Asylum 2

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Sam's P.O.V

I sighed in frustration while flipping through Dad's journal as I wondered where was he. Dean called him back in Kansas and he never showed up. I thought maybe something terrible happened that prevented him from reaching us or he received Dean's message and didn't bother to come, because he was hunting something more important than his own kids.

I tossed Dad's journal down on the bed and pulled out my cellphone, so I could call the FBI to file a missing person's report on him. At least then we would know if Dad was okay or not. The whole not knowing was driving me nuts, so I started to dial the number and right as my thumb hovered above the call button I remembered the conversation Dean, Ella and I had about this. They were both opposed to the idea of calling the FBI to aid in our search for Dad, because they said he'd get pissed if we did. I had enough of wondering around aimlessly without a solid lead and I didn't care if he got mad, so I hit the call button and put my ear to the receiver as it rang.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the bathroom door open. I glanced over and saw Ella walk out of the bathroom with her eyes focused down at the ground. Despite the smile she had on her face I could tell something was wrong. I canceled the call and watched as she stopped abruptly in the middle of the room. Her smile faded as a worried expression overtook her face. It looked like she was in deep thought about something and I wondered if it was due to the nightmare she had told me about earlier. I really wanted to find out what was bothering her, so I could help her through it. I've had my fair share of nightmares and I needed to let her know that I understood what she was going through; that I was here for her, so I asked,"You okay?"

Ella's P.O.V

As I walked out of the bathroom thoughts about Dad filled my head. Even though he told me he was okay in the text messages he sent I couldn't help, but feel a little uneasy. Don't get me wrong, I know he can handle himself, because he taught my brothers and I everything we know about hunting. It's just that I couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was gonna happen. I stopped in my tracks and stared down at the floor while hoping he'd give Dean & Sam a sign, so they wouldn't worry... and so I wouldn't worry too or feel guilty about keeping Dad's whereabouts a secret.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts by Sammy asking"You okay?"

I glanced over to the bed by the front door and saw a very concerned Sammy looking back at me. He was sitting on the corner of the bed and kept staring at me attentively as he awaited my response.

"Yeah, I'm fine Sammy..."I replied with a smile to help reassure him, because I didn't want him to worry about me or do anything that would expose the secret I was hiding about Dad.

"Are you sure?"He questioned as he continued to stare at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Yeah, so don't worry big brother, I'm good, okay."I replied cheerfully with a toothy grin, so I could help ease his mind.

He furrowed his brows and nodded his head while replying,"Okay..."

When he looked down at his cellphone I felt relief wash over me, because that was close. At least he believed me, but I knew I was gonna have to step up my game, because that wouldn't work on Dean. It's a whole lot harder to keep things from him, especially when he glares. I have a tendency to crumble under Dean's glaring, but I was gonna have to hold it together this time, because Dad was counting on me to keep my lips sealed.

I walked over to the old wooden table by the front door and slowly started to place my pajamas into my duffel bag like a zombie. Half way through the process I heard the familiar sound of the Impala's engine approaching in the distance, so I perked up and moved faster to put away my clothes. What can I say, I was hungry and the idea of food sounded really good.

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