Chapter 167

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In the end, Mashu accepted Medea's argument to stay in one place, but in the end, it only resulted in Mashu and Medea being left without a job in a city controlled by a completely passive Berserker.

If Mashu and Medea were to embark on a journey, however pointless, there would definitely be a long and important task for them to perform. Even if, in the end, it would all come down to having to move their feet in the right direction. But since they didn't even have such a task, the only activity for Mashu was, literally, communicating with the voice in her head.

And, as Mashu had learned from the books she had read, communicating with the voices in her head had never brought anyone to a happy ending.

Mashu could be sure that the voice in her head did not belong to an unspeakable god of terror from beyond existence, but simply a Servant who got into her head for some purpose of his own...

Actually, that's not much better, isn't it?

'Hey!' Summoned by her thoughts, the voice in her head, namely Galahad, resentfully delivered his complaints. 'I can hear all you here! And it's not my fault I'm in your head! Even more than that, I'd rather not be here at all! You have no idea how many creepy things I've seen in your mind! People don't bend the way you think they do in your fantasies!'

Ahem, anyway, Mashu pushed Galahad's muttering to the back of her mind, an ability Mashu had managed to learn during her time with Galahad, and returned to her thoughts.

The problem with staying in the city where nothing was happening was that Mashu was bored, and she couldn't find any entertainment for herself!

I mean, maybe socializing with Galahad really could have been something entertaining to her in some way, or maybe even for the purpose of training, but none of that was what Mashu was interested in. I mean, she didn't think Galahad was a bad person per se...

'Thank you at least for that!' An indignant thought flew on the edge of her mind, but Mashu brushed it aside.

But they were together twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, even when they slept and...

Mashu blinked.

And in the shower...

'I wasn't looking!' Galahad immediately tried to look away.

And even when Mashu was in the toi...

'Mashu, for the sake of our companionship and your psyche,' Galahad sighed the sigh of the damned. 'Please don't continue with that train of thought.'

And even when she, as an adult, a sexually mature person...

'I'M TELLING YOU, DON'T GO THERE!' Galahad's desperation to change the subject made Mashu shudder, 'And I'll say it again, even if Medb is a Servant, she physically couldn't bend that way!'

Mashu grasped her head, but instantly realized that all sorts of embarrassing thoughts and memories could burst back from the wilds of her memory to the forefront of her mind. And, even if Galahad had demonstrated incredible gentlemanly tact and really hadn't looked in the past...

'I wasn't looking! I was busy doing something else!' Galahad's voice now starting to sound suspicious. 'I was training inside your mind! Now stop trying to remember those kinds of things!'

The faint memory coming back into Mashu's mind right now would clearly make him see everything that Mashu did!

Momentarily realizing this and demonstrating wonders of mental stamina, before she succumbed to a fit of embarrassing thoughts that are tinged pink, Mashu still managed to shout for help. "Caster! This is urgent, distract me!"

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