Part 103 [2]

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Leigh-Anne picked her head up from her desk when she heard Perrie whimpering.

"Bubba?" She stood up to check on her. She saw that she had kicked the blankets off of her. She was sweaty and pale. She was obviously ill. 

When Leigh-Anne picked her up she noticed something leaking down her legs. When she turned on the light she saw the dark colored liquid.

"Why is it so watery?" She asked herself. She didn't know what to do. Perrie's never been ill like this. Leigh-Anne could barely take care of herself when sick.

She tried looking it up, the responses she was getting from the internet were scaring her. So she turned off her phone and gave herself a mental pep talk. She didn't know if she should wake her up.  She decided not to. She looked through the storage container from under her bed looking for a changing mat that she used for Perrie when she was younger. She found a diaper bag with a few nappies and baby care items. She slid the pull up down and gagged.

"Okay, you can do this. Clean her up. She's uncomfortable." She told herself, putting the pull up into a plastic bag and tying it up.

The pull up acted as a strainer which she was grateful for because she wouldn't have been a happy camper if the toddler would've messed her bed. She took her time cleaning her up well to avoid the risk of an infection.

Perrie whines quietly feeling the cold wipes.

"I know, I know, mama knows." She opened her eyes, tears pooling in them. Her nose and cheeks were a dark red as she was running a fever. Leigh-Anne powdered her before taping a nappy and dressing her in a new pajama set.

"Mamaaaa" Perrie cried for Leigh-Anne who was stripping the bed.

"Mama is here pezza. It's okay" Leigh-Anne cooed trying to get her to quiet down. The walls were thin and she knew her roommates needed sleep. Hell, she needed sleep.

Leigh-Anne wiped down the plastic material that she put over the mattress for situations like this one before putting new sheets.

Perrie crawled over to Leigh-Anne. Her body was aching with flu-like symptoms. Leigh-Anne stopped what she was doing when Perrie began to bawl. She was in a lot of pain.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" Leigh-Anne was overwhelmed and ready to pull her hair out. This was too much for her. She needed a minute to calm down and think. She sat down with Perrie sitting in her lap chest to chest.

She handed Perrie her plush octopus, putting a binky in her mouth. This got her to quiet down. Perrie laid her head in Leigh-Anne's neck sighing contentedly.

Leigh-Anne began to tear up feeling the toddlers tears rolling down her neck. She didn't want to see her baby hurt or cry.

"Sowwy" Perrie mumbled quietly around her binky.

"Dont say sorry bub, it's not your fault. Mama should've taken you to the doctor but your insurance card hasn't come yet." Leigh-Anne began looking up where she could buy children's motrin. The closest pharmacy was quite far. She didn't mind walking but she didn't want to drag her sick child around.

Perrie groaned quietly. She was experiencing a lot of stomach discomfort. She held Leigh-Anne's shirt in her fist, wiping her snotty nose on her.

"Can Mama check your temperature?"

Perrie shook her head, she was starting to get antsy and whiny.

"Please baby"

Leigh-Anne put her on the bed looking through the storage containers for a thermometer.  She just bought one.

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