Namjoon (RM) ~ migraine

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This is a request from @ID3ALN3V3 I really hope this is what you hoped for!

Please let me know if you also have a request! I am happy to write most of your wishes, also let me know what you think about the writing, if you have any tips let me know.

As soon as Namjoon opened his eyes this morning he knew that today wasn't going to be easy. His head was hurting like someone was constantly slamming on it. It started real soft, so he took some medication. Even with the medication he could feel the pounding getting more and more, but he couldn't afford to rest. Nobody could right now.

They have been working on their comeback for months, second of all he was their leader he needed to be their for them.

So with that in mind he was now standing in the practice room, sweat was streaming down his forehead and they only had done the warming-up. He felt totally worn out, but he knew he couldn't stop now.

"Joonie you feeling ok?" Jin ask looking at his leader. He knew Namjoon for a very long time, he knew about the headache Namjoon got sometimes. Namjoon always tried to hide it, or laugh it of. But he never could hide it for Jin.

"I am waiting for the medicine to kick in." Namjoon told Jin, he wasn't lying he was really waiting for it to kick in. But it should have already kicked in a hour ago.
"Let me know if you need to go home." Jin says looking at Namjoon.
"I will, thanks." Namjoon says before waiting for the music to start.

But when the music start he totally regrets it, the pounding in his head is getting worse and worse. He only hears the loud beat that is not even called music. It has only one tone and with that he can't keep up with his steps.

"Namjoon please keep up, you are more than 3 steps behind." Hoseok says when turning of the music, he is not annoyed, not right now at least and Namjoon knows it. He takes a few breath trying not to get to much attention and that works because the music starts again.

But that doesn't make it any better. He looks at Hoseok trying to follow his lead. Trying to keep up. But the music is getting way to intense, the light are starting to hurt and causing him even more trouble and pain. The headache is getting worse. But he needs to keep up and that he does.

His feet are moving faster than he noticed, it is going on auto pilot, looking at hoseok to keep up the right beat. Because if he doesn't he is lost.

Just as he thinks that he is handling it pretty well, black dots start to appear.

Letting him know that he needs to slow down. His body is needing the rest, he needs to shut out the noise, the light everything that is triggering him.

But he can't.

He just needs to push through the pain.
"Joon. You need to stop" Jin whispers soft towards him, but even that sound is to loud.

"No I can go on." Namjoon says, but it sounds so soft. Even his own voice is to loud for him.
"I know you can, but I know you need to stop." Jin says looking at Namjoon, his eyes are unfosuced, almost close because of the bright lights.

"Guys, Namjoon and I need to take care of other things. Just finishs without us." With that Jin took Namjoon by his arm. Pulling him out of the practice room just as the door closes. He felt Namjoon slip to the ground.

With all the power Jin had he tried to hold Namjoon up, he slowly let Namjoon down against the wall.

"Take your time." Jin says and with that he disappears infront of Namjoon eyes.

Jin walks back into the practice room where everyone looks at him a bit worried.

"Is he ok?" Hoseok asks looking a bit guilty.
"He has a migraine attack. But it seems pretty bad today. I am going to take him home." Jin says.
"Where is he?" Jungkook asks.
"Yeah, I need some help getting him in the car." Jin says looking at bit awkward. "I am way to weak to carry his whole weight."

With that Jungkook and Jin, but mostly Jungkook carry Namjoon to the car.
"You need me to come home too?" Jungkook ask looking at Jin.
"No, the hopefully the security can help me at home." Jin says. "thank you, go back and practice."

Jungkook smiles, before he looks a bit worried at Namjoon in the frontseat before walking back into the building.

Jin slowly drives home, he has giving Namjoon sunglasses that where laing around in the car for the light and doesn't have any music on.

"I feel dizzy." Namjoon whispers soft. "I see black dots."

"just try to breath, you will be fine. Just keep breathing." Jin says, trying not to be loud. But any noise is to much and he knows it.

Jin had never experienced a migraine, he never knew what Namjoon was going thourgh but his eyes were telling them enough.

The drive home went smooth, with the help of the guard he got Namjoon out of the car and into the house on his bed. He closes the curtains and tries to make it as dark as possible as he let Namjoon rest.

"Would you mind to stay?" Namjoon whispers as Jin was ready to leave the room. It was a surprise for Jin to hear those words. Namjoon loved cuddles, he didn't have anything against affection but Jin never knew what Namjoon needs when he has something like this.

"Of course." Jin says as he sits down behind Namjoon, letting Namjoon head rest agains his leg like a pillow. Slowly stroking Namjoon hair, saying nothing just being there.

"You need medication? Its been hours since you took the last one." Jin ask soft.
"Yes please, the stronger one this time." Namjoon says, his voice filled with pain. Jin stands up and walks toward the kitchen to get a glass of water. Than he walks into the bathroom to the medicine cabinet. He takes out the bottle filled with the pills and walks back to Namjoon.

"can you sit up for me?" Jin says setting the glass of water on the nightstand with the pills as he helps Namjoon sit.

Namjoon takes the pill with the glass of water before laying down against Jin.

"Thank you." he says before slowly falling asleep.

Jin stays with his friend, stroking his hair, making sure that he is going to be ok.

A few hours later the other boys come home, they know they need to be quiet but jin can hear them entering the house. But he doesn't mind.

Just as he thinks Namjoon is getting better, Namjoon sits up and throws up. Mostly acid.

"I am so sorry." Namjoon says as a tears escapes form his eye.
"It ok." Jin says helping him get up. "I take you to my bed. Than I can clean yours."
"No no let me help." Namjoon says, but the dizziness takes over, making it almost impossible for Namjoon to stand.
With the help of Yoongi who just walked in, Namjoon is carried towards Jin bed.
"Don't leave me." Namjoon says soft.
"I can clean, it is not a problem." Yoongi says looking at Jin, who feels guilty. He feels responsible for Namjoon. He nods thank fully before Yoongi closes the door again. Leaving Jin and Namjoon in the dark room.

"Your room always smells nice." Namjoon says, as Jin stroke his hair as he tries to let Namjoon sleep.

"Sleep joonie, tomorrow you will feel better." Jin whispers before he also falls asleep.

The next morning JIn wakes up early, noticing that Namjoon is still sleeping. The painfull exprecion Namjoon had on his face yesterday disappeared and as Namjoon opens his eyes Jin know the migrane is gone.

Today is not going to be easy, his body still needs to recover so he will be tired.

"Thank you." Namjoon says smiling as he walks out of the room to the bathroom to get himself ready for the day. 

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