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"You got to be kidding me...."
Ronnie, my best friend since 2 years, said while shaking her head.

I just stood in my living room back in Germany, while she was sitting in hers in Houston. We were currently skyping, like everyday. And after i took almost 2 hours of our time, venting about my bastard of ex-boyfriend, which cheated on me and then ran with half off my 90 million €uro lottery win, we finally decided that it was time to put our plan in motion.

We had decided, after the Fucker ran, that we would move in together somewhere.
But since i only had my dog and was unemployed and Ronnie wanted to stay in the States, i decided to move over.

The plan was also to find a city to live in, by hanging a map of North America on the wall, throw a dart at it and pick the next city closest to it...

There i stood now, staring at the map and trying to figure out why Detroit, when i had tried my best to aim to Florida.....

"Damn, I'm sorry bestie" was all i could get out, turning away from the wall and sitting my horrible aiming ass back down on my couch.

"Okay, let's take a deep breath" Ronnie said, while i could see her ruffling through her hair.
"Let's grab the phones and start googling Detroit, to find 1. a house to buy and 2. some Foundations you can donate to, right?!"

"Let's do this, you'll look for a house anything up to 3 Million, big backyard, enough space for both of us, so that i don't run into your great mood every damn morning and it'll be great if it wouldn't be in the middle of the city.
I'll look for a shelter or something for animals to donate to and for kids and teenagers to help them." I said while grabbing my phone from the coffeetable.

"I still don't understand how that douche could do that to you. I mean look what you're doing, you've decided to give money away to help others, you never mistreated the asshole, you were always...."
"Please leave it, bestie" i said, while feeling myself getting angry again.
"I'm better off without him, we both know that."

"I know, I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to piss you off again. It's just...." she started again.
"Veronica!!!!" I yelled.
Yes, i'd a temper and thankfully she knew that and wouldn't be mad at me when it broke through...

"Wooooooow, full first name." She started to laugh and raised her hand in defeat "alright, i'll leave it. Calm down bitch"
Aaaaand she got me again... I just had to join in laughing.

"Okay, could we go back to work?" I asked after our laughing died down.
"I think i found something here. Well, actually a few..." i said while looking at my lap top screen.
"Shoot" Ronnie said.

"So, Michigan Human Society Pet Adoption and Detroit Dog Rescue, which was just founded. Those 2 for animals.
Aaand Todd Phillips Children's Home for orphans." i sighed.
"What's that sigh for?" She asked with a puzzeld look on her face.

"There are soooo much and i don't have enough money to help as much as i would want too. That's why."
"Listen sweetie, i know you want to help all of them, but you can't. But you can help a few and change a bit. That's better than nothing!" I guess she's right.....

"I found a few houses, i'll sent you the pics, which we should definitely take a look at. When are you coming over?" She smiled at me.
"Let me make an appointment with the dog daycare for Blacky and then i'll book a flight." I told her, dialing the daycares number.

"Soooooo" i started after ending the phone call. "I'll bring him over in the morning, means i can book a flight, if i get one, for tomorrow afternoon."
"Then we better start looking"

After 30 minutes i had booked my flight to Detroit. Ronnie was still on the phone talking to her boss, to find out if she could quit right away. She hung up and turned to the screen with a lightly pale expression on her face.

"Tina, I'm soooooo sorry...." she started and i knew what was coming.
"You know my boss helped me a lot and now i should give him back a bit. He asked me if i could please stay till the end of the month and i agreed"
"God dammit bestie" i yelled." It's the 3rd, just the beginning of the month.What the Fuck should i do alone in Detroit?"
"Explore the city????" she questioned carefully.

"That is just fucked up, i should've waited to book my flight. Damn it, why didn't i wait???"
I still yelled.
"Calm your shit" she yelled back and i insantly calmed down."You'll do just fine. Now we'll find a beautiful hotel for you to stay and then we go on from that point."

1 hour later and my room was booked at The Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit.
Honestly, i would have been ok with a normal hotelroom, but Veronica made me book the luxury suite. Telling me that since i got the money now, i should spent some for myself.
Since i didn't want to argue with her, i just did!

After 5 hours of skyping we said our "Goodbye's" and ended our videocall.
Now i stood in my apartement, making a mental to-do list, so i won't forget anything.

3 loooooong hours later, my bags were packed, passport ready and my dogs food, plankets and toys stood packed at the door.
I called my Mom, my younger brother and sister to tell them the plan. They all were happy for me, even though they would miss me. I promised that i would stay a bit with Ronnie, when i came back to get Blacky.

After that, I could finally go to bed.
Wondering which surprises Detroit would have in store for me......

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