The end of a love (pt.1)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

It was now January 2017. We had all celebrated Hailie's 21st birthday and New year together and I never felt more relaxed and content with my life. All simply because of 1 person. My beautiful wife. Tina was now 7 months pregnant and we had already started to search for a name for our son.

Easier said than done....

We both agreed, that we definitely didn't want another Marshall, but my lovely wife had immediately agreed, when I had asked her to give him DeShaun as his middle name.
Today she would go shopping together with Kim and Ronnie for the baby, while I was at the studio. Tina would meet with them at the mall and she would drive alone. I really wasn't so keen with the idea, since she was pregnant and it was snowing again, but she had reassured me she would be very careful. So I had let her go, after I had kissed her and brushed over her baby belly.

I was sitting in the studio with Nickle and Denaun, working on some beats, when my phone rang and I saw Kim's caller ID.
"Hey, how can I help my ex-wife?" I answered with a chuckle.
"Marshall you need to come to Harpers University Hospital." Kim yelled into the phone and immediately I jumped up, a horrible felling building in my stomach.
"Kim, what...." I started, but she cutted me off.
"NOW Marshall! It's Tina...." she yelled again and I turned around and grabbed my car keys from the table behind me.
"Kim, for fucks sake, tell me what is with my wife?!" I now yelled back at her and I could hear her sobbing.
"She had an accident! Marshall hurry up! It's not looking good!" My phone slipped out off my hands when I heard her last words and I had to grab the table beside me. I had the feeling to throw up, but Royce pulled me out off my state by patting my shoulder.
"Man, what's goin' on?" He asked me and I lifted my head to look at him. I couldn't even muster to get the words out, the only thing I could say was "Tina". Royce caught up immediately, picked my phone off the ground, dialed Kim's number and talked to her shortly.
"Come on, man. We have to go there fast." He told me, grabbed my car keys out off my hands and while Denaun took my jacket, Nickle pulled me out off the studio.
While I had been horribly concerned and thought about every scenario possible, when my wife had her last accident. This time my mind was completely blank, while my friends raced to the hospital. I didn't even care to cover myself somehow, when I jumped out off the car and ran into the ER, where I saw instantly Kim and Ronnie standing in front off a room crying.
"Kim where is she? What the fuck happened?" I yelled at her while I speed walked towards them and my ex-wife pulled me in a tight hug when I stood in front of her.
"A drunk driver, oversaw the red light and crashed into the driver side of her car. They've brought her into surgery. They have to get the baby immediately, but they don't...." she stopped and sobbed while clinging to my arm. "They don't..." again she tried to finish her sentence and by now tears were running down my cheeks. "They don't know if Tina will make it..." she ended and thankfully Denaun held my shoulders from behind, otherwise I would have fell to my knees.

Everyone but not her! Don't take her away from me, Lord! Take me.... but please not my love!!!

"We have to wait here, the Doctors will come and inform us as soon as there's something new." Ronnie told me from my side and brushed over my upper arm, while crying silently. "Let's wait in there, till they'll be here!" She offered and pointed to the room in front off us and Royce opened the door, so we could walk inside. I had sat down on a chair and held my head in my hands, for I don't know how long, when the door finally opened and 2 older looking doctors walked inside.
"Mister Mathers?" One of them asked and immediately I lifted my head and jumped up to walk in front of them.
"Yes. How's my wife and my son? Can I see her?" I asked them and the Doctor took a deep breath before he answered.
"Mister Mathers, first I want to congratulate you. You have a beautiful son. Even though he's born to early, he's in a very good condition." He stopped and while he looked at the other doctor to continue, I waited anxiously.
"Your wife has multiple bone fractures, which wouldn't be a problem, but she also had several inner bleedings. We had managed to stop them. But..." he stopped and exhaled. "Mister Mathers, we will bring you to your wife. But you should prepare yourself to say goodbye." He told me and my world stopped turning. Kim and Ronnie started sobbing uncontrollably and even Royce and Denaun, brushed some tears out off her eyes.

How should I say goodbye to the love of my life?!?!?!

"If you would please follow us?" One of the doctors asked me and I nodded before I trotted behind them into an ICU room. There she was, laying in a bed, hooked to monitors and infusions. The left side of her beautiful face had bloody red scars all over it and her arms were wrapped up.
"We'll leave you alone, now." The Doctor said and they walked out and while they closed the door, I took a chair and sat down beside her bed and took her hand carefully in mine.
"Hey beautiful," I started and didn't care at all that tears were running down my face. "The doctors said we have a beautiful boy, we only have to pick a name now." I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut shortly. "Tina, you have to fight. Do you hear me?! You can't leave me, us alone. I need you here with me!" I told her desperately, not knowing if she could even hear me, but I had to try. "I'm not ready to let you go. We're supposed to grow old together. To see our son growing up. Tina I'm begging you, please don't leave me. I can't live without you. I can't exist without you. You're the love of my life. You can't just leave me. Please beautiful don't..." I had to stop my begging, because the monitors around me had started beeping like crazy and in seconds the door flew open and Doctors and nurses ran into the room and to my wife.
"Get him out off here!" One doctor yelled, who had just started to check the infusion, to a nurse and she shoved me out off the room and closed the door in my face.
The others were now standing in the hallway and looked at me, while I only could shake my head. I didn't know what to tell them.
15 minutes later, the door opened up again and one of the doctors from before walked out and stopped in front of me.
"Mister Mathers..." he started and swallowed hard.

Don't say it!!!

"I am deeply sorry to inform you, that your wife had died 5 minutes ago, due to her serious injuries. My deepest condolences!"

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