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I found Liz and talked to her about adopting Josh and the whole procedure. Needless to say that she was thrilled about the fact, that the cutie would get a home and Mommy again. She also made me fill out some papers with my name, birthday, phonenumber, address and so one.
But due to the fact, that I haven't bought a house yet, I told her I would give her the address later.
We had just finished the papers, when I heard voices behind me. "Look, there she is buddy, told you she's still here." I turned around and saw Marshall walking towards me with Josh holding his hand.
I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

That'll be my boy soon! I thought to myself.
Well, the little one..... but I would take the other one too in a heartbeat!!!!!
Stop it! He probably has a girlfriend or something. I mean look at him, why should he be alone....

Josh snapped me out off my thoughts by pulling at my hand.
"Tina, when's the Pizza coming?"
"I don't know sweetie. Hope it'll be here soon, I'm starving!!" I told him, grabbing him so I could sit him on my hip to carry him around.
"Tina, sweetheart, I just checked the papers and I saw that you birthday will be soon." Liz mentioned behind me.
"When is it?" Marshall asked from the side. I honestly was so caught up in adoring Josh, that I totally forget that he was still here.
"August, 25th."
"And how old will you be?" He asked again.
"Marshall.....Dear....." Liz jumped in, with a slightly shocked expression on her face."you don't ask a woman how old she is."
I couldn't help but laugh.
I turned to Marshall and saw him raising his eyebrows over Liz' small outburst.
"It's ok Liz" i said still laughing. "I'll be 36."
He looked me up and down once and only said "wow".
"Well, I take that as a compliment." I smirked at him.
"You definitely can."

Is he flirting with me?!?!?!

Before I could answer something, the frontdoor opened behind us and in walked the delivery guy with the Pizza. Marshall pulled out his wallet, but I had already beaten him. Because while I was talking to Liz about the adoption, I had given her money to pay for the Pizza.
"It's okay Marshall. Tina took care of it already." Liz told him, paying the delivery guy.
Josh jumped down from my arm, running over to Liz. She took some of the Pizzas and started walking towards the cafeteria.
"Can you two sweethearts carry the rest, please?" She asked us before leaving me and Marshall standing there alone.
"Sure" he answered her for the both of us.
"I thought I said I would take care of it?!" He asked me with a smile on his face

Damn, that smile....

"Guess you should've been a tiny bit faster then." I smiled back at him. We took the Pizza and walked back to the cafeteria where all the kids were jumping and cheering.
We both said down at the table we sat before and as soon as I sat down, Josh came and claimed his spot on my lap again.
We ate and talked about my home country and the guys told me how freaky Germans are. We laughed a lot and I felt really comfortable around these people, though I had just met them.
I couldn't help but realize that Marshall was silent most of the time, only looking at me from time to time, when I was laughing about something funny or taking care of Josh. I have to admit, it was kind of weird. But hey, the dude just met me!!!

We finished eating and it was time for the kids to take a nap. Josh almost started crying, 'cause he didn't want me to leave. But I promised him I would be back tomorrow. I cuddled him and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
The guys had stood up to say bye to all the kids and I could see that Marshall had pulled Liz aside, talking to her and walking out with her afterwards.

Paul surprised me when he pulled me in a short hug.
"It was nice meeting you. Hope we'll meet again?!"
"I hope so. It was nice to meet y'all too." I smiled at him. Damn, he's really tall....
The others followed Paul's example, hugging me and Denaun also told me "you're cool. Hope we'll meet soon."
Now THAT was nice....
Then Marshall and Liz came back, she had a hughe smile plastered on her face. I guess he gave her a generous check...

He walked over to me and reached out his hand for me to shake it.
"Dude, you for real??" Denaun asked from behind him. "Huggin fans and everyone and just wanna shake her hand?!"
Marshall turned around to shoot him a look, telling him to shut up. I just stood, trying very hard to hold myself back from laughing.
He turned back around, took a step towards me "I just wanted to act like a gentleman once" he sighed with a smile and hugged me too.
Don't freak out Tina.....
"It was really nice to meet you, lady"
"Same" was all I could get out, without turning red like a tomato.
And with that they left.
I talked a few more minutes to Liz and told her I'd be back tomorrow morning. She offered to call me a cab and when it arrived I left.

Sitting in the cab, I decided to drive back to the hotel and to visit the shelters tomorrow. Maybe I could take Josh with me?!
I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened today; the decisions I'd made and the people I'd met.
Marshall..... God damnit.... I've met EMINEM!!!!
And he was sooo damn nice!

My thoughts were interrupted by the cab driver, telling me we'd arrived at the hotel. I payed him (surely gave him a tip), walked inside straight to the reception to get my room key and went to the elevator.
I finally got into my room and kicked off my shoes, placed my handbag on a table near the door, took my cellphone out of the bag and walked over to the couch to lay down a bit.
I turned on the TV and opened my iPhone to check my Emails.

"Spam...Spam...Spam...Bill...Spam..." i mumbled to myself and then my phone started ringing.

"No german number. Who's this? Should I even answer?? Uuuuuhhhh, maybe it's Liz!!!"

"Hello??" No answer.
"Helloooo???" I tried again. Then I could hear someone shuffling on the other side.
"Uh...Hey, uhm....Tina?" I recognized him right away.
"Yes. Hi!"
"It's me, Marshall. Am I disturbing or so?" He asked.
"No, no. I just got back to the hotel."
"Listen, I don't wanna look like a stalker or some shit. But I've asked Liz for your number. I hope you're not mad she gave it to me?!"
How could I be????? But honestly I was a little bit, I mean, the information I gave her were supposed to me secretive. But on the other hand......
"Nah, it's okay. I'll talk to her tomorrow."
"Don't be mad at her, please. I asked her and she just can't say no to me!"
I bet no one can, huh?!?!
"So, what do you need my number for Marshall?"
"You ever been to one of my shows?" He wanted to know now.
What a weird question!
"Unfortunately... No. Why?"
"Well, I've 2 shows coming up here in Detroit for my Monster Tour on 22nd and 23rd this month and I thought, maybe, you'd like to come?"
Did he just invite me to one of his concerts?!?!?!
"I would love to" I slapped my forehead.
Slow down! You sound like a thirsty bitch!!!
I swear I could hear him smile at my response.
"Great. Then I'll send you 2 tickets, one for each day, and backstage passes, that okay?"
"Tickets for each day?" I already knew that Ronnie wouldn't be here, so I only needed tickets for myself.
"Yeah, I mean, if it's okay for you to spend 2 days with me?"
"Well, I think I can handle that." I answered smiling from ear to ear.
"Okay, I need an address, where I could send the tickets to."
"Wait, so you don't know where I'm staying right now?!" I laughed.
"Naaaah, man that would be stalking!" He laughed too.
"I hope you'll have a nice rest of your day" he said after I gave him the address of the hotel.
"Thank you! You too!"
"I know i already said it, but it was really nice meetin you." There! He said it again!!
"Same, Marshall! And thank you for the invitation!"
"No problem! And Tina... one more thing."
"Can I call you sometimes? I mean now that I have your number?"
"Yes, sure. Call me whenever you want."
"Good, i will. And Tina..."
"Yes Marshall?"
"Please call me too whenever you want!"
And with that he hung up.

Woooooow!!!! What a day......

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