Chapter 37

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Gilles de Rais, Caster, found his last refuge in the ruined throne room, where until recently the Witch had fought and met her death along with Jeanne d'Arc.

The room itself was now completely destroyed - the walls were broken in many places, the roof fell almost completely, the columns were fragmented and randomly spread out, because of which the floor of the hall was now completely covered with dust and concrete chips.

The carpet was torn and now lay in parts in different corners of the hall, illuminated by the bright daytime sun rising above the remains of the ruined city, because of which the ruins of the throne room were now flooded with light. However, not completely.

The only thing that survived in the entire hall was the bulky stone throne. Empty, abandoned, it seemed that it was not even scratched during the battles that occurred, while continuing to stand motionless. The small remains of the masonry and the roof that still remained cast a dark shadow on the Witch's throne.

It was in this shadow that Gilles de Rais was located.

He continued to look at nowhere. Dropping his head, he held in his hands a goblet - the Holy Grail - which he held with no greater reverence than a traveler dying of hunger and thirst holding gold and diamonds in his hands. Yes, they are valuable - but not in their power to give him salvation.

That is what Ainz saw in him.

Slowly, he entered through the hinged doors, which swayed sideways but survived the collapse of the hall, after which he looked at Caster.

That's all.

Ainz sighed.

The last goal in this place. The last person with whose death will end the Singularity.

Ainz moved slowly toward his goal, but Caster, hearing the sound of the mage's footsteps, only looked up at him, and then hung his head again.

"Do not waste your time on me, mage," Gilles said, "I am already dead anyway."

Ainz said nothing in response, only slowly continuing to move toward his goal.

"Your... Your Servant - this Assassin..." Caster continued, "Her poison ... While Jeanne was alive, I did not need to worry about it, but now... Do not worry about me, mage, I will be dead in a few minutes.

Ainz, however, only continued to move towards Caster, after which, going up to that of an arm's length, he stopped. Gilles, hidden by the shadow, slowly raised his gaze to Ainz, whose figure was lit by the midday sun, and then closed his eyes.

"So it was you," Ainz said calmly, after which he looked at Caster.

"Yes," Gilles slowly opened his eyes, after which he looked at the goblet still clasped in his hands, "It was me."

There were a lot of questions in Ainz's head that he wanted to ask, but only one interest him the most.

"Why?" Ainz looked at Caster, forcing him to look at him.

"Why?" Caster just sighed. "Why did I do all this?"

Ainz nodded slowly.

"Because it was the only way," - Gilles sighed, - "Tell me, mage... Is there anything in the world that you want most? Something that will make you to overcome all obstacles in your path? Something for which you are willing to sacrifice something more than your own life, your glory, your mind?"

Ainz stopped.

Ainz Ooal Gown. His friends. His family. His real life.

"Yes," Ainz nodded slowly.

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