Funeral (pt.3)

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~ Rita's POV ~

Today was the funeral of my grandson.
Yesterday had hardly gone by, the whole day a lot of people was coming over or sent flowers. Marshall was actually doing a little bit better. You could see it in the way he acted around Tina. He didn't leave her side and talked to her over and over again.
And Tina? My oldest child was broken, I could see it. The others only thought she was sad and mourning the death of her son, but that wasn't all. After the abortion she never wanted kids and 2 years later, when her ex had beaten her so badly, she was informed, that it was almost impossible for her to get pregnant. She had suffered enough in her life and when she moved to Detroit and adopted Josh and met Marshall, I had hoped she was finally allowed to be happy. And now her son was dead.

Right now we were getting ready to go to the church and seeing my children being so sad, broke my heart. Klaus and Ramona were sitting in the living room and talked quietly to Kim, Ronnie and the girls. Marshall was also there, he was sitting between his daughters who comforted him. Tina was still upstairs, but 10 minutes later she came into the room. My daughter had never been someone to wear very colorful clothes, but seeing her in all black and pale, scared me.
"I'm ready to go." She said and looked at her watch, while the others all got up and we walked out to the cars.

The service had been as beautiful as it could be under the circumstances and we were on our way to the cemetery. Tina hadn't talked one word nor shed a tear. She was like a ghost. And now she was standing in front of the grave of her son, while they were letting down his coffin. Marshall stood at her side and was rubbing her back softly, crying. She threw down a rose and the second the flower fell on the coffin, she broke down to her knees. Marshall wasn't fast enough to hold her, but Klaus was immediately at her side, picked her up and carried her away. We all said our "goodbye's" to Josh and Kim and the girls took Marshall with them.

"Where is she?" I asked Klaus when I arrived back at their house. He sat in the living room and cryed. While the others had went to a restaurant to eat, I had gone home to take care off my daughter.
"I've Sam called a doctor, he's upstairs with her." Klaus told me crying. "Mama, I'm scared. There's only so much a person can take. I don't know if she will get through this."
"She will." I told him and brushed over his head softly. "We will be there for her and help her. And now I'll go and look at her." I walked upstairs and the doctor just came out off her room. I talked to him and he told me that Tina had a mental breakdown. He had injected her a sleeping medication and she probably would be asleep for the next 12 hours. He also suggested we would find a therapist for her. The doctor left and I opened the door to look for her. She was laying in bed, thankfully; I think Klaus had helped her; in sweatpants and one of Marshall's shirts. She looked so peacefully, like all that had never happened to her. I decided to leave her here for now. But I would talk to Marshall, if he was able to take care when she would wake up or if he should carry her in my bed.

2 hours later, they arrived at the house. Needless to say Marshall was beyond concerned, hearing about Tina's condition. He declined my offer to bring her into my bed, telling me that she was his wife to be and it was on him, to make sure she was okay. He went upstairs and wasn't seen for the rest of the day.

I had talked to Ronnie and Kim and they had told me about the problem with Robyn. To be honest, if I would have known all about it, I not only wouldn't had let her in, I probably would have slapped her myself. No one on this planet is allowed to cause one off my kids pain. And this bitch had done exactly that. I also asked about Skylar, but they assured me that she was like a sister to Marshall, so I let it go. We all went to bed early after this horrible day.

The next days were occupied with mourning and taking care off Tina. While everyone of us had tried to talk to her, the only one who was capable of getting her to listen to him, was Klaus. I felt sorry for Marshall, because I could see that it was hard for him. Not only wasn't she hardly talking to him, she was now also sleeping in Klaus' bed. But that is how their bond was. They had always taken care off each other in a way no one, not even me sometimes, understood.

2 weeks had now gone by since the funeral. Ramona had gone home to Germany, she had a son to take care off and we thought it wouldn't be good if we would bring Colin over here. Tina probably couldn't take it, to see a kid right now.  I was walking into the kitchen to make breakfast, when I saw my oldest daughter standing there and was already doing breakfast. To say I was surprised was an understatement.
"Morning" I said quietly, to not scare her and she turned around, a small smile on her face.
"Morning Mama" she said and pointed to the coffeemaker. "Coffee?" I smiled back at her and nodded, while she gave me a cup of coffee.
"Tina, how are you?" I asked her and rubbed softly over her back and she took a deep breath.
"I'm okay. I can't hide forever, I have a fiancé that needs me and also the girls. I have to get back on track."
"That's what I wanted to hear." Klaus said when he walked into the kitchen and I hugged my son tightly, whispering "thank you" in his ear. I knew it was his merit, that she was doing better. While Klaus hugged his sister and said good morning, Marshall walked into the room and stopped when he saw Tina.
"Morning Marshall" I said so the other two knew that he was here. Tina smiled a little at him and in seconds he was standing in front off her and pulled her in a tight hug.
"Good Morning, beautiful" he told her and kissed her cheek, still holding her close. You could see that he had missed her, but the way Tina was clinging to him, she felt the same.
"I thought about something..." Tina started, when Marshall had released her, but only to pull her in a side hug. "What would y'all think if we would celebrate Christmas and New year together somewhere? I mean, Ramona, your wife" she pointed at Klaus, "all my nieces and my nephew, Thomas, Ronnie, Kim and the girls. I would love to have you all around me and I would like to invite y'all somewhere. Maybe Aspen or so?!" I smiled and nodded, Klaus did the same. Marshall's face was indescribable, he smiled with watery eyes at her and kissed her temple.
"Beautiful, whatever you want you gonna get it!" He stated and she smiled back at him.
"Good. Then let us call everyone and find a place!"

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