The concert (pt.2)

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After we'd grabbed a water for each one of us, Marshall walked with me around the stadium. He explained several things to me and it was really interesting for me to see, how much work it is to get a show running. Our last stop was at the stage, well right on it. It was actually breathtaking and imagining standing here before thousands of people, was just wow....
"Don't you get nervous?" I asked while turning to him.
"Kind of. But it's a good kind of nervous. It's a total adrenaline rush, hard to describe." He answered and went on " I'm more nervous right now to tell the truth."
"Why?" I turned around to look behind me and except for him and me no one was currently here. "There's no one here,except the both of us right now."
"Maybe that's the reason" he said while stepping right in front of me.
"Don't be, I won't hurt you" I told him looking to his blue eyes.
"I hope you won't."

Why do I have the feeling he's talking about something else?!?!?!

"I give you my word" I said, raising my right hand in a swearing motion. "I will never hurt you!"
I had just ended my sentence, when he leaned in and gave me a light kiss, right on my lips.

Dear Lord, TAKE. ME. NOW!!!!! My life is complete

"Good! Same!" He said giving me a heartwarming smile.
"Now you make me nervous" I whispered still looking into his eyes.
He raised his eyebrows and looked kinda surprised at me "only now?"
"No. But now more than ever before!"

God damn, will there ever be a moment where I can stop smiling like an idiot?!?!?!

He just opened his mouth to respond, when we heard a female voice yelling his name
"Maaaaaarshaaaaaaaall, come out, come out wherever you are!"
"I apologize in advance for what's coming now." He told me with a serious tone.
"There you are" the female said and when I turned I stood face to face with Rihanna....

Fuck me!!!!!

"Hey Robyn!" Marshall greeted her with a hug.
"Hey Em, how you doin'? Who's the beautiful girl here?" She asked him but looking at me.

GIRL????? Get a grip!!! I'm older than you....

"That's Tina" he said in a tone I haven't heard him use before. Was it pride?!
"Oooooooohhhhh" she looked from me to him and back and before I could say anything, she pulled me in a hug.

What is it with all these people hugging me?!?! Do I look like a teddy bear or some shit?
Don't get me wrong, it's kind of nice. But in Germany it's not really common to hug someone you just met...

"It's nice to meet you." She smiled releasing me out of the hug." I've heard a lot about you the last couple weeks. You're even more gorgeous than he said!" She told me giving Marshall a light slap on his chest.
"Thanks for the compliment. It's very nice to meet you too." I responded back smiling a little.
"I swear girl, every time we searched for him, he was on the phone talking to you. It was so cuuuuuuute to see him like that. I'm tellin' you this man" he pointed at Marshall "is crazy about you. You could only hear Tina this, Tina...."
"Yeah, Robyn. We get it!" He sighed with a uncomfortable look on his face.
"Naaaah ah ah, let me finish Em. So..." she started again.

Help him! He's getting uncomfortable!! Think Tina! THINK!!!!!!!

"I'm sorry for interrupting" i cutted in "but can you show me the way to the restroom, Marshall? I would ask Robyn, but since you told Sam that you got me now, it's only fair that you walk with me?!"
"Damn" Robyn said looking from me to him "she's really considerate! You two go ahead, I'll talk to you later!"
"A'right. See ya" Marshall said and started to walk to the back of the stage.
"See you later, Robyn" I smiled at her, before following him.

We walked down the stairs off stage to get into the corridor again.
He still haven't said a word or even turned around to look at me.

Did I do something wrong?! Damn, I thought I would help him out off her rambling! Guess I fucked up! STUPID!!!

We arrived at a door, where a piece of paper, with EMINEM printed on it, was pinned on.
He opened it, looked inside and stepped aside to let me walk in.
I stood in the room and before I could turn around, two hands where sneaking from behind around my waist. I smiled to myself, while he pulled me closer and layed his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you!" He whispered in my ear, putting a kiss on me cheek.
"That was kind of embarrassing!"
"I figured! Though I really would wanna hear what else she had to say" I chuckled.
"Is that so?!" He asked me, turning me around in his arms.

Knees weak, arms are heavy.... Damn not that song now!!!!!

"What you wanna know? Ask me! I'll tell you everything" he said, just inches away from my face.
"Honestly, I can't think of anything right now!"
It's true I couldn't!!!
"And why's that?" He teased with a side smirk.

Say it! You're a grown up woman! You're allowed to say what you think and want!!!

"Because standing here with you, this close, my brain is totally empty and all I wanna do right now is kiss you!"


"If that's the case..." he trailed off and kissed me again. 2 seconds in the kiss, his left hand moved from my hip to my cheek to pull my face a bit closer. I could feel his tongue on my lips and opened my mouth to deepen the kiss even more.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!! This man can kiss.......

I just had to stop to breath again, when there was a knock at the door.
"Please! Not now!" Marshall mumbled, leaning his forehead on mine. He gave me one more quick kiss, released me and turn around to open the door.
"Hey Em, listen...... Oh hey Tina!" Paul started pushing past Marshall and walking towards me engulfing me in a hug

YAY hug time.... AGAIN..... I want kiss time back!!!

"It's good to see you again! How are you? I hope this turdbrain doesn't step on your nerves?" Paul asked me, letting me out off the hug. I took a quick look at Marshall standing at the door and rolling his eyes in a theatrical way. But laughing.
"Good to see you too Paul. I'm pretty good actually and Marshall could never step on my nerves" I laughed."How are you?"
"I'm good. Thanks! Listen Em, you have to get ready now."
"Alright. I'll get ready. Can you call Sam over? He should wait outside for her!" Marshall said, walking over to a table with clothes on it.
"Okay Em. Tina, guess I'll see you later!" And with that Paul went out the door and closed it behind him.
"I can wait outside, till you're ready?!" I asked him.
"Noooo, no! I want you to stay with me as long as you can. I'll just change my shirt!" And he pulled off his shirt

DON'T STARE TINA!!!!! Control yourself!!!

"Okay!" Thank God, he changed very fast.
"You ready?" He asked, walking over to me and pulling me close by the waist.
"You ask me??" I laughed." You'll perform not me!"
"I know" he laughed short. "You ready to see me perform?? Better???"
"Yes I'm ready! Are you?"
"I'm always ready!" He answered with a wink.
"Mhm. We'll see!" I smirked at him.
"Will we?!"
"If you continue being this charming, I think so" I said kissing him once." But now you should go out there. I wanna see a good show."
"A'right beautiful. One last kiss and I'm good to go!"
For sure I gave him a kiss....
He stepped away from me and walked towards the door. When he opened I followed him outside and I could already hear the crowed screaming his name. I immediately got goosebumps all over my body.
Sam and 3 other huge guys stood there waiting for us. Sam stepp at my side and the other guys surrounded Marshall, while we walked to the stairs that would lead him on stage.
"Showtime!" Marshall said when we arrived and started to jump and breath deeply in and out, to release some of the adrenaline.
He grabbed his mic and climbed up the stairs....

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