No mercy....

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I was standing in our bathroom and stared blankly at my face in the mirror.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Am I not beautiful enough? Not sexy enough? Is he missing something in our sex life?

I had already changed into black sweatpants and a black shirt. I knew it would be a bloody mess, when I was finished with her. I had made that decision. So black clothes would be better, you won't see the blood on it. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water to calm me down.

You need to get yourself together! You need a clear head, if you're distracted, she can hit you! You don't want to get hit!

I heard the doorbell and pulled on my sneakers. Inhaled deeply once and walked out off the bathroom, bedroom and down the stairs. To my surprise Royce and Denaun were standing in the foyer, talking to Marshall.
"I thought you said only Royce knows about it?" I asked and they turned around and looked at me, while I took the last stairs.
"It's true. Royce told me what had happened on the way over here." Denaun answered my question and walked towards me. "How you doin' Tina?" He asked me sympathetic and pulled me in a quick hug.

This is unbelievable!!! He really called them, so they would calm me down....

I chuckled sarcastically and he released me.
"I'm perfect, Denaun. Simply. Fuckin'. Perfect!" I stated. "Listen, I really hope you don't get me wrong now. But I don't need a pity-party now, okay?" He looked at my wide eyed and I stepped aside to look at Marshall.
"What have I said about you trying to defend her or hold me back?" I asked him calmly, but with a threatening undertone. He looked down at his feet and didn't say one word. "You're unbelievable!"
"Tina, it's not about defending her," Royce started now and took a few steps in my direction. "He called us, to talk to you, so maybe you would leave it. Tina, he's just looking out for you. He doesn't want you to get in trouble. Listen..." I had enough and cutted him off.
"How long do you know, Royce?" He stopped and answered reluctantly.
"A week or so?"  I pursed my lips and nodded once.
"Okay. Thanks for telling me!" I stated and walked into the kitchen, leaving them standing where they were. I opened the fridge, got a water out and walked into the living room, where they were now all sitting.
"Did you even call the hoe? Or just Royce?" I asked Marshall and took a sip off the bottle.
"I called her." He answered quietly and I shook my head.
"Now that I think about it, why do you even have her number? Did you really want to keep up with fuckin' her or what?" Royce and Denaun looked at Marshall, who didn't answer and only looked down at his feet.
"You know what, forget that I asked. When will the hoe be here?" Still no answer. Although I had promised myself to never treat him disrespectfully in front of his friends, now I couldn't.
"Marshall" I yelled once, which made the 3 jump. "I don't think you want me to loose my shit, now. Answer my fuckin' question!" They all stared at me quite shocked.
"She'll be here soon." He answered now and I nodded.
"Good. I'll tell you what you'll do. When the doorbell rings, you get up, open the door and wait with her in the foyer, till I'm there. The second I'm there, you'll turn around and walk your slutty ass back in here. And don't you dare to come outside, got it?"
"Tina, come on..." Denaun started but I raised my hand to shut him up.
"Denaun, I don't want to be disrespectful to you. So please, stay out off it. It's enough, that he" I waved my hand at Marshall, "dragged you into this." Denaun only nodded and I turned around and walked outside to smoke a cigarette.

20 minutes and 4 cigarettes later, I heard the doorbell.

Let's go Tina!

I got up, took a deep breath and walked inside to the foyer. Royce and Denaun were still sitting on the couch and when I walked past them, Royce grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him and shot him a death glare. But he surprised me with his words.
"I'm sorry for not telling you, Tina! If you need help with her, call for me, a'right?!" I smiled shortly at him and nodded. He released my hand and I walked towards the foyer.
I could hear her unnerving voice, while I was on my way.
"Baby, come on. Don't be mad at me. I just want you so much. And now that your little housewife is not at home, why d....." she swallowed her words when she saw me. I walked at his side and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, scanning her up and down.
"Marshall, leave!" I told him, without bothering to look at him. And to my surprise, he turned on his heels immediately and speed walked into the living room.
"And what do you wa....." the bitch had started and that's when I punched her right in the face for the first time. She let out a high pitched scream and clutched her hand on her nose.
"You really thought you could fuck with my man and then threaten him, to get more?" I asked her with a very low voice and grabbed the back of her head, turned her around and smashed her face down on the table beside the door.

I have a thing for that..... face -> table.... it courses a lot of damage....

The things that were laying on the table, fell off and the table itself also fell down. I still had a very tight grip in her hair and pulled her on her feet again.

You don't punch someone who's on the ground!

"I'm not finished with you!" I told her and smashed her face two more times against the front door. Which left two horrible bloody prints. Afterwards I threw her with all the power I had through the foyer. She crushed into my vase, who stood on the ground and shattered instantly.
"Look at you little whore," I said and walked over to her, she still wasn't knocked out, instead she rolled herself up in a ball.

Bitch, that won't safe you!

"First you destroy my relationship and then my new vase!" Again I grabbed her head to pull her up and backed her against the wall. I grabbed her throat, digging my nails into it and glared at her.
"When I am finished with you and you'll wake up again. You will leave and if you ever come near Marshall again, I will kill you. I give you my word!" I told her calmly and she widened her eyes in pure horror. "And one word to the cops or the press and I will also come for you!" She nodded frantically, but I didn't give a flying fuck about her agreement. 3 minutes and around 25 punches into her upper body later, I had knocked her out completely. You actually couldn't recognize her anymore, her face was all bloody, bruised, swollen and broken.

Part 1 finished..... onto part 2.....

I grabbed her in her hair and dragged her on the ground behind me into the living room. Marshall stood at the windows and looked outside, while Royce and Denaun sat on the couch, deep in thoughts.
"Hoooooly Fuck!" Royce yelled and jumped up when he saw me coming in, dragging her limp body behind me.
"Damn....." was all Denaun got out and Marshall had turned around with tears in his eyes.

Is he crying because he's concerned about me or her?

One last time I threw her with all the power I had left and she landed almost in front of his feet. He stared down at her for a second, but immediately his eyes shot up, scanning my body.
"You wanted something to fuck, right?" I asked him calmly and the tears started running over his face. "There you have it." I pointed at her. "Have fun! And don't you dare to help her Marshall, or we will be done!" With that I walked out the living room and upstairs to take a shower. I looked like a mass murderer with all her blood on me.

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