New home

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Needless to say that I'd called my bestie after Marshall hung up.
Let's just say she was something between shocked, thrilled and happy for me.
She had also booked her flight and would be here Friday afternoon. I can't wait to have her here with me.
"2 days till I arrive bestie. What are you doing till I'm there?" She pulled me out of my thoughts.
"I mean, except of looking at your phone, thinking if you should call him?!"
"Zip it!" I told her in a serious tone, but failed horribly 'cause I burst out laughing.
"I won't call him until he calls me first."
"Hey doo doo brain, he already called you first. Now it's your turn!"
"I know!" I whined "I just don't want to look like some thirsty bitch, I guess!" She started to laugh again. After she calmed down she went on.
"Tina, we both know you're not some thot, that just would want him for his money, status or whatever. But he made the first step, which was a pretty big one for him; I mean he's god damn EMINEM! And don't you think, that if he wouldn't have the tiniest feeling that he could trust you in some way, that you won't sell everything to the press, he would have called you and invited you?"
"Maybe he just wants to fuck?" I asked.
"Yeah, right!!! He just wants to nail you. That's why he asked you to call him, invited you for not only one but two concerts. Listen bestie, not every guy is a untrustworthy motherfucker like your ex- bastard!"
"Maybe you're right" I sighed.
"Maybe???? I am!"
"Okay" I laughed.
"So, plans for next days? Tell me."
"I'll spend time with Josh, maybe take him to the shelters with me. And tomorrow morning I'll get my rental car." I told her clapping my hands like a 3 year old.
"What kind of car?"
"BMW x5"
"Lot of space for a kid" she said.
"Good. Send me some pics of your cutie. I'm talking bout Josh, Eminem I can google myself!" That bitch....
"Ha ha ha" I said in a sarcastic tone, but laughed right after it.
"I will. You google a bit, don't let your panties drop. Believe me he's sooooo much hotter live!"
"Thanks bitch!" She laughed. "I'll call you tomorrow. Love ya!"
"Love you too!"

After the phone call I went straight to bed.
The next day was great. I took Josh with me to the shelters to donate and look for some dogs to adopt later.
Josh had fallen in love with a young pitbull and it was pretty hard for me, to not tell him that when it would be official that I would adopt him, that he would get the puppy.
I had also talked to Liz about giving my number to Marshall. She apologized multiple times, tellin' me she would've never done it, but he was pretty determined to get it. So I was flattered and left it with that.

It was now Friday and today Ronnie would finally come over for the weekend. I just finished my shower and sat down to eat breakfast, when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and smiled to myself.
"Hey, Marshall. How are you?"
"Looks like someone safed my number" he laughed." I'm good. How are you?"
"I'm good,too. Thanks for asking. And sure I safed your number, how should I call you if I hadn't?" I asked back.
"Well, then I should be disappointed now."
WAIT!!!! WHAT????? WHY????
"Why?" I asked shocked, trying pretty hard to find a reason why he could be disappointed.
"Cause if you had my number, there must be a reason you didn't call. But I get it. Looks like I'm not interesting enough" he stated.
God damn, take me now! How could I be so dumb???
"I can asure you, it's not like that Marshall." I said fast.
" I'm just messing with you Tina" he laughed into the phone. " I know I'm fucking awesome!"
"Cocky prick!" Right the second the words left my mouth, I slapped myself on it.
"Wow" a booming laugh came through the phone. "Thank you. So that's what you get these days for being honest and also calling a beautiful lady to say good morning?!"
"I'm sorry! Can you forgive me? Pleeease!" I asked in the nicest tone I could get out.
"How can I not? Sure I forgive you." He answered." Listen, I just wanted to check if you lost my number and say good morning. Now that I know you still have, it's your turn to call."
He said and hung up.
What is it with this guy never saying "bye"?????
I shook my head smiling, finished my breakfast and went back to the bathroom to get ready to go see Josh.

Damn it was hard to leave him there again. But only a few weeks more and I could take him home. Only if Ronnie and me would find a house this weekend, but I was very determined to find one.
I picked Ronnie up at the airport and I can't tell how happy I was to see her. We hugged for a long time a talked the whole ride back to the hotel.
She also told me that she had made 5 appointments for the next day to look for a house and I showed her all the pics, that I'd taken from Josh. She swooned the whole time over the pics.
Looks like she's in love too...
We ended our evening at the hotel bar and went to bed.

"That's it Ronnie!" I said to her while walking through the house again. It had all I wanted and more.
"Alright, so I'll go and talk to the real estate agent and tell him you want to buy it!" She said leaving me standing in my, soon to be living room. The house had everything. A lot of space for me, Veronica and Josh. A hughe backyard, indoor pool, even a little pond. It was simply perfect!!!!
I turned around when a smiling Ronnie walked back in, with an even wider smiling real estate agent at her side.
"Congratulations Miss Keller. You've made a wonderful choice" he said while shaking my hand.
Surely the Fucker is smiling like that. He gets a good amount of money out off that deal!
"Thank you Sir" I responded nicely.
"You just have to sign the papers and I'll call you tomorrow when you can pick up the keys."
"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow then" I said before leaving my new home with Ronnie at my side.
We got into the car and I let out a scream from happiness.
"Congrats bestie!! It's the perfect house for a perfect woman" she said while hugging me.
"For two perfect women" I corrected her.
"And a perfect little boy" she added.

I started the engine of the car and left the driveway, but not without taking on last look in the rearview mirror.
That's my new home....

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