Lollapalooza (pt.1)

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Our vacation was simply.....SEX......
Marshall had really kept his promise to fuck me, whenever and wherever he could. I actually didn't know how he could feel the need to fuck me all the time. But I definitely won't complain about it. The week had gone by to fast and very soon the daily life had us back. Marshall was buried in work for the upcoming festivals and I spent my days with Blacky, Kim, Veronica and the weekends with the girls. The planning for our wedding was almost finished also. William was doing a fabulous job. We had rented a beautiful hotel, where the ceremony and the venue would take place. Everything would be white and the invitations were also sent out.
Marshall was the loving fiancée that he always had been and since the last breakup and the death of Josh, he cared even more about me. The sweetest thing he was doing, was sending me flowers every Friday. Even though our son was gone, Marshall had somehow managed to make me smile again.

Today was 9th of March and we had just sat down in the private jet. Marc (Marshall's tourmanager) and Paul were sitting on a table with Marshall and looked through plans and other papers for the tour. While Royce and Denaun had decided to keep me company on the couches.
"You ever been to Brazil or South America in general?" Royce asked me and I shook my head.
"Not yet. But I hope to see a bit of the cities y'all perform at, during the day."
"Sorry to crush your hopes, lady." Denaun started now, "but you're not just a normal woman who can walk around freely. You" he pointed at me, "are Eminem's lady! And let's be honest, even if you could go out without being harassed, Em wouldn't let you go out without an army of bodyguards." I smiled, knowing he was right.
"Answer me somethin'" Royce looked at me and I turned my attention to him, waiting for his question. "Doesn't it step on your nerves, that he's so overprotective? I mean, come on, the man won't let you go nowhere without him." I thought about what he had asked for a second and answered him honestly.
"It's not that he is locking me up, Royce. At home I can go out whenever I want with Kim or Ronnie..." he butted right in.
"But only with 2 bodyguards around you." I nodded and continued.
"Right, I have 2 bodyguards with me. But you shouldn't forget, that I'm pretty rich myself, I'd be a great target to kidnap. And not only because I'm "Eminem's", I put his name in quotation marks, "fiancé. Marshall is only protecting me and as long as he has his peace with, taking me with him, wanting bodyguards around me or whatever, I am more than okay with it!" I told him seriously and leaned back.

Good answer....... be proud of yourself!

"I would be pissed after some time. I mean, really? He's watching over you like a hawk and if he's not watching, he's leaving you..." Royce said and I raised my eyebrow at his statement.
"What the fuck is wrong wit you, man?" Denaun asked him now, lightly confused. "Someone pissed in your cereals this morning? Why you sayin' shit like that to her?" I looked from on to the other, like you would do in a tennis match.
"Ain't it the truth?" Royce asked back and I jumped in, before Denaun could answer. I knew he would defend his friend and that could end up messy.
"Listen Royce, I actually don't know why this concerns you, but I'll give you an answer. No matter what Marshall is doing I will never complain about it. He's doing everything in his power to keep me safe, because if I'm safe, he'll be okay. So I would ask you nicely, to not question the actions of the man that I love. I know you are his friend and all, but that still doesn't give you the right to stick your nose in my relationship and definitely not the right to say shit like you've said earlier!" Royce had raised both of his eyebrows and looked lightly shocked. But to be honest, I didn't know why.

Did he really think he could say shit like that and won't get an answer?!

He was about to open his mouth again, but Denaun stepped in before he could say another word.
"Nickle, stop that shit. You know what'll happen if you talk on. Em will come over and flip the shit, 'cause you talkin' shit to her. I don't wanna get into a discussion because you're unfucked right now!" I bursted out laughing. I just couldn't hold back.
"Really Royce? That's the problem?" I asked still laughing and he failed horribly in keeping a pissed face.
"Lady, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. But maaaaaaaan," he sighed deeply, "I really have to nail a chick!"

Am I looking like a therapist? Why is he telling me this???? HELP!!!!!

"Good to know man, but why ya tellin that my lady?" Marshall had walked over and heard the last part of Royce's 'confession'.
"Man I thought she could help, I mean she's a woman, right?" Royce said and looked at my fiancée, whose jaw had dropped to the floor. Meanwhile Denaun had bursted out laughing like me.
"Royce that was the worst choice of words you could pick right now!" I laughed and by now he had realized what he had said and facepalmed himself.
"Fuck! No! Look Em I meant, maybe she could give me some kind of advice how to clear up my problem!" He said, while pointing with both hands to his crotch.

He's making it even worse......

Marshall was more and more confused, while Denaun had now fallen off the couch and held his stomach, laughing loudly. I had tears in my eyes from laughing by now and grabbed Marshall's hands to pull him beside me on the couch.
"Oooooookaaaaayyyyyy....." I started after a few minutes, when I had calmed down a bit. "You want an advice what you should do to get to know a good woman, right?"
"Yup!" Royce answered lightly embarrassed and I shrugged my shoulders.


"What do you think about Veronica?" I asked and we all started a loooong discussion about my best friend.

We had landed in Sao Paulo , Brazil and were brought immediately to the hotel. I could see that Marshall was concerned when he saw the fans in front of the hotel, but Mitch and Jeremy did a great job in getting me safely inside, so I knew my fiancée was okay.
"I'm sorry for putting you through all this" he started and hugged me from behind, kissing my neck once. "I know you don't like to be pushed around and photographed and shit." I turned around and kissed him once.
"Marshall, it doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's a part of your life and I love you! So I won't complain about it, when you want me by your side, if you are on tour, okay?" He smiled at me and kissed me, while his hands wandered down my back to my ass.
"Okay, then how about we'll do something we both really like and then we're going to the soundcheck?" He kissed me again and unbuttoned my jeans, walking me backwards into the bedroom.

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