Skin 8

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I opened my eyes and seen that I was standing in Rebecca's house.

Then I heard Sam say, "Thanks."

I walked towards his voice and smiled when I seen him sitting on the couch in the living room. I walked towards him, but my smile faded when I seen Rebecca standing behind him with glowing eyes. Suddenly she hit him on the head with a beer bottle knocking him out cold.

"No! Leave him alone!" I yelled trying to get the shifter's attention away from him.

"They can't hear you." Emily's voice said as she appeared next to me while looking at Sam with concern.

I turned to her and asked,"What is this?"

She replied,"I'm showing you what happened to Sam, so you can save him... before he ends up like me. Please wake up and help him. Wake up."

"El Wake up!"I heard Dean's voice yell.

"Dee?"I asked while slowly opening my eyes. I realized that I was on the ground and Dean by my side holding my head up. Rebecca was standing further back looking really worried.

"Don't ever scare me like that again El."Dean said while giving me a hug.

"Are you okay?"He said while helping me to sit up.

Then I remembered what Emily showed me and I frantically said,"No, we have to go save Sammy he's in trouble the shifter has him."

"El slow down. Breathe... now tell me, what are you talking about?"Dean asked while looking me in the eyes.

I seen Rebecca looking over at us with concern. I didn't want her to hear what I was about to say, so I leaned in towards Dean's ear and whispered,"Emily's ghost showed me.... the Shifter... it's at Rebecca's looking like her.... it has Sammy, we have to save him now."

"Are you okay Ella?"Rebecca asked while walking towards Dean and I.

I nodded while saying,"I will be once we save Sam."

"What happened to Sam?" She asked while looking at me.

"He's been caught by the same thing that brought you here."Dean replied while helping me to my feet.

"Oh God."Rebecca said sounding scared for Sam.

"We have to hurry and get there before it.... hurts him."I said with my brow furrowed.

"Let's move!"Dean said while looking at Rebecca and I.

We left the sewer and hopped into the Impala. We drove to Rebecca's house hoping we weren't too late.

When we arrived Dean parked the car in the back of Rebecca's house. We snuck to the back door and it seemed like the closer we got towards the house the more I could smell the disgusting scent of the Shifter.

I gaged while saying,"It's definitely inside."

"You okay?"Dean asked while looking at me.

"Yeah, just the EMF thing making me feel like I'm gonna puke. I'll be fine." I said with a nod.

Dean said, "All right let's go in and..."

"Let me guess stay behind you."I said interrupting what he was going to say.

Dean nodded while saying, "Yeah, and Rebecca stay with the car."

Rebecca shook her head and said,"No, I want to make sure Sam is okay. I'm coming wether you like it or not."

"You heard the lady Dee." I said with a smile.

"El you're not helping."Dean said while glaring at me.

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