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I arrived at the park and turned off the engine of my car. Honestly I was shaking like hell. Normally I wasn't someone who would get scared easily and I knew that a lot of cops were here, but still I didn't know what awaited me.
I leaned over the center console to the backseat and grabbed the flashlight, so I could find the marked trash can in the dark. And damn, it was really dark tonight. After a few deep breaths, I stepped out and walked to the trunk. I pulled out the 2 bags and God the hell damn, that shit was heavy! I threw them over each of my shoulders, closed the trunk and locked my car.
Walking inside the park, I looked at every person I saw sitting or walking around and asked myself, if it would be a cop or the blackmailer.

God, how I wished Marshall was with me now!

I had to walk for 20 minutes and then I'd found the trash can. I did exactly as the cops told me, walk over, put the bags down, look if you find a envelope with the original pics, walk away.
I looked around the trash can and kneeled down to search on the ground for the damn pics, when I heard a voice behind me and something was pressed against my back.
"Get up. Slowly!" I recognized the voice immediately, but didn't want to believe it. It was the youngest of Paulina's lawyers.


"Listen, you got what you want, just give me the pics and we'll go our separate ways." I spoke very calmly, knowing by now that a gun was pointed at my back.
Suddenly a lot of commotion were around us and the bastard pulled me to him, wrapped his one arm around my neck and pressed the other, holding the gun, against my temple.
"Drop the weapon!"
"Let her go!" Cops were screaming at him and running towards us and stopped around 10 feet away, their guns pointed at us.


"Why are you doing this to us? Why did you want me to come here?" I asked the questions I wanted to know and he laughed evilly in my ear.
"You were the one who destroyed her beautiful face and if I hurt you, I'll hurt your Rapperboy too." The cops were now trying to calm him down, to let me go, but he only tightened his arm around my neck.
"You love her, right?" I asked him when I had realized why he did all this.
"She's my girlfriend since years. Everything that happened to your precious man was our plan. But we hadn't thought you would get involved and that he would go to the cops!"
"Listen, what you're doing for her now. Is the exact same I did for Marshall. I understand why you're doing this, you want to get revenge for what I did to her. But so did I!" I tried to persuade him and that's when I heard Marshall.
"Tina...." he yelled, standing behind 2 cops. I smiled shortly, to show him that I was okay. "Listen man" he now talked to the piece of shit behind me. "Just let her go, please!"
"Forget it, that bitch of yours will go down!" The bastard yelled back at him. But I was only looking at the detective in front of me. He motioned something with his index finger, pointing down to the ground.

What the actual fuck does he want from me?

It took me a moment and then it clicked.

He wants me to go down!!!!!!!!!!!!

I waved lightly with my hand, so he would look at it. I knew that the bastard couldn't see it and I started counting down with my fingers.
and ducked down!
Before I touched down on the ground, I heard a shot and the cops ran over, pulling me up and away from the scene. I turned my head and looked back at the now dead fucker laying on the floor.
"Let me pass!" Marshall screamed at the cops and I raised my head the second he pulled me to his body and held me as tight as he could.
"I'm here, beautiful! I'm here! Everything will be alright!" He whispered and kissed me head repeatedly. I wrapped my arms around his torso and inhaled deeply

I love his cologne......

"Ms. Keller? Are you hurt?" I heard the older detective and I lifted my head off my fiancées shoulder.
"No, I'm good. Thank you!" I answered him. "But I really would like to go home now."
"Sure, Miss. I will call you the next days so you can give us a final statement of the events. Have a good night!" Marshall thanked him, while I only nodded, and then he guided me away to his car. He didn't speak one word. Only held me secured to his body. We got in the backseat of the car and I was surprised to see, that Dave had driven him here. But I was glad, because now I could hold him until we were at home. I actually thought I would have been more shocked from what had happened, but the only thing I wanted was to take a shower.
Stepping into our home I looked at my still quiet fiancée.
"Marshall, you good?" He exhaled loudly and squeezed his eyes shut.
"I thought he would kill you!" He whispered and opened his eyes, which were now outlined with water. "I thought I had to watch you die in front of me!" He shook his head and a tear dropped.
"Marshall I'm here. Alive and well!" I said and kissed him softly. "I won't go anywhere!" He took a few deep breaths and kissed me passionately. "Let's take a shower, babe?!" I suggested and he pulled me on my hand into our bathroom. After he had helped me out off all my clothes, which he btw. enjoyed a lot and had undressed himself too, we stepped into the shower. He turned on the water, while I only scanned his perfect body up and down.
"You like what you see?" He asked and pulled me by my ass towards him, while my hands slide from his chest, over his abs, down to his cock.
"I don't like it..." I kissed him deeply and then wandered with my lips to his ear, "I love it!"
His hands grabbed my ass tightly and I started to kiss down his neck to his collarbone and got lower to his chest, abs, till I kneeled in front off my desired destination. His dick!
My nails scratched lightly over his stomach, while he leaned his back at the wall behind him and I let my tongue slid over the length of his already hard dick in my hand.
"Damn.... baby!" He moaned out and his hands went into my hairs, to hold my head into place. I licked once over his tip, before I took him into my mouth and started sucking, bopping my head up and down. He moaned loudly and hell that turned me on. His grip in my hair tightened from minute to minute and I could feel he was close. So I did what I knew would throw him over the edge. I took his dick deep down my throat.
"Oooohhhh...... Fuuuuuuuuck!" He yelled and came into my mouth. I swallowed, got up and smirked at him, turning around to walk out of the shower. But he grabbed me from behind and pulled me against him. One hand on my boob the other slide down, massaging my clit immediately when she had arrived there.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a seductive tone and bit in my earlobe lightly. My head rolled back on his shoulder from his touch and my breathing got heavier.
Without waiting for an answer

He knows I am not able to answer him anymore.....

He pushed my front against the wall and spread my legs, before he pulled my hips backwards to him. One hand was now grabbing my ass, while he pushed two fingers of his other hand into my pussy.
"Ooooohhhh fuck..... Marshall...." I yelled out once and he pumped his fingers in and out off me.
"Tell me what you want from me baby...." he ordered me, while I moaned like crazy.
"You....." I told him breathing heavily, "I want you to fuck me!" I hadn't finished my sentence fully when his fingers slipped out and were replaced by his dick pushing hard into me.
"Gooooood you feel so good, baby!" He said and grabbed my hips, speeding up and fucking me roughly. It didn't take me long till I felt my orgasm building up and I moaned louder.
"Cum for me baby!" He ordered and hell I did. Moaning his name in pure ecstasy.
"Fuck.... Tina...... oh damn!" I heard him cursing behind me, while he came too. He pulled out and leaned his head on my back head kissing my neck once.
"Let's get out off here! I need more!"

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