Forgiveness (pt.2)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

It was Saturday. Day one after Tina left me! I was currently sitting in my homestudio, only one light was on. I had a headache, that I thought my head wanted to explode! But I couldn't and definitely didn't want to take some painkillers.

You deserve it dumbfuck!!!

After Tina had ended the call yesterday, I had packed my stuff without saying another word to the guys, and went straight home. I had tried to occupy myself with watching TV, but all I did was staring at my cellphone on the coffeetable. Hoping she would change her mind and call me. But she didn't!
I don't even know what time it was, when I went to bed and tried to sleep. All I could, was remembering the way she had looked, standing outside the studio and her voice when I had called her. I had only two words to describe her, broken and hurt! Around 5 am I got up and walked into my studio

Maybe I could write some rhymes?!

The fuck I could! I only said in my chair, thinking about her and what she's doing right now. I don't even know what time it was, when the door was opened and my oldest daughters stood in the doorway.
"Hey Dad, what you doing here in the dark?" Hailie was the first to speak. I just exhaled deeply.
"Is everything okay?" Alaina asked me now and that's when I decided to talk.
"Tina left me!"
"Wh...what?!?! Why????" Hailie stammered out and they both came over, sitting in front off me and waiting for me to continue.
I rubbed over my face, took a deep breath

They're old enough to know

and told them what had happened.
"Damn!" Was all they could get out, when I had finished.
"But she said she would call, right?" Alaina asked me now.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"Then you have to wait. She's hurt. You have to give her time Dad, don't pressure her, okay?!"
"It's really hard, but okay!" I told her.
"Do you love her?" Hailie asked me and I nodded.
"Yes, that's why it is so hard for me not to call her or drive to her place!"
"Does she know that you love her?"
"She knows I'm in love with her. But I never told her that I love her."

It's kind off weird, to talk to my little girls about my love life....

"Then you should tell her, don't you think?" Hailie asked on.
"If she'll give me the chance to talk to her, I will." I sighed again.
"You want to stay here, or come with us?" Alaina started, " we could watch some TV? I would even watch espn now" I smiled at them.
"Nah, I'll stay here, maybe work a bit!"
"Okay" they both said, got up to hug me and walked out. Leaving me in my little personal hell!
2 hours later Hailie came running into the room.
"You have to get up" she said, grabbing me on my arm, to yank me out off the chair. I looked at her totally confused.

What the hell happened???

"Come on Dad!"
"Hailie, you'll rip my arm off. What's up?" I asked and she let go off my arm, grabbing my hand instead, a smile forming on her face.
"She's here!! Tina is here, she's sitting in the living room with Laney!!" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, but she kept pulling me by my hand, out off the studio and to the living room. There she was.... sitting beside Laney on my couch, her back turned towards me.

She's really here!! Now, all or nothing!!!

"Hey" Hailie said softly and she turned around. Here eyes were puffy and red, probably from crying. She stood up and walked around the couch in front off me.

How badly I want to kiss her now!!!

She had no make up on her face, hair in a ponytail and only wore sweatpants, sneakers and a black shirt. If it wouldn't be for her puffy eyes, I would swear her, she was more beautiful than ever before!
"We'll leave you two alone." Laney said walking past Tina,rubbing her arm once and giving me a reassuring smile. Hailie only smiled at us and they were gone.
We stood in front off each other without saying a word and then she was the one who spoke up first.
"I know, I said I would call. But I thought...." she trailed off and rubbed over her face. "Actually I don't know what I thought!" She chuckled bitterly.
"Tina, listen..." I started, but was cut off by her, while tears started to run over her cheeks.
"Just tell me why, Marshall?! I.. I don't understand it. Did I do something wrong?"

God please stop crying... you are perfect, you never did anything wrong!!!

"You didn't do anything wrong" I told her softly " and neither did I. Let's sit down and let me explain. Please Tina!" She looked at me and nodded once, before she turned around and walked to the couch to sit down.

Damn, that ass!!!!!! Fucker.... NOT NOW!!!!

I sat down beside her, leaving some space between us, even though I wanted to hold her close to me. But I didn't want her to maybe get uncomfortable.
"Okay, listen....." I started and told her the whole story. From how I'd met the whore, how I used her only for my needs, till what had happened yesterday. I even told her what had happened after she had left.

Damn it feels good to talk to her...

"And that's it. Tina believe me, I would NEVER hurt you. I learned a long time ago from my mistakes!" She listened the whole time without interrupting me once. She had even stopped crying, which I thought was a good sign.
"I thought you didn't want me anymore." Now I was confused.
"Why would you even think that? You're my everything Tina, how could you possibly think I wouldn't want you no more?"
"I know it's stupid. But the last weeks you hardly called or spent time with me and when I saw you yesterday..... it just fitted perfectly, you know!"
"God I'm an asshole!" And now I had to grab her hand. "Beautiful, when I'm working, I forget the whole world around me. I'm sorry! I promise it won't happen again, if you give me a chance...."
"That bitch really threatened you?" She asked me now


"Well if you want to call it that..." this time she interrupted me.
"I want to know where I can find her!"
"Tina listen, she got what she deserved, it's...."
"Marshall," she cutted me off again, "that bitch threatend you and even worse, she had the audacity to try and destroy my relationship. Excuse me, but you have to be clearly delusional, if you think I would let her get away with a slap and a push!" She told me angry.

Hell she's sexy when she's angry!!!!

"Tina, please leave it! I'll deal with it. It's my problem, I'll make it go away." I tried to calm her down, which clearly didn't help.
"She made it my problem too. And I know it's unfair what I'm saying now, but I want to know...." I prepared myself for the worst.
"If you want me back, you'll tell me where I can find that bitch. Come hell or high water, that bitch will pay for the pain she caused both of us!" I looked at her wide eyed.
"Okay. If you want to know, I'll tell you. But please Tina, don't go way over board. I couldn't care less about her, it's you I want to protect!" I told her, caressing her hand with my thumb.
"I promise I won't kill her, the rest, I can't guarantee!" She said and surprised me by smiling a little bit at me.

Say it! Now's the right time!!!!

"I love you" I said, swallowing hard afterwards. Her eyes, that had looked at our hands shot up and met mine.
"Say that again!" She ordered softly, a small smile  appearing on her face.

Do you have to make it that hard for me?!?!

"I love you!" I looked straight into her eyes. She got up, letting my hand slide out of hers.

Hold up!!! You can't leave me now!! I told you I love you and I meant it... hell nah, you can't leave me!!!!

Before I could stop slightly panicking, she stood in front off me and pushed me softly into the cushions in my back. I just sat and watched every move from her. She sat on my lap, straddling me and cupped my face with her hands. Then she leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. My hands shot up from my side, securing her by her waist to my body.
"I love you too Marshall"

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