Skin 5

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Sam and I made sure to hide our guns in our jackets, so we wouldn't draw any unwanted attention from anyone as we walked down the street. I kept my hand in my pocket holding on tight to my gun ready just in case the shifter decided to make a special appearance.

"We couldn't find him anywhere." I said while kicking an empty soda can that was lying on the ground. I was frustrated that we couldn't find him. I only hoped Dean had better luck.

Sam shrugged and said,"Maybe he went back down into the sewer."

I nodded while saying,"Yeah maybe."

"Let's go meet up with Dean."Sam said while grabbing my hand and leading me back to the area where we were suppose to meet Dean.

When we arrived we looked around and seen that he wasn't there yet.

"Do you think he's okay?"I asked nervously wondering if he was alright.

"Do you think who's okay?" I heard Dean say from behind us.

I turned around and smiled. Then I ran towards him and tackled him with a big hug.

I scrunched up my nose and felt like puking, because he smelt horrible like the smell from the sewer, but worse. I took a step back from him and pinched my nose while saying,"Wow, dude did you step in something when we were down in the sewer, because you smell gross."

"Probably...Did you guys find anything?" Dean said with a smirk.

Sam shook his head and said,"No, he's gone."

"All right let's get back to the car." Dean said with a big smile.

Sam and I walked across the street while Dean followed. Suddenly I had the strangest feeling like I was being watched and when I looked back all I could see was Dean staring at me.

I smiled then playfully stuck my tongue out at him.

He smirked and walked towards Sammy and I. Then we stopped when we reached the car.

"Sammy can I have the keys please, so I can get into the car?" I pleaded while looking at Sam with my puppy dog eyes.

He smirked and said,"I've taught you that a little too well."

Then he placed the keys in my hands while I smiled and said, "Yay! Thanks Sammy."

"You're welcome Ella."Sam said with a slight smile on his face. I quickly unlocked the back door to the Impala. Then I threw the keys back to Sam while saying, "Heads up Sammy."
He caught the keys and put them in his pocket.

I hoped into the backset and pulled out my journal. I had the strongest urge to finish the drawing I was working on earlier. I quickly finish it because from some strange reason it felt really important like it couldn't wait. I looked at my drawing and seen that It was a another guy drawn twice. The second guy had those weird eyes again. Then my eyes literally bugged out of my head when I realized the guy I just drew looked kinda like Dean. I turned around slowly and compared my drawing to him. I put my journal back into my bag.

"Better safe than sorry like Dad always says." I whispered to myself as I cocked my gun and hid it in my pocket before getting out of the car. I stood next to Sam and hoped that my drawing was wrong.

"You think he found another way underground?" Sam asked while looking at Dean.

Dean nodded and replied,"Yeah, probably. You got the keys?"

Sam nodded then asked,"Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?"

"Oh that was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter, it was a thought form. A psychic projection, remember Sammy? right El?"

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