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Marshall really kept his promise and brought me home, 2 hours after I begged him to do so. I couldn't stay in the hospital where my son had died. It was much to painful to be in there. My husband had been constantly on the phone, since he had brought me home. First he hired a housekeeper, so I wouldn't have to do anything at home. Then he called our lawyers, to make sure that they would take care off the douchbag that had pushed me. I've never seen him so angry, while he was screaming like psycho into the phone. It was kinda scary...

Would you've acted differently, if someone had hurt him?!?!?! Hell NO!!!!

Then he called Paul, that he would keep the press off of us and at least he hired a nurse, to take care off me.

Really??????? A fuckin' nurse???????

He had finished his phone calls and was now nervously pacing up and down the living room, grabbing his head repeatedly.
"Marshall, sit with me a bit,please?!" I said softly and he stopped his pacing and looked at me for a second, before he sat down beside me.
"You should lay down, beautiful. Rest." He said and brushed a few hairs out off my face.
I had sat up, to make space for him. Honestly he was right. My head felt like it would explode any minute and my rips were hurting like hell. I had refused to take painkillers and even though the doctor had assured me that I could take the one he had prescribted me, although I was pregnant, I wouldn't. I didn't want to take any risks.
I wrapped my hands around his arm and put my head on his shoulder. Right now I didn't care about me. I could see, that he was about to totally freak out, so I had to take care of him.
"I know." I answered him honestly. "But I really can't rest if you're that nervous, babe." He took a deep breath and leaned back into the cushions.
"What do you expect, Tina?" He asked me quietly and I raised my head to look at him. "When I got that phone call and the doc told me that you had an accident and was rushed to the hospital...." his voice trailed off and he rubbed over his face. "Every horror scenario ran through my head. You could have been seriously hurt, or the little one" he said and turned lightly to lay his hand on my stomach, "or........" he had to take a deep breath again and I could see his eyes tearing up. "Or, you could have died!" He whispered, while the first tear rolled over his cheek. I sat up straight instantly, ignored the feel to faint from my sudden movements and the burning pain in my rips and crawled on his lap, straddling him.
"Marshall, I am still here. I'm good" I took his hand and put it back on my stomach, "we're good!" I stated and kissed him, before I brushed the tears off his cheeks. "I won't leave you! I love you too much and the Lord knows that!" I ended and he put his hand on my neck and pulled my face to his and kissed me softly. He broke the kiss and I leaned my forehead against his.
"I can't be without you, Tina!" He whispered and wouldn't it be so heartbreaking to see him so desperately, I would have smiled.
"I can't be without you either!" I told him and kissed him once more.
We heard the doorbell ringing and Marshall placed me carefully beside him, kissed my head and got up to open the door. Seconds later, Kim stormed into the room.
"Oh God, Tina!" Kim said and rushed to my side and before she could pull me into a hug, my husband pulled her back by her shoulder.
"No hugging now, she's really hurt!" He told her seriously and while I only shook my head lightly, Kim nodded.
"Okay." She agreed, which really surprised me. "How are you? What happened?" She asked me and I started to explain. Marshall had gotten up, to get us something to drink, meanwhile the doorbell was ringing again. Kim and I actually didn't really pay attention, we both knew Marshall would open up. But the second we heard my husband yelling and glass being shattered, Kim jumped up and ran out in the foyer, while I had to stand up carefully to not fall down.

Get yourself together. Fuck the pain! I have to go out there fast....

"Marshall!" Kim yelled out loud. "Stop that!" By now I had reached the foyer and saw my husband sitting on Jeremy, who was laying on the ground bleeding and Marshall punching him repeatedly in his face.


"Kim get him off him!" I yelled at her, but all her trying wouldn't work.

I can't rip him off with my arm..... but my legs are fine!

I walked as fast as I could in my state, in front off Marshall and when I saw the opportunity, kicked him by his chest off of Jeremy. He landed a few inches away from my bodyguard and looked at me confused.
"Kim, take care off Jeremy." I ordered her and she helped Jeremy on his feet and guided him into the kitchen.
My husband was now sitting, his knees pulled up to his chest and his head in his hands on the ground. I kneeled down beside him and kissed his head, while I rubbed his back softly.
"It was his fault." He mumbled. "He should've taken care of you."
"Jeremy, didn't push me nor did he didn't try to look out for me." I told him calmly. "It wasn't his fault and what you did to him wasn't right, Marshall!" To that he raised his head and glared at me.

Oh, oh......... not good!!!!!!

"Don't you try to defend him, Tina. You and our baby could've been dead by now. It is his fault!" He scolded me loudly and I had to do everything to not yell back at him.
"Marshall, you're angry and can't think logically right now." I told him softly in an attempt to calm him. I didn't help.
"I ain't angry!" He yelled again and his face turned red. "I am furi......" he couldn't go further, because I had pulled his face with my hands to mine and pressed my lips on his. For a second he was reluctant, but gave in fastly and kissed me back.
"If I wouldn't be injured, I so would want you to fuck me now!" I whispered when we had broke the kiss and like I had intended, that made him smile. "Help me get up, please." I said and he jumped to his feet and helped me up.
"Misses Mathers?" Jeremy asked when he walked beside Kim towards us and I grabbed my husbands hand and held it tightly.
"Yes Jeremy?"
"I'm deeply sorry what had happened to you." He told me and I nodded, while Marshall beside me huffed out angrily.
"It's all good, Jeremy. If you wouldn't have been there, I don't want to think, what could've happened then." I told him honestly and he nodded. "And now, please go to a doctor to let him look over your injuries." I ordered him with a kind voice. And he walked towards the door. "And Jeremy..." he turned around and looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "I would ask you to not say that it was my husband who did this?!" I asked him and he nodded again.
"I won't Misses Mathers, don't worry!" I smiled at him and nodded.
"Thank you Jeremy and please call when you're ready to come back to work again..."
At that Marshall opened his mouth beside me and started "hell n....." but I shot him a glare and squeezed his hand tightly.
"And get well soon!" I continued my talk with my bodyguard who nodded once again a d walked out the door. Kim closed it behind him and turned to Marshall, a pissed expression on her face.
"Are you out off your damn mind?" She asked him aggravated and Marshall tensed up beside me.
"Nah, but you are! The fucker could've been more careful! It's...." he yelled at her and I stepped in.
"Enough!" I yelled and they both shutted up immediately. "Are you hurt?" I turned to Marshall who shook his head and I took a deep breath, because of the stinging pain in my head. "Kim, could you please clean up here a bit? I would do it...." I stopped and took another deep breath.

Deep breaths Tina! You don't want to faint now!!!!

Meanwhile Marshall had wrapped his arms around me, to keep me on my feet. He could see that I wasn't doing well!
"Marshall get her on the couch! She's about to break down. She needs to rest!" Kim ordered him and in seconds he had lifted me into his arms and carried me to the couch, where he placed me down carefully and covered my body with a blanket.
"I'm sorry, beautiful." He whispered and bent down to kiss my cheek. "I'll help Kim and let you sleep a bit!" Before he stood fully up again, I grabbed his shirt and looked up at him.
"No more fighting, okay?" I asked him and he nodded.
"I promise! Now rest a little bit. I love you Tina!" He bent down again and kissed my head.
"I love you too!" I answered and he walked out off the room, while I fell asleep.

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