Happy Birthday babe!

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"Oh fuck...." Marshall said after we had finished our "playtime" and rubbed over his face with both hands.
"What? Actually, you don't look so pleased right now?" It's true, he looked almost shocked.
"No rubber! Damn it.... I forgot the damn condom!!!" He almost yelled and pointed with both hands to his dick.
"And? Really Tina???" He asked me aggravated, "I came inside. Don't you think that could be a problem?" He stood in front off me, pants around his ankles and gestured now wildly with his hands. I couldn't help it anymore and started laughing.
"Why the fuck are you laughing now??" He was clearly angry now, "that's not funny!"
"Well babe, it is" i started and bent down to pull his pants up, "now it's better. Marshall calm down, please. I have a hormonspiral since 3 years, so we're more than safe." He relaxed immediately.
"Thank you Lord", he exhaled, "why didn't you tell me?"
"You never asked?!"
"So I don't have to use a rubber?" He asked me smirking and stepped closer to me, pulling me in by my waist.
"No?!" I smiled back and let my hands slide over his chest.
"If that's so...." and he pulled me towards his bedroom.

The last 4 days were just perfect. Josh and I had stayed at Marshall's; he had insisted I would, because he wanted to spend as much time with me as he could. It felt like a normal family life and I loved every minute of it.
I had just brought Josh into kindergarten and now I was on my way to meet with Kim. Tomorrow would be Marshall's birthday and I had no clue for a present. Let's be honest, what could you buy a man, who had everything or could buy it?! So who was better to ask than his ex-wife.. no one!
"Hey Tina" Kim came over to me and gave me a hug, I returned it, greeted her too and we walked into the mall

Yay...... shopping!!!!!!!!!

"So? Any idea?" She asked me, while we were walking along the shops.
"Not the slightest, honestly. I mean, I rented out the restaurant for us all and his friends, but it's not enough. I want to give him something nice and personal. But..." I exhaled loudly, "I have no fucking clue!"
"A shirt or something to wear, maybe?!" She asked me.
"Don't look at me so dumbfounded" she chuckled, "think, lady!"
"What did you buy him?"
"You don't get to steal my idea!" She smiled at me and we stopped to get us a coffee.
"I don't want to steal your idea. I just want to make sure, I won't buy the same as you!"

That was harder than I thought!!!

We walked on and I stopped in front off a jeweler.
"What?" Kim asked from beside me, while I just stood and stared at a watch. Without answering, I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me into the shop.
"The Rolex watch in the window, the black one, I want to buy it", I told the man behind the counter.
"Could you please show me which one you're talking about ma'am?" I walked with him over to the window and pointed at the watch. He smiled and took it with him to the counter.
"This is a wonderful choice ma'am. It's a Rolex yacht master, 18kt everose gold..." he started babbling about the watch. But I cut him off.
"Okay. I believe you, it's a wonderful watch. Can I buy it now? Please?" I asked impatiently and Kim let out a laugh beside me.
"Uhm... sure. But don't you want to know the price?" He asked me.
"I don't care about the price. I only want to know, if it would be possible to engrave something on the back?"
"Sure, that would take between 2 and 3 days, ma'am." He smiled.
"Listen," I layed my hands on the counter, " I need it by tomorrow. It's for my boyfriend's birthday. I'll pay whatever you want, but I need it tomorrow!" I smiled the nicest smile, I could muster. He thought for a second and than asked
"What should be engraved ma'am?"


"I love you my everything!" I said and Kim smiled.
"Sure ma'am! Then you can pick it up tomorrow from 1 pm on. Cash or credit card?"
"Thank you and credit card." I smiled at him and pulled my black Amex out off my wallet. His eyes widened and I swear he regretted, that he hadn't tried to sell more to me. While he got the receipt ready, I turned to Kim.
"You think he'll like it?" Now I wasn't so sure anymore.
"He will love it. It's nice and with the engraving something very personal. Well done!" She reassured me and I felt better. The man came back with my papers and card and we left.
"What now?" Kim asked as we walked around.
"Lingerie!" I smirked at her and she bursted out laughing.
"I think he'll have a greeeeat Birthday!"
"You know it, lady. Come on.." I pulled her into the shop and spent a little fortune in there.

Today was my man's birthday and I was at home getting myself and Josh ready to meet at the restaurant. I picked out Italian, 'cause 1 it's a very nice place and 2 who doesn't like Pizza and Pasta.
I had decided to wear a dress today. Actually Marshall would see me the first time in one, but the man had seen me naked countless times now, so I guess a dress wouldn't be that special. Josh was already finished, wearing a light blue button down shirt, black jeans and black nike's. He looked incredibly cute and I had to stop doing my make up to admire my son.

I'm so lucky!!!!

I was now ready, wearing a tight, neck high, sleeveless dress that reached over my knees, black Louboutin heels ( hey I got money, why not use it for shoes?!) and a leather jacket. My hair were in light waves and the make up simple, except for the red lipstick.
I put Josh his jacket on, grabbed my purse and we went out the door.
We arrived at the restaurant and almost everyone was already here.
Royce with his girl, Michael+1, Paul and his wife, D12 with their ladies, Kim for sure and Curtis, which I got introduced to from Denaun. The only ones who weren't here yet, were the girls and Marshall.
But that was planned. I had told Marshall, I could only come later to his house, because Josh wasn't feeling well, but he should celebrate with his girls. He was bummed, knowing I wasn't with him on his birthday. Kim and I had told the girls the address of the restaurant and that they should convince him to go out to eat and here we are now, waiting. My phone started to ring and I saw Marshall's caller ID.
"Shhhhhhh, it's him!" I yelled, holding my cellphone in the air and pointing with my finger on it,so everyone would be quiet.
"Hey babe", I answered and had to elbow Swifty beside me, who started to chuckle.
"Hey, beautiful! We're on our way to some Italian restaurant to eat" he told me and I could here the annoyance in his voice,"how's Josh? You want to come, too?"
"I'm so sorry Marshall, but he just fell asleep. But I'll come by your's later, alright?! Don't be mad."
"I'm not. But it would be nice to have you with me. Then I'll see you later."
"Okay. Bye babe!"
"Bye" he said and hung up.
"They'll be here any minute!" I said turning around to inform the others.
5 minutes later we heard car doors closing and we all went silent. We were currently hiding in the back room, so Marshall wouldn't see us right away and then we heard his voice.
"Girls, I think it's closed. No ones here or the food isn't as good as y'all said and no one wants to eat here."
I couldn't hold back anymore and opened the door to let everyone step in the restaurant.
"Yo man, happy birthday!" Bizzy yelled and I stood back to let everyone congratulate him first. Josh was the only one left before me and rushed to Marshall hugging him.

Your turn....

I walked over to my boyfriend, who scanned my body smiling to himself, and pulled him into a hug.
"You didn't really think, I wouldn't celebrate your birthday with you?!" I smiled at him
"Happy birthday Marshall! I love you!" I told him and kissed him once.

The dinner was great, we all sat at one long table, talked and laughed a lot and after everyone had given him his present, it was my turn.
I gave him the watch, which was wrapped in red paper and smiled nervously.

I really hope he likes it....

"You didn't have to buy me anything, beautiful. All you have done with the dinner and having you here, is more than enough!" He said and started to unwrap the watch. I held my breath, while he opened the box. His eyes widened and shot up to look at me, while he took the watch in his hand.
"Turn it around," I said smiling unsure. He did and smiled when he saw the engraving.
"Thank you babe!" He smiled, hugged me and gave me a kiss.
"The other present you'll get later." I whispered in his ear and all he did was smiling.

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