A KID?!?!?!

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Don't faint!!! Don't faint!!!
Was all I could think of when he reached out his hand.
But I managed to keep my cool, smile and take his hand to shake it. Puuuuuuuhhhhhh.....

I don't know what it was, but the second I shook his hand, I felt something, I thought I would never feel again. But before I could figure out what it was exactly, it was over. Liz started talking beside me again, but was interrupted by Josh, a cute little 5 year old, who I'd met earlier.
He came running towards us with his arms wide open screaming "Marshall, Marshall".

Marshall had already bent down to catch him and give him a hug. I couldn't do anything else but admire the sight. It was just to fucking cute!
Josh wiggled himself out off the hug and turned to me.
"Tina, do you eat Pizza with us? Pleeeeeeease!!"He asked me with big puppy eyes and before I could say no, Marshall and Denaun chimed in "Yeah, Pleeeeeease?!?!"
I could hardly hold myself back from laughing, so I smiled and said "yes! But Josh you've to show me where we'll eat."

Josh had already grabbed my hand to show me where we had to go, when Liz held him back.
"Josh, today is not Pizza day, we'll eat what the chef cooked for us." And there they were again, the big puppy eyes, only this time they were outlined with water, about to tear up any second. I knew they had rules in here, but let's bent them a bit while I'm here.
"Liz, please let me take care off it and order Pizza for the kids" I said while looking down at the cute little boy on my hand.
"Sweetheart, you've already done so much..." she started, but was cut off by Marshall "then let me do it."

Liz sighed in defeat "alright! Looks like I'm overpowered." I turned around and smiled at Marshall in a thankful way. He smiled a small smile back at me and winked.

Hooooooooooold on a second, did he just wink at me????? Stupid, you're hallucinating!!!!

Liz turned around, telling us she would get the orders from the groups and left me standing with the men and Josh.
Say something, stupid!!!!!
"Josh, how about you show me where we all will eat?!" I smiled down at him and we were heading down the hallway to the cafeteria, followed by the 4 guys.

"So, Tina, tell us a bit about you." Paul started when we entered the room and sat down at a table. Josh had decided to sit on my lap and started playing with my necklace.
"There's not much to tell honestly" I said looking at him.
"You're german, right?!" Denaun now asked.
"Yes, I am."
"What brings you to Detroit?" He asked again.
"Long story short, i won the Lottery and after I gave my family what they wanted, I've decided to give something to the ones that are not as fortunate as I am. So me and my best friend decided to move in together somewhere in the States. And basically a dart decided for Detroit." I explained, but not without a laugh and headshake about the memory.
"A dart??" Paul asked.
"Yeah, a dart. I honestly aimed at Florida, but...." I remembered that cussing in front of a 5 year old wouldn't be too good "I'm pretty bad at aiming."
"How much you won, if you don't mind me asking." Paul went on.
"I don't mind" I answered with a small smile "90 million €uros. But my ex ran off with half of it."
"Wow!!! You must be pi... pretty mad about that." Sam said.
"Not at all. It's still a loooooot of money and I don't want to hold crutches, so I'm ok with the way it is."
Marshall was sittin the whole time, just listening to the conversation and glancing at me from time to time.
"And now you're searching for a house or something?" Paul interrogated on.
"Yes, a house. With a big backyard for my dog and a few dogs more that I want to adopt over here."
That got Josh's interest. He stopped playing with my necklace and looked up at me. "You have a dog?"
I smiled "yes, I do."
"What's his name?" He wanted to know.
"Can I meet him maybe one day? Mommy and Daddy and me had a dog too. But he went to heaven with Mommy and Daddy when the fire happened." He told me.
Damn, poor baby! I thought, swallowing down the lump, that builded immediately.

Before anyone of us could say on more word, Liz entered the room, asking for our order.
I took a quick glance at Marshall who sat right beside me and catched him staring at me.
"Can you take him for a minute?" I asked him nodding at Josh.
"Sure. Why? You leavin'?" He answered.
"Uh, no. I just have to make a phonecall."
"Ok." He took Josh out off my lap."Come here buddy, the beautiful lady has to make a call."

WHAAAAAAAAAT THE FUCK????? He called me BEAUTIFUL??????? Don't blush Tina!!! Don't blush!!! I screamed at myself.

"I'll be back in a minute" I told Josh, got up and said to Marshall "thank you."
I hurried out off the room, dialing Ronnie's number.
"Hey bestie, how's it going?" She answered after the 3rd ring.
"Good, well great actually. Listen, I don't have much time, I'm still at the orphanage. But I just wanted to tell you that I fell in love head over heels."
"Wh...What?" She stuttered and I could almost see the puzzeld look on her face. "Who is he?"
"Well, his name is Josh, brown hair, big brown eyes....... and he's 5 years old." I told her smiling.
"Okay....damn girl. You shocked me! So why you tellin me this?"
"Because, I think you should know, that I've decided to adopt him!"
"Hold up!!! You want to adopt a kid? I mean, that's great, but shouldn't you think about it a little longer? It's a big responsibility bestie!" Any other person I would have attacked verbally right now, but I knew Ronnie just wanted my best.
"I know it is. And you know that after the abortion i never wanted to have kids. But my heart tells me it's the right thing to do. So I'll follow my heart this time."
"If your heart tells you it's right, then do it! I'll have your back bestie! How about I'll book a flight to come over for the weekend, so we can find a house, to give this little boy a home?!"
That's why she's my best friend!
"Thank you so much Ronnie. I'll take care of the flight. I've to talk to Liz now, she takes care of the kids. I'll call you later. Thank you again. Love ya."
"Love you too!" And with that we hung up.

I walked down the hallway to search for Liz to talk about adopting Josh.

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