Deja vu....

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"Hellooooooo? Come on bestie, you have to get up!!" Ronnie's unnerving voice woke me up.

Wait..... what is Ronnie doing in Marshall's bedroom??????????????

My eyes shot open and I sat up straight in bed, my own bed....... in my house........
"You look like you saw a ghost, everything alright?" Ronnie asked me and sat down at the edge of my bed, waiting for me to answer her.
"What day is it?" I asked her with my raspy morning voice and ruffled through my hair.
"Friday?" She asked me, as if I was retarded and looked at me totally confused. "Bestie, you okay?" I only nodded and climbed out off my bed. She followed me and went on, "you sure? Maybe you shouldn't go to the concert?! I mean you ain't looking good." I walked into my bathroom, only shaking my head repeatedly.

It was all a dream...... having him back, marrying him......

"I'll go to the concert. Even if I have to crawl on my knees to get there. And you have made appointments for my nails, hair and make-up, right?" I asked her and washed my face and brushed my teeth, I wouldn't eat anything anyway, I was to nervous.
"Yes I did" she looked at her watch, "and we just have time for a coffee, before we have to leave." I nodded again and walked out into my closet, changed my underwear, pulled on a shirt, socks and a hoodie and grabbed my Nike sneakers.
"Tina, you sure everything is okay with you?" Veronica asked me again, when we were in the kitchen, to drink a fast morning coffee. I looked at her and shook my head. "Bestie, then tell me what's bothering you. Is it him?" I nodded and took a deep breath.

She'll think I'm a mental case!! Fuck it, I have to tell her....

"I had the most realistic dream of my life..." I started and she cutted right in.
"Good or bad?" I let out a frustrated huff and shook my head again, to get the remaining pictures of my dream out off my brain.
"To good to be true. I dreamed about the concert and that I got Marshall back and that we got secretly married." She looked at me in awe and pulled me in a hug, rubbing my back lightly.
"Tina, Denaun told you, that he still loves you. Maybe there is a chance you'll get him back, if you want." She released and smiled at me. "But for the secret wedding, that won't happen..." I looked at her confused and actually I could feel myself getting angry. "Because you so not getting married without me, lady!" I exhaled deeply and we laughed.
"I think it's time to go." She looked at her watch again and we walked to her car, talking about her morning. She had brought Josh to school, since none off them was able to wake me up and Kim would pick him up later, because he would stay with her and the girls for the weekend. We had done that a lot the last few month. Josh would stay at Kim's or the girls would stay with us. Marshall was almost totally left out, since his daughters hardly wanted to spend time with him. I'd never asked them why, but I'm sure they had their reasons.
Also Ronnie had brought Blacky over to Kim, Josh couldn't live without him and that means we had a kids and dog free weekend.
"Come on, get out." Ronnie snapped me out of my thought and had already parked the car. "I want scarecrow gone and my good looking best friend back." She laughed and I stuck my tongue out.

5 loooooooooong ass hours later, we were back in the car.
"Do I have to tell you that you look incredible?" Ronnie smiled and winked at me, which actually made me blush.
"Thanks bestie." I answered her and inspected my perfectly made, long, dark red nails. Ronnie had taken care, that I was totally dolled up. My bob was cutted again and had light waves in it, so it would look a bit messy. My make-up was absolutely fabulous. Foundation, contouring, eyeliner, mascara and dark red matt lipstick to match my nails. I looked like a damn model.

I hope Marshall will like it.....

"He will fall down to your feet, when he sees you like that." Ronnie told me and I wondered if she was a fucking mind reader.
"I don't think so..." I answered her and sighed deeply, "it would be enough if he would talk to me!"
"Ooooh, believe me, he will!" She chuckled and we drove the rest of the way in silence.

Back at home, I went to take a quick shower, while Veronica had decided to go through my clothes to find the perfect outfit for me. I walked out off my bathroom freshly showered, body dried and moisturized and stopped in my tracks when I saw the outfit she had picked out. White shirt, blue destroyed looking jeans, white jacket and my nude colored high heel Louboutin's.

