Chapter 161

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The feeling of not knowing what he needed to do was not something new to Ainz. Not in this world he had found himself in, not in his life.

When Ainz had first become a guild master, against his will, it should be noted, for a short period of time Ainz, had often been struck with indecisiveness.

Should he take the side of one of his guild members in a dispute with another guild member? Or should he abstain? Should he impose any additional rules on the guild after they conquered Nazarick, their new guild base? What quests were worth doing in the first place? What should they do first? Which guilds were worth being friends with, and which ones do they need to stay away from?

For the first few weeks, Ainz was extremely frustrated with both his situation and his inability to find the answers to the tough questions.

It was then that Punitto Moe, a man whom Ainz had always thought of as an extremely intelligent and experienced Player, gave him perhaps the most important advice Ainz ever had.

"If you can't do something to help, do something that can't hurt."

This advice helped Ainz immensely in his role as a guild master. And it seems that that advice would also be helping him right now.

What Ainz could do to help his Servants deal with the Singularity and resolve the complicated trap involving the Demon Kings and that... Salmon? What was his name again? Never mind!

What mattered was that the answer to that question, which Ainz got after much thought, was 'nothing'. Right now, there was nothing that Ainz could do to help the Servants.

Which meant that Ainz had to do something else, something that wouldn't hurt the Servants currently dealing with the Singularity.

That's why, after warning the Servants, just in case, to turn to him immediately if they were in danger, or if they needed Ainz's involvement, which was, of course, part of his 'plan', Ainz decided to do something else.

After all, though it was a little difficult for him to perceive himself as a good boss, letting his subordinates do all the work, but at the moment, in view of his situation, Ainz could actually afford to... Rest?

No, it was more like free time, which Ainz had to make the most of.

And since there were no books in Ainz's inventory for self-development... which led him to curse his luck that the one time he didn't keep an item in his inventory, he needed it. Maybe he should just put all the books from the library in his inventory? Hmm, no, that wouldn't work... Well, he still has a lot of various grimoires and documents in his inventory, which had turned from artifacts and items into various books after Ainz was transferred, but... Yeah, no.

Memories of the time when Ainz decided to open one in curiosity and accidentally read one of the books at random, probably a month or more ago? It was still quite fresh in Ainz's mind.

He could literally feel a migraine forming as it almost felt like reading one of those conspiracy theories in the Net with just how illogical it all sounded.

He definitely should stick to the literature of his level.

And Ainz didn't have any books like 'basics of magic for beginners' in his inventory... no matter how much he trawled through the various books in his inventory, and there's a lot of them.

But there had to be such books! Not all mages in the world could know all the specifics of magic instinctively, could they!? There had to be textbooks or something like that. But Ainz, as one would expect as a Level 100 Player, no matter how acute his hoarder tendencies, had nothing like that. Or maybe he did? Maybe there is one, buried deep within his inventory, simply not aware of it... Hmm, maybe...

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