Chapter 144

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Leonardo Da Vinci was, is, and will always be an unparalleled genius. Whether a few seconds have passed since the last mention of this fact, or even a thousand years, Da Vinci never tired of repeating that she was a genius among geniuses and the greatest scientist that could and would ever be born on Earth.

There was no such topic in the world that would not be included in Da Vinci's circle of interests and in which she would not excel in at the level of at least the leading scientists of the world. All the sciences of the world, each of which Da Vinci understood and knew at the highest possible level, were ranked in her mind according to their 'interesting-ness' at the moment.

Ranging from subjects like astrophysics, sexopathology, and even linguistics, were for Da Vinci comparatively equal in terms of intellectual value and level of knowledge of subjects. All differing only in the level of their interest for Da Vinci by the moment.

And Da Vinci was not just satisfied, no, she was certainly pleased with such a reality. Truly, the 'God of the Gaps' served as an endless conveyor of new questions and riddles, the solving of which Da Vinci considered her meaning for life.

Da Vinci's passion was guided towards answering questions and scientific theory...

Therefore, the current situation that she had found herself in was so unusual for Da Vinci.

"What should I do next?"

It was unusual for Da Vinci to need to even think about something even remotely scientific in such a manner. Not from the position of 'which of these questions is more interesting for me to solve at the moment', but from the position of 'which of these questions can I even solve?'.

Da Vinci was simply unaccustomed to not knowing something. It was an alien feeling. Like a person that is blind from birth, would just be overwhelmed if their blindness was unexpectedly cured. There was simply no such concept in her picture of the world. She might be familiar with encountering something that she might not know. It was a pleasant experience even. More things to study!

Now she had actually encountered something that she didn't even have a possibility to understand.

That is why, the great mind of the genius of geniuses, is currently occupied with the question of a truly incredible scale. What to do next?

The things she had learned at the previous Singularity...

It was almost like a spiritual revelation, the kind of revelations that created religions and cults and ones that caused empires to collapse from the inside out.

"What should I do at the moment to achieve the desired result?"

It was a stark change in paradigm. Da Vinci was not used to such a strange phenomenon as 'not understanding' something. Worse, she fears that there's not even a place where she could start to unravel the mystery.

Even when she first met Ainz, his skeletal frame and the strength he exuded so strange and alien, Da Vinci was still confident in unraveling it. It was only a matter of time, she thought. She was confident that it was simply nothing more than one more question that she would solve in due time. Another theory that, while exotic, in the end ultimately grew out of the same principles that Da Vinci had learned in her life.

Just as any science about the physical world, in one way or another, comes down to physics, mathematics or even philosophy, Da Vinci was confident that she would be able to understand the mystery that is Ainz. And in the end, like the curious cat, she would receive satisfaction.

Never could she imagine then that she would face something so amazing, so new and strange that it made her really think... That there might be something that she couldn't understand.

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