Skin 4

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When I opened my eyes I was in the park in my lucid dream and breathed a sigh of relief feeling happy that Bloody Mary was no where in sight. I guess Jane was right my fear can't haunt me in my sleep now that I came clean to my brothers.

I looked at the bench and there was Jane writing in her journal. I walked over and sat next to her while saying,"Thanks for your help, I told my brothers and it worked."

She smiled and nodded at me. Then she returned to writing in her journal.

"Hey, If I were to ask you about who you are.... would you answer?" I asked while looking over at her.

I was hoping she would just tell me who she was or at least give me clue.

When she didn't respond or look up from her journal I said, "Okay, I guess you're back to giving me the silent treatment. I figure you must have a really good reason for keeping your identity a secret, so I won't ask anymore questions about who you are. I figure that's the least I could do after all you've done to save me so many times. I mean I know you don't want to hurt me and that all you want to do is help me. I can sense it as weird as that sounds. It's confusing these..... abilities."

She smiled while turning to me and placing her journal in my hands. I looked at what she had written inside and read it aloud, "Do not doubt your abilities or your senses they will reveal the truth."

"Sounds like a fortune cookie." I said with a smile as I looked at her while handing her back her journal.

"Now wake up!" Jane said while closing her journal and walking away.

Then the dream began to fade and I was brought back into the real world.

Suddenly I felt someone nudge my arm.

"Ella, Ella wake up." I heard Sammy's voice say.

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was 4:30 in the morning. I closed my eyes and groaned while saying,"Why so early Sammy?"

"Come on, get up. I figured something out."Sam said while walking over towards Dean who was passed out.

I sat up quickly and threw my pillow at Sam. I managed to nail him right in the face which caused me to laugh while covering my mouth.

"What was that for?" Sam asked while glaring at me.

"Shush, I have an idea." I said with a mischievous grin while looking at Dean.

"I know that smile Ella, What are you up to?" Sam asked quietly with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't tell me you never wanted to get Dean back for all those times he woke us up with ice cold water?"I said while shivering at the thought of the countless times Dean did that to me.

Sam smirked and nodded while saying,"Okay."

I got up quickly and ran to get two big glasses of ice cold water from the kitchen. I walked over to Sam and handed him a glass.

"Okay let's do this on three."Sam said while looking over at Dean.

I nodded with a big smirk on my face while holding my glass.

Sam began to count,"One, two..."

"The next word that comes out of your mouth better not be three and if I feel one drop of water you're both gonna get it." Dean said with his eyes closed.

Sam and I both looked at each other in shock.

"How did you know?" Sam asked in disbelief with an eyebrow raised.

"You both have so much to learn young grasshoppers."Dean said with a big grin on his face while sitting up.

I shook my head and said,"Not fair you always do this to us."

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