, maybe you should go to bed early." Jimin says, his voices filled with worry.
"I think that would be a good idea." Jin says, smiling softly as the pain in his stomach felt like he needed to vomit. He stands up and almost falls down as there is a wave of nauseous taking over. Yoongi was fast to his feet and catches his only hyung so the man wouldn't fall down straight to the ground.
"Thanks." Jin says, but Yoongi can hear that he is already tired of just standing up.
"Let's get you to bed." Yoongi says helping Jin into the camper. Yoongi doesn't leave Jin side as Jin makes himself ready to go to bed and Yoongi waits till the man is laying down.
"Call me if you need anything. I will come!" Yoongi says, Jin just shows him a thumps up as he waits for Yoongi to walk away. If only he could fall asleep as fast as Yoongi left from his side, but he couldn't. The pain was getting more and more over time and even though a hour passes he still couldn't sleep, but the cramps were getting worse over time. He could softly hear the other laugh, all trying their best not to laugh to hard so they wouldn't wake the older, who still wasn't asleep.

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