Family time and meeting the girls

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Marshall had left shortly after we had brought Josh home. He had to go to the studio to work, which I understood. It still was great of him to help me pick up my little boy and I was thankful to have him.
Josh was in awe the whole time, while I showed him our house, but what totally freaked him out was his room. He hugged and kissed me and was so happy that he couldn't hardly get one full sentence together. It was beautiful to see. I also told him, that my best friend Ronnie would move in with us. He asked a lot of questions about her and I promised him, we would skype with her in the evening.
I also sat down with him, skyping with my mom and sister. Gladly they all spoke english, so the language wasn't a problem at all. Needless to say, my family adored him from the first second and they made Josh promise them, to come over to Germany very soon, so they could meet him in person.
"I like them" he told me after we had ended the videocall.
"And believe me they like you too sweetie!"
"Tina," he started " is Marshall my new daddy now?"
"Sweetie, Marshall and I are very veeeery good friends. Maybe one day that will change into more, but for now, it's only me and you and soon Ronnie. That okay for you?" I asked him, hoping I didn't disappoint him with my answer.
"Okay. Can we eat now?" I laughed at that. Kids are so easy, it's wonderful!
"Sure, come on!"
We walked into the kitchen and I made spaghetti for him. After lunch he took a nap and when he woke up we went swimming. In the evening we skyped with Ronnie and she was crazy about him from the start. He was already a heartbreaker, I could totally see it.
We hung up, because it was bedtime for him and soon after him, I went to bed too. Marshall hadn't called or texted the whole day, so I wrote him a textmessage

Hey sexy! Just wanted to say good night. I hope you're day wasn't that stressful. Love you :*

I got no response, so I decided to sleep.

It was Tuesday when Josh came home and today was Friday. The last days Josh and I had went to the park, found a kindergarten for him, bought a shitload off clothes and toys for him and talked daily to my family and Ronnie. I had fully taken over the Mommy role by now and I was surprised how easy it was for me. But tbh, Josh was the one who made it easy for me.
Marshall and I hadn't talked that much the last days and even though I understood, that he had his work and was really passionate about it, I sometimes couldn't help but think that something was wrong, but couldn't really tell what it was.
I had just brought Josh to bed and read him his  bedtime story, when I heard my phone ringing. I rushed over to pick up, so it wouldn't wake Josh up and I saw it was Marshall.
"Hey" I answered, walking into my kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine.
"Hey beautiful! How are you? How's Josh?" he asked me, while I walked, my glass in hand, out on my veranda to sit down and smoke a cigarette.
"We're good. How are you?"
"I'm good, even though I know I'm a horrible boyfriend." He sighed.
"You're not. Don't you say that!" I told him in a serious tone.
"I am and don't tell me otherwise. I had a lot of work and hadn't had the time to even stop by once. I'm sorry Tina."
"Don't be! I knew what I gotten myself into, you wouldn't be who you are and where you are, if you wouldn't work this hard. I understand that. So don't be sorry Marshall." I told him.
"But..." he started, but I cutted him off right away.
"No but! I told you it's okay and if I say it's okay, then you should trust my word." I said deadly serious." And can we please leave it now and talk about something else?"
"You're wonderful, do you know that?" He asked me after a long sigh.
"Well, I try my best" I chuckled.
"I wanted to ask you something." He started now.
"What would you think about spending the weekend with Josh at my place? My girls are all coming over and I thought it would be nice if you would meet Hailie and Alaina too?!" He asked me.
"Okay?" I knew it sounded like a question, but couldn't help it.
"Listen if that's too much, I understand. I just thought it would be nice for Josh to have someone to play with and the girls will love him. And also you've already met Whit and I thought it would be great if you would meet the others too and..." he was rambling like crazy.
"Marshall" I chimed in.
"I would love too!" I told him sincerely.
"Puuh, okay! When will you be there?" He asked me now, sounding much more relaxed.
"When should we be?"
"Tomorrow, around lunchtime, that okay?"
"Great. But just that you know, Josh has to take a nap after lunch, so he'll need a quiet room to stay in."
"Full Mommy mode, huh?" He laughed. "For sure I'll get him a quiet room ready. Then I'll see you tomorrow?!"
"Good. I can't wait." He told me in his soft voice.
"Me neither. Believe me!"
"I miss you babe!" He told me and my heart almost jumped out off my chest.
"I miss you too Marshall." I smiled
"Good night, beautiful"
"Good Night!"
And the line went dead.

