Dead In The Water7

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Dean's P.O.V

I looked at Andrea when she yelled,"Lucas!"

We all looked over to see why she was yelling. We could see Lucas and Ella on the dock by the lake.

My eyes open wide as I yelled, "El!"

We all ran towards them as fast as we could.

"Ella!" Sam yelled trying to get her attention.

She looked at us, but she didn't look too good. She was pale and shaking. I was worried and ran faster towards them. Then we seen Peter near them with his head out of the water.

El looked at him and yelled, "No!" while grabbing on to Lucas.

Before they could get away Peter pulled them into the water.

I jumped off the dock and dove into the water with Sam right behind me.

I looked around and couldn't see them. When I came up for air I looked over at Sam and he shook his head.

Then he yelled,"I'll get Ella you look for Lucas."

I nodded and went back under the water.

Sam's P.O.V

I seen Andrea as she was about to dive into the water. I told her not to, so Peter couldn't take her too.
Then I took a deep breath and went back under the water, so I could search for Ella. I was worried about her and Lucas. They had been under for a while. I was hoping they were both okay.

Ella's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and realized I was under water being dragged down by Peter's ghost.
I struggled against his hold, then Christopher Barr's ghost appeared in front of me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Peter.
Then someone else grabbed me. I looked and it was Sammy. I looked down and couldn't see Christopher anywhere it was like he disappeared.
When Sam and I reached the surface we gasped for air. I was tired and freezing.

Sammy held on to me and said,"It's okay I got you Ella. I got you."

"Sammy I'm tired." I said as I closed my eyes and passed out.

I opened my eyes and I was in the park from my lucid dream. I could see two people sitting at the bench. I ran over and realized it was Jane Doe and Christopher Barr.

"Christopher Barr?"I said, while wondering why he was here.

He stood up and looked at me and said, "Thanks for helping my family."

"I should be the one thanking you. I remember seeing you under the water when Peter was dragging me down. You helped me get away from Peter didn't you?"

"Yeah and it's almost time for me to go." Christopher said while looking up at the sky.

"Go? Where are you going?"I asked him with my eye brow raised.

"My unfinished business is almost complete. Once it's done I'll finally be able to rest." Christopher said while looking at me.

I was curious and asked,"What's your unfinished business?"

"It's actually two things #1 make sure my family is kept safe from Peter and #2 To give my wedding ring to my wife Andrea. I'm gonna need your help." He said with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" I asked Christopher.

"I made it easy for you. When you wake up you'll find my wedding ring in your pocket. I placed it in there when I pulled you away from Peter. Can you help me give it to her?" Christopher said.

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