Mourning and a Birthday

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Marshall had brought me home after the incident with my ex, while Denaun drove with my car to Kim, to take Josh there. Marshall had organized all that, since I was to shaken up to even speak. Royce had taken care of Sam and I felt sorry for him, what Edi had done. From the moment we got home and Marshall had layed me down on the couch, he was on the phone talking to his lawyers, to make sure that Edi could not only get close to me and Josh anymore. But also he wasn't allowed to come into the States again and to top it all off, he hired 2 bodyguards, who would from now on follow me everywhere. When he was finished after almost 3 hours, he helped me out of my sweatshirt and I could see his eyes filling up with tears, while he inspected my arm.
"I should've beaten the living daylight out off that fucker." He mumbled and layed an icepack on the dark purple bruise, that covered almost my entire upper arm. I touched his cheek and caressed it with my fingertips
"Marshall, I'm okay," I reassured him with a smile, "thanks to you!" He leaned over and kissed me deeply and in that second all the pain was forgotten.
"I was so damn worried about you, when you called and told me that he was there! Damn I thought I'd loose my mind till I arrived there!" He sighed and brushed with both hands over his head.
"But you were there right in time. I hope you know I'll call you 'my hero' from now on?!" I smiled and he pulled me into his arms, holding me tight to his body.
"I guess I can live with that!" He chuckled and started to brush through my hair and I fell asleep. 
The next day, Ronnie picked up Josh after kindergarten. She was terrified when she heard what had happened and it was better for now if Josh would stay with her, till we knew for sure that my ex was gone for good. I felt like a terrible mother. My past was hunting me and now my son had to suffer from it and couldn't be with me. But Ronnie and even Kim and Marshall had all told me, that it was the best I could do for Josh and also that I would be a great mother. I still didn't believe them...

Now it was April 11th, the anniversary of DeShaun's death. Marshall had been very quiet the whole morning and after lunch he met with the rest of D12, to go to the cemetery. He asked me if I wanted to come with him, but I had told him, that I would stay at home and cook dinner, so they all could come over after they had visited the grave. I knew that it wasn't my place to be there with them. I would wait at home and be there for him when they were gone. I was in the kitchen for almost 4 hours. I had made Lasagna, oven chicken, fried rice, 4 different types of salad, even some German specialties that Marshall really liked. Semmelknödel, Spätzle and roast beef. I never was so thankful, that my grandma had learned me how to cook.
I had everything put on the dinner table, together with plates, cutlery, glasses and something to drink, when the frontdoor opened and they all walked in. You could see that they all were sad and so I just said quickly "hello" to them, hugged them all a little bit longer than normal and offered to take their jackets. After I had told them, that I had made something to eat and told Marshall, that if he needed something I would be upstairs and he only should call for me, I excused myself and went into our bedroom. I had taken my iPad with me, to take the time and look for Whitneys birthday present and how I could handle all of it. I had decided to buy her a horse and now that I had found one, I had to find a stable where I could bring it over to.  After more than 2 hours I had everything organized and I only had to go to the stable and pay for the rent and also pay the seller of the horse. I had went to take a shower and when I got out of the bathroom, to lay down and watch some TV, my boyfriend called for me. I rushed down the stairs to be there faster, if they would need anything, but the only one standing downstairs was Marshall, awaiting me with open arms.
"You don't need to rush, beautiful. I only needed a hug from you." He smiled a sad smile and I hated to see him like that.

Why do you always let the good ones suffer the most, God?!?!

I smiled softly at him and wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed his cheek
"I love you Marshall" I told him and hugged him a little bit tighter.
"I love you too" he replied and kissed my forehead, before he released me and walked back into the living room.
It was almost 11 pm and I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open anymore, when Marshall called my name again. As earlier, I rushed down the stairs, to see the guys standing downstairs, getting ready to leave. I told them "good night" and they left, leaving me with my boyfriend. I asked him if I could do anything more for him, but all he wanted was to go to bed. So I told him he should go upstairs and I would lock the house and be right there. When I got into bed, Marshall was half asleep, so I took my place in his arms and layed my head on his chest and fell asleep.
The next days were boring as fuck. Edi was still in the States and since all, except of me, had decided that it was the safest way, if Josh would stay with Ronnie or Kim, I was alone most of the day. I cleaned the house, organized our closets, cut the lawn and planted flowers. I only went out once, to take care off Whitneys horse and the stable and afterwards go buy groceries. All the time my 2 bodyguards were following me.
Marshall had a lot on his mind with work, I knew that. But as soon as he got home, he only had eyes for me and did everything he could to make me laugh.

Today was Whitney's birthday and we all had met at Kim's house to celebrate. I was so happy to see Josh again, that I had to keep myself from crying. I missed my son so much and couldn't wait, till he could come home again.
Now I was waiting outside for the transporter to bring the horse over, so Whit could see her present. They all had given her their gifts and I was the only one standing empty handed.
No one knew what she would get from me, not even Marshall and I couldn't wait to see their faces.
Finally the transporter arrived and I helped them to get "Molly" out. I knew how to handle a horse, since I had learned it with 12 and did horse riding till I was 17.
I gave the driver the rope and walked inside to get Whitney. Covering her eyes with my hands, I guided her outside and whispered "Happy Birthday sweetheart" in her ear, before I removed my hands.
"Oh my God!" She screamed and jumped when she saw Molly and due to the fact, that I had taken her alone outside with me, she ran inside, screaming at the top of her lungs.
"Tina bought me horse!!!!!!" She rushed back outside, but did perfectly when she slowed down a few steps away from the horse, so it wouldn't get frightened.
"You're out off your mind, lady." Kim came outside and hugged me, "where the hell should that horse live?"
"Maybe at the stable I have also rented?" I smirked back at her and she only shook her head, smiled and hugged me again.
"I couldn't ask for a better step mom for my daughters! Thank you Tina!" She whispered in my ear and I was stunned.

Step mom?? Wow....

"You made my little girl very happy." Marshall hugged and kissed me and smiled a big smile at me. "You're simply perfect!" With that he pulled me to his side and walked with me to say hi to Molly....

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