The next morning Josh and I ate breakfast and then I put him in the bathtub and I showered quickly. We did our morning routine and then walked into my closet to pick out something to wear and what I should pack, to take it with us to Marshall's. Josh had decided to be my new stylist, telling me what to wear. Turns out, he's actually pretty good at it. I wore some blue tight jeans, white loose blouse and some black peep-toe flats, put my hair in a ponytail, some makeup and only mascara and a red lipgloss.
Josh had decided for some jeans, a white shirt with a print and his new Nike air max, who looked cute as fuck on him!
We packed clothes to change and toothbrushes, etc. and got out off the house into my car, to drive to Marshall.

When we arrived there, I got Josh out off his seat and he ran straight to Marshall, who had just opened the door.
"Marshall" he yelled happily and jumped into his arms.

Gosh, it's just the perfect sight!!!

"Hey buddy, how you doin?" Marshall smiled at him and put him back down.
"I'm good" Josh smiled up at him.
"Come inside and let me say hi to Tina." Marshall said, walking in my direction. When he arrived he pulled in by my waist, hugging me very close.
"Hey beautiful. I've missed you!" He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck.
"I've missed you too charming!" I whispered back kissing his cheek.
"Come inside, the girls can't wait to meet you!" He took my hand in his and walked me inside the house, where Josh stood waiting for us.

Breeeeeeeeeath Tina! No need to be nervous! Breath in and out..... and don't forget to smile!!!!!!

We entered the livin room and 3 heads turned towards us. Whitney jumped up and came over, hugging me, while the others still sat, scanning me up and down.
"Hey Tina" I returned her hug smiling.
"Hey Whit. How are you?"
"I'm good." And with that she turned to Josh, who was hiding slightly behind me.
"Who's that" she asked trying to look around me.
"That's Josh" I squatted down to him,holding him close to my side, to show him that everything was fine " my son." I told her smiling at him.
"Sweetie, why don't you say hello to Whitney?"
He looked at me, then her and a small smile grew on his face.
"Hi Whitney"

That's my boy.....

"Hailie, Laney, come here and say hi" Marshall ordered the others over. They got up and I prepared myself for everything.

Here we go.....

Josh stood at my side, looking at the girls.
"Hi I'm Alaina" she smiled at me and hugged me quickly.
"And I'm Hailie" she also smiled at me and hugged me. I returned both of theirs hugs gladly

That went preeeeeeeeetty good!! Puuuuuuuhhhhh......

"Dad told us a lot about you" she said, smirking at Marshall who stood beside me, rolling his eyes at her.
"It's very nice to meet you two!" I smiled at both of them." And I hope everything he said was good!"
"You can bet on that" Alaina laughed and turned to Josh "hey! Ain't you a cutie!"
To my surprise he walked straight over to her and gave her a hug, saying "hi".
Hailie bent down and smiled at him
"Do i get a hug too"
"Yup"he smiled back and hugged her too.
I stood there, smiling like an idiot and was so happy that everything had went so well.
"So" Marshall pulled me out off my thoughts by clapping his hands once." How about you show Josh his room girls and Tina and I get us something to drink?"
"Okay Dad!" They answered and Hailie and Whitney took each, one of Josh's hands. He looked at me once and I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded once. They walked out towards the staircase, while Marshall took my hand in his, guiding me to the kitchen.
"That went well" he told me opening the fridge to get something to drink out.
"Thank god!" I sighed and leaned against the counter beside me. When he was finished, he closed the fridge and walked over, in front of me.
"You were nervous?" He asked me, putting both his hands on my hips, pulling me close and pushing my back lightly against the counter.
"Sure I was. These are your daughters Marshall and I know what they mean to you." I told him, letting my hands slide up and down his arms.
"That's why you're so wonderful!" He kissed me once." But believe me, I knew they would like you."
"And why's that?" I looked at his beautiful and just perfect face.
"I know what I told them about you. They had no other choice!" He smiled and kissed me again.
"Oh God, Dad....." we heard Hailie, turned our heads and the kids stood outside the kitchen.
"That's so uncalled for...." Alaina stated and I had to turn my head away, to not burst out laughing. Because while they were saying it, Josh and Whitney were standing in front off them and the 2 older ones covered the younger ones eyes. Marshall stepped away from me, rubbing his neck
"Yeeeahhhh, well..." he trailed off and started  to laugh. We all bursted out in a fit off laughter.

I guess this really went great!!!!

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