That's a fuckin' deja vu!!! It's the same outfit as in my dream..... I haven't told her that.....

"You like it? It's casual but still chick. I think it's simply you!" She explained her choice and I smiled at her.
"It's perfect, bestie. Thank you." I gave her a sisterly kiss on her cheek and hugged her, walking into my closet, to get some underwear. "Are you going to look for a handbag please?" I yelled out and she walked to my side.
"Sure, what kind?" She asked and looked at the rags where my bags were.
"Hm... nothing to big and it should match the shoes, that's it."
"Okay" she answered and while she searched for a bag, I got ready in the bedroom.
"Damn, lady..." Ronnie walked back in, as I had just finished dressing myself and whistled, "if I would be a man, I so would want to nail you!"

Deja vu......

"Thank you!" I laughed and she gave me my handbag.
"I've already packed it. Wallet, cellphone, tissues, your lipstick and ticket and backstage pass. Only your cigarettes are still in the living room, beside a glass of vodka to calm your nerves!" I laughed and walked with her to take my drink and smoke a cigarette, before I had to go. I had called myself a cab, to take me to the Arena, so I wouldn't have to bother Ronnie and I didn't have to search for a parking lot.
The doorbell rang and we got up.
"Give me a hug bestie!" She ordered me, when we had walked out and I had opened the back door of the cab. I hugged her tightly and she whispered in my ear. "If you really want him back, then go and get your man. I'll always have your back! Love you!" I kissed her cheek once and she released me,
"I love you too, bestie! Thank you!" I smiled and got into the cab, closed the door and we drove to the Arena.

30 minutes later, I payed the driver and got out of the cab right in front off the VIP entrance.
"Ticket and backstage pass!" The guard at the door mumbled unfriendly and I showed him both. "Have fun!"
"Thanks!" I smiled at him sarcastically and hung the pass around my neck, so it was noticeable for everyone. I walked down the hallways and tried to find someone I knew and I had almost given up, when a door a few feet away to my left opened..... and a loud yelling black dude came out....

Deja vu much.....??????

He stopped and scanned me up and down, smiling from ear to ear. But while I got ready to say something, 4 men walked out behind him.
"This can't be true?!?!?!" One of them yelled and I recognized him immediately. It was Royce, who rushed to me, pulled me in a hug and lifted me up. "Lady, you have no idea, how good it is to see you!" I smiled at him, when he had put me back on my feet again and had released me.
"It's good to see you too Royce. How are you?"
"Well, you know me, I'm alw...." he was interrupted by a voice, that I had missed like hell in the last months.
"Nickle, stop with the chicks. We're not here for f..." he couldn't continue, because Royce had stepped aside, to give him a clear look at the "chick" he had talked to. I gave him a light smile and he pushed past everyone, till he stopped in front off me.
"Hey Marshall..." I whispered and without one word from him, he cupped my face with both of his hands and kissed me. That moment the world stopped turning!!!
After the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear.
"I can't believe you're really here..." his voice trailed off and he kissed my neck, while I had my arms around his back and rubbed it softly. "Please, tell me you are here for me?!" He pushed me a bit off him so he could look into my eyes, but still kept his hands on my waist. I smiled and nodded.
"I am here for you, Marshall...." I took my right hand off his back and layed it on his cheek, "and I want you back!" In the blink of an eye he had pulled me to his body and kissed me again.
"Yo, I thought you said, we should stop with the chicks, man?!"

Hey.... that's Sean dude!!!!

Sean yelled from behind Marshall, who now stopped kissing me and turned to him.
"First, she's not a chick! She's my lady!" He stated and I smiled to myself while he relocated me in his arms, so I was now secured in a hug at his side. "And second I'm allowed to, because, well.... I'm Eminem!" He told him cockily and I had to hold myself back from bursting into laughing. "And if you now excuse us, I have to talk to the beautiful lady!" His hand left from around my waist, took my hand and intertwined our fingers, walking with me into another room.

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