Bugs 2

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I followed behind my brothers as we walked towards the entrance of the Gas company building. All of a sudden I felt an icy cold chill that caused me to stop in my tracks. Even though it looked like a nice sunny day it literally felt like I was in the middle of Alaska. I knew something ghostly was here, because of the sudden temperature drop that was now making me shiver uncontrollably. I looked around, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I could see was a guy getting out of a parked Gas company truck.

"Where are you hiding?"I whispered under my breath while looking around.

Suddenly my question was answered when I saw a dark figure appear right behind the Gas company worker. I didn't know what this things intentions were yet, so I put my hand into my pocket and held on tight to my iron knife just in case it tried anything.

I stared at it and felt like this thing was familiar somehow. Then it clicked and I began to internally freak out, because it kinda looked like the dark figure that dragged me in to the hole in my nightmare. I opened my eyes wide in shock when it started to come towards me. I didn't want a repeat from my nightmare so I took a couple steps back. That's when it did something weird, it stopped right where it was and disappeared.

I still felt extremely cold which meant that it was lingering around here somewhere hiding. I felt so confused wondering what was going on? Why was it hiding?

My teeth were chattering and I couldn't stop shivering. It literally felt like it was getting colder by the second. Then I was hit with a strong icy cold chill that went down my spine.

"Travis...."I heard a man's voice whisper from behind me. He sounded like he was having trouble breathing.

I turned around, but no one was there. I looked over at the worker and saw the dark figure standing behind him again. It look like it was waving me over, almost like it wanted me to go over there. I had a strong feeling that this was all related to the case my brothers and I were on. This dark figure didn't appear to be causing any harm, so I wondered if it was actually trying to help. I mean my brothers and I were trying to find Travis; maybe this thing found him and this was it's way of telling us.

My curiosity was killing me and I really wanted to find out for myself, so I walked towards it. Right when I reached the worker the dark figure flickered and disappeared. Then the cold, freezing chills that I had felt before slowly went away. I was relieved, because I knew that meant it was no longer here. I stood in front of worker and smiled nervously. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Travis Weaver?"I asked anxiously with a smile.

"Yeah, that's right."He replied with a nod.

I was shocked that the dark figure was right and wondered why it would want to help. This whole case seemed like a freaking puzzle that I needed to solve or it was gonna drive me nuts. There's just something different about this dark figure something really important. I was determined to find out what that something was.

Travis began looking at me suspiciously, he was probably wondering why a complete stranger was talking to him. I managed to channel my inner Dean and quickly come up with something. Basically I was flying by the seat of my pants.

"Are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty?"I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, but Dustin never mentioned a niece."He responded while furrowing his brow.

"Really? Well, my name is Ella and I'm here with my brothers, we came down after hearing about what happened to our Uncle.....My brothers actually want to talk to you, if that's alright?" I said while looking up at him.

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