The wedding (pt.3)

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We had walked down the aisle together, my husbands arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I knew I was smiling like the biggest idiot, but I just couldn't help it. I was overly happy!
"Mister and Misses Mathers, allow me to congratulate you both and I wish you all the best for your marriage." William told us and shook both our hands. Funny that our wedding planner was the first to congratulate us. Our guests had been guided to the reception, where they would get something to drink and appetizers, while we would go outside and get photographed. Later the bridesmaids, groomsmen and our siblings, and mothers would come out too.
"Can I have a minute with my wife to ourselves?" Marshall asked when we stood outside and William nodded and made sure that the photographers would disappear.
"Are you happy?" Marshall asked me unsure and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.
"How couldn't I be? I've just married the man of my dreams! I could explode from happiness." I answered and he pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible and kissed me.
"Good, then I'm not the only one!" He said with a smile and pushed me slightly away, scanning me up and down. "Have I told you how beautiful you look today?"
"Yes, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again." I smiled at him and he let his hands slide over my waist, while I had put my hands on his chest.
"You are beautiful and I'll tell you that every day from now on!"
Before I could answer, we heard the clicking sound of a camera.
"I am truly sorry, but this was just the perfect moment to capture." One of the photographers said and smiled apologetically.
"Didn't I say I want a moment with my wife to ourselves?" My husband asked him angrily and glared at him. But I didn't want to argue with anyone today. I took Marshall's hand in mine and squeezed it to get his attention back. He turned his head immediately to me and I only shook my head, to show him, that he shouldn't get nervous. He kissed me again and told the photographer that it was okay and that we could start now. 30 minutes after a hell lot of pics, William brought the others out to take pictures with us. My mother was the first to hug us and wish us all the best, then came Alaina, Hailie and Whitney, who engulfed us in a big group hug. Then came our siblings and after them Debbie.
"It is very nice to finally meet my daughter in law. Congratulations and all the best!" She said and hugged me shortly.
"Nice to meet you too, Debbie and thank you." I answered her and smiled, before she hugged Marshall.

What should I say to her? Thank you for destroying the childhood and teenage years of the man I love?! Guess that wouldn't have been thaaaaaaat good, huh?

Kim was the next to hug me, before the guys. Bizzy almost crushed me and was scolded for that from Marshall. Denaun had lifted me up, which also got him scolded. The others asked Marshall if they were even allowed to hug me now, which made me chuckle. Another 40 minutes later, we were finished and now it was time for me and my husband to walk into the venue, where our guests were waiting.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up for Mister and Misses Marshall Mathers," William announced and everyone raised out off their chairs and clapped.
For sure, we were hugged a lot more, from our friends. Skylar almost tackled me down and I could only remain on my feet, because Marshall catched me before I could fall. Needless to say she was scolded from him too....

After dinner, it was time for the speeches. First was Denaun as Marshall's best man, who delivered a phenomenal rap as his speech.
Then Laney, Hailie and Whitney stood up and they really got me all emotional.
And then Veronica got up and started.
"Most of y'all know that I'm Tina's best friend. For the ones who don't know me, I'm the brides best friend!" She said and I laughed. "This woman over there is the best friend someone can ask for. Actually I believe she's an angel, send down to show the people around her, what true love really is. When she had moved to Detroit, she was scared as hell, that she wouldn't find anyone here, but I had reassured her that it would happen. One day later she called and told me that she had met Eminem and that the dude had actually stalked down her cellphone number and he would now probably call more often." Marshall and I had to laugh from her description. "If I would have known then, that he would basically steal her away from me, I would have told her to not give him the tiniest chance. But the dumb me actually pushed her into his arms," she stopped and facepalmed herself, which made everyone laugh. "And even though I really and I mean really, should hate him for stealing her away from me, I can't! Simply because I know she loves him with all of her heart. And whoever she loves, I have to love too. That's an unwritten rule between us. Marshall," she said and turned to him, before she continued, "you are the luckiest dude on this planet because you got her to love you." Marshall smiled at her, nodded and then kissed my temple, mouthing a "I know" to Ronnie. "And although you can be a real pain in the ass, she decided to stay with you and fight for you whenever she had to and I mean that quite literally. You two had overcome a hell lot together and still you are here today, being finally married. You two are meant to be together and before I stop my rambling, I want to say "Thank you!" Because you are the reason I can believe that true love really exists!" I had tears in my eyes from her words and got up and hugged her tight.
"Thank you so so much Ronnie. I love you!" She released me again and smiled at me.
"I love you too and now stop crying. Think of your make-up." I chuckled and sat down and then my husband got up beside me.
"I know we heard a lot of speeches tonight, but I want to say a few words to my beautiful bride." The room went completely quiet, everyone was listening and I turned my body and looked up at Marshall. " Tina, I still remember the first second I saw you. You were so kind and your smile almost swept me off my feet. Then the way you talked, your behavior, the way you sometimes looked at me. I just had to get to know you and when I kissed you the first time on stage, I knew I would never let you go. But I did. And believe me I'm still kicking my ass for that. But you never closed your heart and always took me back." He smiled at me and brushed a few tears off my cheek. "You are the reason I want to be a better man each day. You support me, you care for me and you love me unconditionally. That's more than I had ever hoped for. I love you more than my life," he walked around the table where we had been seated and walked in the middle of the room, where William had left space to dance. He turned around and looked at me, before he continued. "And now that you are my wife, I would kill for you!" He finished, music started and Skylar walked over to him and sang together with him her song 'Kill for you'.
To say I was overwhelmed isn't enough. This was just perfect.
The song had finished and while everyone was clapping, I walked over to my husband and kissed him.
"You liked it?" He asked me and pulled me tightly to his body.
"You know I loved it." I told him smiling and he released me, only to take my hand and said to our guests.
"I think it's time to start the party now!"

The Donation ( Eminem Fanfic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن