Chapter 128

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A war council - as it could be called - settled in Jekyll's living room. The sight of which caused him to bellow indignantly, at least that's what he wanted to do, as armored Servants began seating haphazardly on his favorite couch, deforming it with the weight of their armor. Some Servants literally pushed him out of his comfortable chair at the desk. And how one certain Servant at the moment, with sincere childish curiosity, continued to study - or, more simply, destroy - his assembled radio station. At least that's what he wanted to do.

Jekyll himself was forced to remain silent - to his own considerable regret, the situation at the moment was definitely unsatisfactory to his British predisposition for beauty and comfort.

Ainz, not paying any attention to the silently fuming Jekyll, thoughtfully continued to look at the assembled Servants in the living room. Servants to whom Jack had already told all the information available to her. The situation definitely merits some thoughts.

With the number of Servants opposing them...

Any other person in his place would have been afraid of what they're going to encounter, with Servants more akin to the forces of nature, or divine anger. However, Ainz was not particularly concerned about the Servants who were on the side of the enemy. Of course, he wouldn't do something so blatantly stupid and just ignored his opponents, blindly rushing forward. But, at the same time, Ainz, one way or another, is, if not stronger than any Servant, then at least one of the strongest. And so, that fact in mind, he began the preparation with those that are, nominally speaking at least, on his side.

However, hmm, taking into account the relative strength of both sides, in the current situation even his help might not be enough.

While Ainz was not worried about his safety, for the most part, the safety of the other Servants however... were in much more danger than Ainz himself would have liked. Servants who summoned other Servants through the Grail were not a new phenomenon for Ainz, however, the danger they represented should not be discounted. Servants after all had the disgusting ability to show the most unexpected of surprises from their pockets as soon as they were cornered.

Any Servants could be dangerous. And, if Jack's information were correct, and she had provided as accurate information as she could thanks to one of his abilities, then some of the Servants of the enemy were really dangerous... Even Ainz needed to be careful if he were to face some of them.

However, in the end, even if the worst happened and some of the Servants had powers that were laughably strong even by Ainz's own standards, Ainz was not in any way unarmed and in no way was defenseless. Therefore, gritting his teeth and calming his paranoia - he could say that even with the most pessimistic of estimates, he would most likely break through without significant losses.

However, the existence of this 'King' figure, about the most powerful King - was information of a different level of importance.

Of course, ideally it would just be one of the Demon Kings, but what if it was a Grand Servant? Even Da Vinci was unable to determine either the ability, or the level of power, or the personality of these possible Grand Servants. What if it wasn't a Grand Servant, but something even more dangerous, something that the Grand Servants were summoned to fight? What if his opponent turns out to be stronger than anything he has met before? What if he can't win as confidently as before?

For comparison sake, it would not have been difficult for Ainz to kill all of the Servants present here. However, it would have been quite difficult to protect them all. If his opponent was strong enough, then Ainz was not sure that he could protect the Servants, or even that he could successfully resolve the Singularity in a satisfactory manner. He was not in his most suitable form for a successful battle - and no one could predict what would happen next...

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